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Do I go for a 3rd opinion? (sorry it's long)

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Do I go for a 3rd opinion? (sorry it's long)

I'm hoping some of you wonderful ladies can share your thoughts and guidance with me.

I've now had consultations with 2 drs and both are recommending different courses of actions, DH and I are not sure what to do...

I 34, (will be 35 in Oct) and have one blocked tube and FSH of 14

Dr #1 - tubal cannulation, then one round of Clomid/IUI, 2nd round of Clomid(Higher dose)/IUI, 3rd of Clomid(injectables)/IUI then IVF

Dr #2 - straight to IVF. The reason is because of the quality of my eggs and that I am too young to have a FSH of this level (I may have an auto-immune disease). I am going for cylce 3 bloodwork to check a few more factors when AF shows then we will consult over those results and past ones and come to a decision.
this dr. is not rec'd the tubal cannualtion or IUI for fear of an ectopic pregnancy or that a "bad" egg may drop that month and it won't be a viable pregnancy

My insurance doesn't cover anything so we'd pay for all procedures.

so thanks for reading this far - any thought?

Posted 8/7/05 5:01 PM
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Re: Do I go for a 3rd opinion? (sorry it's long)

I cannot say I have an opinion cause its such a personal choice..I have a question though, have they tested you for Lupus yet? A lot of your symptoms could stem from that?

I think my decision if I were in your shoes, would be what I could afford. You might actually save money going straight to IVF, and If I could afford it, I think that I would because the success rate is so much higher then IUI.

Whatever your decision, I wish you lots and lots of luck!!

Posted 8/7/05 5:05 PM

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Re: Do I go for a 3rd opinion? (sorry it's long)

Posted by Donna

I'm hoping some of you wonderful ladies can share your thoughts and guidance with me.

I've now had consultations with 2 drs and both are recommending different courses of actions, DH and I are not sure what to do...

I 34, (will be 35 in Oct) and have one blocked tube and FSH of 14

Dr #1 - tubal cannulation, then one round of Clomid/IUI, 2nd round of Clomid(Higher dose)/IUI, 3rd of Clomid(injectables)/IUI then IVF

Dr #2 - straight to IVF. The reason is because of the quality of my eggs and that I am too young to have a FSH of this level (I may have an auto-immune disease). I am going for cylce 3 bloodwork to check a few more factors when AF shows then we will consult over those results and past ones and come to a decision.
this dr. is not rec'd the tubal cannualtion or IUI for fear of an ectopic pregnancy or that a "bad" egg may drop that month and it won't be a viable pregnancy

My insurance doesn't cover anything so we'd pay for all procedures.

so thanks for reading this far - any thought?

One question, happen to know what age your mom hit menopause? Reason I ask is because my SIL has a very high FSH level and she is 34...I dont want to scare you but her doctors told her that she is perimenapausal and that since her mom hit it so early she was more than likely to hit it early as well. She was told by two sets of RE's that should should go directly to IVF, which is what she has done.

Posted 8/7/05 5:22 PM

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Re: Do I go for a 3rd opinion? (sorry it's long)

I dont have any opinions on the choices that were given. Who do you feel more comfortable with?? Who has have had the higher success rates? What does your insurance cover? These might be some questions to consider.
Best of luckChat Icon Chat Icon

Posted 8/7/05 5:33 PM

Loving Mommyhood!

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Re: Do I go for a 3rd opinion? (sorry it's long)

I don't know if my story will help you any, but it's somewhat similar. I was told by the first doctor I spoke to that because I had two blocked tubes, I HAD to go straight to IVF bc my chances of having an ectopic was too high. I was told by my second doctor that I had an option to do cannulation first. She did say, however, that she would likely NOT make the same recommendation if I had any other reproductive issues or if I was 35 or older. I am going to do the cannulation, and if it works, I am going to try to conceive naturally for three months. If I don't conceive naturally, I will try IUI for three more months. If I am still not pregnant by that six month marker, I will proceed to IVF or adoption. I also do not have insurance that will cover these procedures. Like others have said, it's a very personal decision. This is just the course of action DH & I have chosen to make. Most would opt to go straight for IVF bc success rates are higher. GL! Chat Icon

ETA: If you haven't already had a lap, I suggest you do so, bc many times HSG results give false readings of a blocked tube when it goes into spasm. It may not even be an issue for you.

Message edited 8/7/2005 5:36:29 PM.

Posted 8/7/05 5:35 PM

1 year already!!

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Re: Do I go for a 3rd opinion? (sorry it's long)

Thank you all for your responses, I will try to answer them as best as I can.

Donna - I haven't been tested for lupus yet, do you know what the symptoms are?

DebG - I think my mom hit menopause in her late 40s, early 50s. I got my period at 13 so I don't know if that matters.

Diane - thanks for your FM, I will respond after this reply. Unfortunately insurance covers absolutely nothing once I'm diagnosed so everything we do is out of pocket... Chat Icon

Susan - I hope your cannulation works for you (we need more graduates from this board)
I haven't had a lap but both drs aren't really pushing for that. Dr #1 just wants the cannulation and Dr #2 is more concerned with my eggs

For me, my concerns are my age and my eggs, and I'm nervous that by doing the procedures of Dr #1, I may wasting time and still not end up pregnant and will eventually have to go to IVF anyway. Plus DH & I would be paying for all of these procedures on top of IVF.
Thanks again for all of your support on this board. I was telling my mom about this board and she said she was so happy that I have a support group like this but that she wishes there didn't have to be a board such as this with so many of us dealing with these issues.
Thanks ladies!!

