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Question about Braxton Hicks

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Member since 5/05

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Question about Braxton Hicks

I have been having this bas cramps on and off for the past two days which are very irregular....I figured that they were Braxton hicks....the only thing is my stomach doesn't harden when it happens and in my books it says that with Braxton Hicks your stomach hardens.....Could they still be ?

Posted 8/29/05 6:39 PM
Long Island Weddings
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Re: Question about Braxton Hicks

I'm pretty sure I had braxton hicks this weekend but i felt my stomach hardening. my dr today said they were probably it and that they do feel a lot like period cramps.

Posted 8/29/05 7:40 PM

Family of 5!

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Re: Question about Braxton Hicks

Ive been having BH like crazy lately... but I get the ones that feel like a hardening of the belly... no crampies for me!!!

Posted 8/29/05 7:43 PM


Member since 5/05

3416 total posts


Re: Question about Braxton Hicks

I was very crampy last Friday and just felt very tight and weird in the abdomen area with shooting pains in my hoo hoo. My fellow sono techs took me in to scan me, and said that I was not having Braxton Hicks, it was that the baby's head was sitting directly on my cervix, that was why i was feeling the sharp pains and some pressure there. I said wow, he's already in the position to be born, he must be bored in there. But the pains went away later on in the day.

Posted 8/29/05 10:42 PM

LIF Adult

Member since 5/05

2922 total posts


Re: Question about Braxton Hicks

I have been having BH for the past week and yes.Sometimes I am feeling the tightening of the stomach and sometimes I have feeling gas pains in the lower abdomen...

It is driving me crazy......

Posted 8/30/05 9:17 AM


Member since 5/05

16438 total posts


Re: Question about Braxton Hicks

I think it's entirely possible... actually I KNOW it is... I went to the hospital a couple of weeks ago for headaches and blurry vision. It turned out to be nothing, but they hooked me up to the monitor to check on the baby just in case. The nurse turned to me and asked me if I felt anything - I felt absolutely NOTHING other than a throbbing headache. Turns out I was having some serious braxton hicks, every 2 minutes. You could totally see them coming and going on the monitor but I felt NADA... it lasted for a good 5 hours and then they gave me an adrenaline shot and they went away...

Apparently my mom was the same way! With my brother, she went in for a weekly checkup at 36 weeks, the Dr. did an internal and discovered that she was 7cm dilated, and she never felt a thing! She delivered my brother one hour later! I go with the theory that every woman experiences every aspect of pregnancy differently, so while some may feel the tightening of their uterus or some pain, others may not... ahh the joys of pregnancy!

Posted 8/30/05 9:27 AM

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