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Spinoff..overwhelmed..what do you definately need for the first couple of months?

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My princess!

Member since 5/05

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Spinoff..overwhelmed..what do you definately need for the first couple of months?

Ok...So I am thinking, since I am due at the very end of August, the baby will be around 3-4 months around christmas time. I am sure people will want to buy him/her gifts and then I can ask for things I need by that time, leaving me having to get the most essential things for the first few months. I know obviously besides bottles and that type of stuff what I need but from your experiences, what should I definately get now (i.e. stroller, bouncer, etc?). If you can list the things that we will definately need in the beginning, I would be so grateful! TIA!

Posted 5/1/06 9:20 PM
Long Island Weddings
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Re: Spinoff..overwhelmed..what do you definately need for the first couple of months?

You definately need:

formula (if planning to bottlefeed, if not a pump)
stroller -- I like the travel system myself with the metrolite stroller
bouncer (emily wouldn't sleep in anything BUT for the first few months)
swing -- even if it's just the small travel swing, you need it

Posted 5/1/06 9:22 PM

Life is good!

Member since 5/05

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Re: Spinoff..overwhelmed..what do you definately need for the first couple of months?

Car seat
stroller (I like the snap and go personally- the travel systems were too heavy)
bouncy seat
feety pj's

Also, some kind of carrier. It saved my life the first few months. Now I use the bjorn but when she was tiny I used the Ultimate baby carrier, it great. Very soft, which I liked for when she was so small.

Message edited 5/1/2006 9:26:59 PM.

Posted 5/1/06 9:25 PM

Becoming a different woman

Member since 5/05

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Re: Spinoff..overwhelmed..what do you definately need for the first couple of months?

a lot of diapers.
a swing
a miracle blanket.

Posted 5/1/06 9:27 PM

LIF Adolescent

Member since 10/05

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Re: Spinoff..overwhelmed..what do you definately need for the first couple of months?

I am trying to think back two years now-

Definitely need-
-diaper bag
-bath tub for sink
-baby towels
-burp clothes
-infant car seat
-bouncer seat!!!!!!!!!!
-swing? I think this could go either way, some infants don't like until they get to be a few months
-I used my playard all the time because it had a bassinet and changing table which I used downstairs, but some moms never use theres.

Could hold off on-
-high chair
-lightweight stroller
-walker or entertainment center

Posted 5/1/06 9:27 PM

It goes fast. Pay attention.

Member since 7/05

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Re: Spinoff..overwhelmed..what do you definately need for the first couple of months?

This is easy for me, since Joseph was early - and my shower was held 2 weeks AFTER he was born.

You need:
a car seat
snap n go
place for him/her to sleep (we borrowed a bassinet).
Sheets - and extra sheets for diaper explosions
clothes - more than you think because of aforementioned diaper explosions.
Bouncy seat
bottles (even if you're pumping you'll need them if you ever plan on leaving...)
Rubbing Alcohol (for umbilical cord)
Bacitracin (for circumscion if applicable)
wipes (some peds want you to use papertowels the first weeks)
BundleMe (Joseph was born in September, I was using it in October)

Also breastpump (if applicable).

Posted 5/1/06 9:33 PM

LIF Adult

Member since 7/05

7967 total posts


Re: Spinoff..overwhelmed..what do you definately need for the first couple of months?

I LOVE my boppy pillow for BF, so would recommend that if you are going to B.F. My DD smiles as soon as she lays down on hers...
She is 3 mths today and just this past week I put her mobile up on her cradle - she didnt bother with it in the beginning so I took it down but now she loves it and it gives me 10 mins to make the bed etc.
Some kind of reference book - I have the babys first years -dont know the exact title but its the follow up to the "what to expect....". I found it useful when I would have a question late at night and didnt want to jump on the internet.
A diaper bag
A mirror for your backseat so you can see your baby when the infant car seat is facing the rear.
Baby detergent and oxy clean.
dont forget to get somethings for yourself too....I lived in my sweatpants for the first 6 weeks and could have done with a couple of more pairs....also my sister sent me some really nice body balm from benefit when my DD was the time I didnt pay much attnetion to it but as the weeks went by and on the days I couldnt take a shower -Yes there will be days like was nice to take a minute for myself and at least feel that I smelled nice even if I had bags under my eyes!

Posted 5/1/06 10:06 PM

Momma's Little Beans

Member since 1/06

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Re: Spinoff..overwhelmed..what do you definately need for the first couple of months?

Gosh, I hope I can remember:

Sensitive Wipes or clothes
formula (if using)
feety pj''s
recieving blankets
butt paste
car seat
bouncy seat
burp clothes

I think there is a little more, I'm sure has already been mentioned. Good luck

Posted 5/1/06 10:37 PM

Life is good!

Member since 5/05

8369 total posts


Re: Spinoff..overwhelmed..what do you definately need for the first couple of months?

I second the boppy, even if you don't nurse it helps so much while bottle feeding at 4 am- you don't have to worry about dropping baby because you are so tired!

Posted 5/1/06 10:41 PM

boys will be boys =)

Member since 9/05

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Re: Spinoff..overwhelmed..what do you definately need for the first couple of months?

Noreen, are you having a shower? (that you know of ? LOL) you should get almost all of this stuff at your shower! Chat Icon Chat Icon

dont worry so much mommy! Chat Icon

Posted 5/1/06 11:24 PM

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