Posted 8/7/05 6:34 PM

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Re: Do I go for a 3rd opinion? (sorry it's long)

Hi Donna, Im sorry youre faced with this decision and that your insurance wont conver anything (have you looked into supplemental insurance to help cover some costs?).
I have a blocked tube too alone with a few other things and I'm 32. My OBGYN and my RE both agreed that they did not want to do anything with my tubes right now. Although it hasnt been ruled out in the future. But, for now, we are on a medicated cycle and having our 2nd IUI this month. We'll do 2 more medicated cycles (Clomid) and then if that doesnt work discuss other options (other meds). My dr hasnt even broached the subject of IVF becuase she things it is premature.

Personally, I would get a 3rd opinion. The dr you saw who wants to go directly to IVF just seems a little hasty to me. I think I would tend to start with medicated IUIs and see what happened with that. Even if it was only 3 IUI cycles...and then decide what next steps to take. YOu can also ask your doctor to put you on injectables for the IUIs right away.

Like I said, I would either go with the dr who wasnts to do IUI or get a 3rd opinion, IVF just seems so drastic right now.

I wish you much luck and I hope you find a decision that is right for you and DH Chat Icon


Posted 8/7/05 8:25 PM

1 year already!!

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Re: Do I go for a 3rd opinion? (sorry it's long)

Posted by kelleherkm

IVF just seems so drastic right now.

I agree it does seem drastic but for me my issue is my eggs, I have to really worry about quality and quantity, I really don't want to chance doing IUI for 3 cycles
I have come to peace about IVF, DH and I had a long talk this weekend and we are both committed to do whatever it takes and spend whatever we must to have a child...

Thank you all again for all of your support and guidance Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon

Posted 8/8/05 9:23 AM

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Re: Do I go for a 3rd opinion? (sorry it's long)

Posted by Donna

I have come to peace about IVF, DH and I had a long talk this weekend and we are both committed to do whatever it takes and spend whatever we must to have a child...

Thank you all again for all of your support and guidance Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon

OOH Good! I am so glad that you both came to this decision and you are both commited! I wish you all the baby dust in the world!

Posted 8/8/05 9:39 AM

1 year already!!

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Re: Do I go for a 3rd opinion? (sorry it's long)

Posted by DebG

Posted by Donna

I have come to peace about IVF, DH and I had a long talk this weekend and we are both committed to do whatever it takes and spend whatever we must to have a child...

Thank you all again for all of your support and guidance Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon

OOH Good! I am so glad that you both came to this decision and you are both commited! I wish you all the baby dust in the world!

Thanks Deb!

Posted 8/8/05 9:47 AM

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Re: Do I go for a 3rd opinion? (sorry it's long)

Donna, I know I'm a little late here, but I agree with your decision to go straight to IVF. In your situation, I wouldn't waste time.

I still kick myself in the a$$ for the time I wasted with surgeries and IUI's.

Posted 8/8/05 10:12 AM

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Re: Do I go for a 3rd opinion? (sorry it's long)

Posted by LisaW

Donna, I know I'm a little late here, but I agree with your decision to go straight to IVF. In your situation, I wouldn't waste time.

I still kick myself in the a$$ for the time I wasted with surgeries and IUI's.

Thanks Lisa! We have come to realize that this is the best decision for us, due to my eggs and our finances, we are not covered for anything so I'd rather put our money towards IVF, then the other options.

I hope you don't mind but I'll probably have tons of questions as I get closer to a start date

Posted 8/8/05 10:38 AM

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Re: Do I go for a 3rd opinion? (sorry it's long)

I am glad you came to a decision. I would have done the same thing in your situation. I actually wish I could go to IVF, but my insurance doesn't cover it at all and they do cover IUI, so you can guess what we are doingChat Icon

Posted 8/8/05 4:02 PM

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Re: Do I go for a 3rd opinion? (sorry it's long)

Hi Donna,

I just want to say, that I feel you are making the best choice. A friend of mine applied for the grant for IVf and she was accepted. She is only having to pay 3000, as opposed to 13,000 +. If you need information, just forum mail me and I will get it to you, asap. Cornell Weil, accepts the grant.

Another thing you may want to consider in regards to your fsh level, and going for IVF is acupuncture. This place really got my attention, they are located in Manhattan. Berkley Center for Reproductive Wellness. 212-399-3575. Acupuncture/herbs are supposed to be able to lower your fsh levels. I also heard they are wonderful in conjuction with IVF. I read the Infertility Cure by Randine Lewis, and I really started to get interested.

If you want to talk some more, just feel free to forum mail me :) BTW, I already voted for Kaysar !!!! I loved that guy :)

Posted 8/8/05 5:38 PM

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Re: Do I go for a 3rd opinion? (sorry it's long)

I think your making a good decison. If you have to pay for it all, you might as well go with the best odds. And IVF is definately the best odds.

Good luck

Posted 8/8/05 9:33 PM

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