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Anyone who has filed disability..I need help.

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I luv My Daughter

Member since 9/05

1192 total posts


Anyone who has filed disability..I need help.

I am so confused and so over whelmed. My companay has given me 6 weeks off paid. They said I can file disability after that and gave me forms to fill out. they said I am not to do it through them but through the insurance comapny. My question is what insurance company? Is it the insurance comapny listed on the form? What date do I put as becoming diasabled on? Do i put the day my maternity leave runs out? I am so clueless I just want to cry because they are not helping me at all. when do I mail the paper work if my maternity leave ends June 19th?

Message edited 3/1/2006 8:54:32 AM.

Posted 3/1/06 8:53 AM
Long Island Weddings
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LIF Adult

Member since 8/05

1480 total posts


Re: Anyone who has filed disability..I need help.

You don't have an HR person who can go over the form with you? and how can they expect you to submit the forms now without having a dr. sign off on it? I remember on my forms, my dr. had to fill out a portion of it. The company I assume would be the one on the form. Do you have an employee handbook?

Posted 3/1/06 8:56 AM


Member since 8/05

3116 total posts


Re: Anyone who has filed disability..I need help.

Your HR people should be helping you. Usually the only thing you do is fill out the forms, have your doctor fill them out and return them to the HR people who take care of it.

Posted 3/1/06 8:57 AM

Proud SAHM

Member since 5/05

1955 total posts


Re: Anyone who has filed disability..I need help.

That is what I did.. Filled out the form, gave it to my obgyn to fill out and then submit it back to HR.

Posted 3/1/06 8:59 AM

I luv My Daughter

Member since 9/05

1192 total posts


Re: Anyone who has filed disability..I need help.

They said to do it through the insurance company myself..they just do not want to be bothered it seems. I have a form that says the health care provider should fill out is that my ob/gyn? I am filing after my leave runs out so my baby will be about 6 weeks or so.

Posted 3/1/06 9:00 AM

Proud SAHM

Member since 5/05

1955 total posts


Re: Anyone who has filed disability..I need help.

Yes that would be your Obgyn,..are they going to put down a medically sound reason why you cant return to work?
I would call the insurance company and just make sure that HR doesnt need to fill out anything.. if they dont ask can you just send it in to them...

Posted 3/1/06 9:03 AM

Grace is growing up too fast!

Member since 10/05

11561 total posts


Re: Anyone who has filed disability..I need help.

I have a question about this...
What if you work for yourself? And there is no HR dept to help you? How do you find the form to fill out? How do you submit it?

Posted 3/1/06 9:06 AM

I luv My Daughter

Member since 9/05

1192 total posts


Re: Anyone who has filed disability..I need help.

See this is why I am SO confused they do not tell me anything. What do I put as my reason? When does y docotor fill it out can she fill it out before i have the baby? there is a secton for my employer to fill out do they fill it out before also? I think they are doing this so i just say screw it. I have been here 13 years you would think they would be a bit more helpful.

Posted 3/1/06 9:07 AM

Proud SAHM

Member since 5/05

1955 total posts


Re: Anyone who has filed disability..I need help.

Thats the only thing with disability is that alot of doctors are not going to feel comfortable lying about a condition that doesnt exist.
I would call my doctor and ask when the time comes will he do this for you.

Posted 3/1/06 9:10 AM

LIF Adult

Member since 8/05

1480 total posts


Re: Anyone who has filed disability..I need help.

Your doctor (OB/GYN) has to fill out your form once you have given birth. (your dis. coverage will differ depending on whether you have a vaginal of c-s birth.) I would have your doctor fill out that form right when you give birth so that you can submit it ASAP. Who knows how long it would take to process. I would fill out nothing and then once your OB/GYN fills it out, then fill out whatever else needs to be filled out.

Don't get stressed out!

Posted 3/1/06 9:12 AM

Proud SAHM

Member since 5/05

1955 total posts


Re: Anyone who has filed disability..I need help.

I would even bring the papers with me to the hospital so that when they checked on me day after baby was due they could fill it out...

Posted 3/1/06 9:15 AM

I luv My Daughter

Member since 9/05

1192 total posts


Re: Anyone who has filed disability..I need help.

Ok thank you. The thing is should I put sown the date as being disabled ast eh day I give birth. I am being payed for 6 weeks so I do not want that to be a reason they reject me.

Posted 3/1/06 9:16 AM

LIF Adult

Member since 8/05

1480 total posts


Re: Anyone who has filed disability..I need help.

Posted by CJC25

Ok thank you. The thing is should I put sown the date as being disabled ast eh day I give birth. I am being payed for 6 weeks so I do not want that to be a reason they reject me.

I'm sorry that your job is giving you such a hard time. Make sure to pack that form with your hospital bag and have your OB/GYN fill it out.

Before you are okay'd to leave the hospital after having the baby, your doctor will need to give you a final check-up in order to "release/discharge" you. That would be a perfect opportunity to have him fill it out.

Posted 3/1/06 9:19 AM

LIF Adult

Member since 8/05

1480 total posts


Re: Anyone who has filed disability..I need help.

Posted by CJC25

Ok thank you. The thing is should I put sown the date as being disabled ast eh day I give birth. I am being payed for 6 weeks so I do not want that to be a reason they reject me.

Yes, that is what the doctor/you will put down.

I know that when I worked, my firm paid for my disability insurance. So therefore, whatever insurance company your job uses, knows that your job will pick up 100% for the first 6 weeks, and then the dis. insurance company will pick up the next 6 weeks. Some jobs will pay the employee outright and then get reimbursed from the dis. ins. company, while others (like yours) will have you deal with the company directly and you will have to wait for the processing of the paperwork and then get paid.

I'm sorry if it sounds confusing. I was so confused too when I was pregnant with my first child and had made mistakes because I was so misinformed and uneducated when it came to this kind of stuff. By the time I had my third, I was like a pro! lol

Posted 3/1/06 9:23 AM

My Girls

Member since 10/05

2427 total posts


Re: Anyone who has filed disability..I need help.

I was put on disability after I had my cerclage put in, i was also put on bedrest and my dr had to sign off every week, then after I gave birth I had 6 weeks home with the baby.. The first thing I had to do is have dr submit paperwork, it takes a while and they are constantly having your dr fill out follow-up forms big pita! good luck and don't stress, just talk to your dr now....Chat Icon

Posted 3/1/06 9:26 AM


Member since 5/05

19403 total posts


Re: Anyone who has filed disability..I need help.

WHen my company gave me the disability form, it had the insurance company's address on it. I filled out most of it, my doctor filled out his part and then I mailed it to the insurance company directly. Good luck!

Posted 3/1/06 10:54 AM

All good things in 2016!!

Member since 8/05

20181 total posts


Re: Anyone who has filed disability..I need help.

Posted by sarahsmommy

WHen my company gave me the disability form, it had the insurance company's address on it. I filled out most of it, my doctor filled out his part and then I mailed it to the insurance company directly. Good luck!

same here I just sent mine in this morning....

Posted 3/1/06 11:10 AM

I luv My Daughter

Member since 9/05

1192 total posts


Re: Anyone who has filed disability..I need help.

How long does it usally take to take effect?

Posted 3/1/06 11:14 AM


Member since 5/05

19403 total posts


Re: Anyone who has filed disability..I need help.

Posted by CJC25

How long does it usally take to take effect?

Once they saw that my doctor said I would be unable to work for 12 weeks, they sent me the 6 weeks worth of money (last year it was $170 per week) in a lump sum check. I forget which insurance company is was.

Posted 3/1/06 11:17 AM

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