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How Often Do You Clean Your Oven?

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Member since 11/05

9202 total posts


How Often Do You Clean Your Oven?

I don't mean the top or the grates; I mean the inside. The oven in our place is probably 6 years old...the bachelor who lived there prior hardly cleaned it. I have the self-cleaning (I'm sure we all do) but I probably only used it (the self cleaning, I mean) twice in the 2 years we've been...first when we moved in and then this year. Mind you, I don't bake or broil often...generally I use the stove top. Maybe I'll do it this takes awhile and the whole kitchen gets this icky smell.

Message edited 8/16/2006 5:21:01 PM.

Posted 8/16/06 5:18 PM
Long Island Weddings
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Member since 5/05

6079 total posts


Re: How Often Do You Clean Your Oven?

We use our oven alot and I probably should clean it more than I do.... maybe 4x a year (?) at most.

However, I do not have a self cleaning oven Chat Icon
It was here when we bought the house and although brand new and never used I wish they left the old one instead so I could justify buying a new oven! Chat Icon

Posted 8/16/06 5:43 PM

I miss you grandma

Member since 8/05

1437 total posts


Re: How Often Do You Clean Your Oven?

Our oven is still new, but could use a cleaning by now. We have the self cleaning feature, but I takes so 4-6 hours. Does it really work though or will I have to get in there and scrub? I wonder Chat Icon

Message edited 8/16/2006 5:56:08 PM.

Posted 8/16/06 5:55 PM


Member since 5/05

13736 total posts


Re: How Often Do You Clean Your Oven?

Posted by Baboots

Our oven is still new, but could use a cleaning by now. We have the self cleaning feature, but I takes so 4-6 hours. Does it really work though or will I have to get in there and scrub? I wonder Chat Icon

I find it doesn't work all that great ... hence I haven't let self clean run in quite some time!! Chat Icon

Posted 8/16/06 6:08 PM

To a healthy 2013

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To a brand new year to a healthier me

Re: How Often Do You Clean Your Oven?

i have not used the inside of our stove yet its summer BBQ's!! I guess when i do use it i will be cleaning it once a week.

Posted 8/16/06 6:23 PM

Daylight savings :)

Member since 5/05

13973 total posts


Re: How Often Do You Clean Your Oven?

You mean I am supposed to clean it?

I kid, I kid....

I don't use the oven that often, so I guess once I see enough gunk in there that needs to be cleaned out, I clean it. It is not that often and I don't have a self cleaning oven. My kitchen is really old.

Posted 8/16/06 6:30 PM

just the girls

Member since 5/05

9461 total posts


Re: How Often Do You Clean Your Oven?

the inside ummmmmmm maybe twice a year Chat Icon I hate that smell of the spray and ours is not self cleaning. we need a new one!

Posted 8/16/06 6:31 PM

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