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Did you recieve financial help?

Forum Opinion Poll
Parents helped with closing costs 2 6.25%
Parents helped with downpayment 6 18.75%
No help at all and it was hard 23 71.88%
Money was in trust for this reason 1 3.13%
There are governmental options that helped us 0 0.00%

Home buying question. Did you have help?

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I need a nap!

Member since 5/05

22140 total posts


Home buying question. Did you have help?

For those of you who bought your homes, be it house, condo, whatever, did you have help from anyone, regarding closing costs or down payment or furniture?

Posted 7/17/05 2:45 PM

big brother <3

Member since 5/05

14672 total posts


Re: Home buying question. Did you have help?

No help. It wasn't too hard, but we bought a condo. Put 20% down, bought a point and a half, and about $10,000 in closing costs. I wouldn't have taken money from our parents. I suppose if they were loaded I would have, but I believe that at this age (mid/late 20s), we should be supporting ourselves and not asking for handouts. I'm just like that though--I would not take help or handouts. I know DH would. Chat Icon

Posted 7/17/05 2:51 PM

Peace out Homies!

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Gerty ®

Re: Home buying question. Did you have help?

I wasn't sure where to add it in the poll, but DH's parents gave us a "gift" when they found out we were going to contract on a house. They just gave us a check and said to use it towards the house....BTW, it won't cover all the closing costs but it will be a huge help!

Posted 7/17/05 2:55 PM


Member since 5/05

16438 total posts


Re: Home buying question. Did you have help?

We were very lucky... we had the money to purchase our house and cover the closing costs and downpayment, but DH's mother wired us enough money to cover most of the downpayment. We used the rest of the money for renovations...

Posted 7/17/05 3:00 PM

i run for bacon

Member since 5/05

20584 total posts


Re: Home buying question. Did you have help?

No help for the house or the wedding either. It was hard, but not that hard, because we saved every penny for over 2 years. After those years of saving we had a nice chunk of money in the bank. We used our wedding gifts for renovations.
I guess you can say our parents did help alittle, because we lived at home while we saved. We didn't mooch off of them, we paid our own bills and stuff (and my brothers billsChat Icon), but definitely cheaper than renting from a stranger or in a complex.

Posted 7/17/05 3:28 PM


Member since 5/05

23599 total posts


Re: Home buying question. Did you have help?

No help from our parents. My father found this co-op where we're living. We put down the money and paid for renovations ourselves. We did have to live in his mother's house for 3 months while we closed on the co-op though...Chat Icon

Posted 7/17/05 4:17 PM

Mommy to 3 Boys :)

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Jen - counting my blessings...

Re: Home buying question. Did you have help?

My grandmother, my FIL and my MIL each helped us. I am SUPER grateful! Chat Icon

Furniture and everything else, we bought. A lot was new and then we also got a few odds and ends such as night tables from yard sales.

Message edited 7/17/2005 5:22:14 PM.

Posted 7/17/05 5:21 PM

You Live, You Learn

Member since 5/05

31871 total posts


Re: Home buying question. Did you have help?

We did get help with the closing costs of our condo. We put over 20% down and gutted our bath.
My parent but we paid them back that following year

Posted 7/17/05 5:35 PM


Member since 5/05

34581 total posts


Re: Home buying question. Did you have help?

We are getting a house with my Mom and she is giving us 50% of our down payment which we hope to be between $30,000-$60,000.
We will pay closing costs.

Posted 7/17/05 5:49 PM

Dad of Twins

Member since 5/05

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The 80's Man
Let's Go Mets!

Re: Home buying question. Did you have help?

We did it all on our own.

Posted 7/17/05 9:24 PM

We like hanging together!

Member since 5/05

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Mommy to twins

Re: Home buying question. Did you have help?

As far as the downpayment we paid for that ourselves. My inlaws as a house warming present paid to have the co-op decorated. We got new carpets, and re-painted all the rooms.

Posted 7/17/05 9:44 PM

LIF Infant

Member since 5/05

365 total posts


Re: Home buying question. Did you have help?

inlaws helped with downpayment...

Posted 7/18/05 1:22 AM

Check out my cool glasses

Member since 5/05

8135 total posts


Re: Home buying question. Did you have help?

No help....I bought a condo before I met DH. I paid for the DP (5%) plus all the closing costs. I bought new furniture for each room, and decorated it. My parents bought me a clock Chat Icon Chat Icon

When we sold the condo and bought a house...we used the profit from the condo for the DP and this time my parents bought me a washing machine Chat Icon

Posted 7/18/05 9:30 AM

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