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READ ME!!! Long sory, but worth it.

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LIF Infant

Member since 7/06

304 total posts


READ ME!!! Long sory, but worth it.

I pray this story gives you all hope. I have been down the infertility raod, the appointments, the questions, the interuptions in your personal life, the sadness month after month, the jealousy of loved ones miracles, all of it. This story is not about me but a dear close friend who endured years of infertilty. She and her DH were married in 1998, they like all couples wanted a child, so they started TTC. Well after about two years she discussed it with her doctor, and they did the tests and the recommendations. Tried for two years again, I don't know why another two, but that's what they decided. So the next sdtep wasa specilaist and they went and did the daily shots, and the monthly drugs that go along with. Still nothing, I remember her telling me all the things her and her hubby were doing and I was overwhelmed for them. Well in 2001 I got married and they were our pre wedding coaches, and we became much closer to them at this point. We discussed all the things that go with infertilty and little did I know I would be going through the same thing very shortly. Any way back to the story, fast forward, In November 2002 I had a miscarriage and she called me to see how I was doing, I asked her how thing in the baby department were going as well and she told me they gave up about three months ago, all this time they had been going through the adoption process, just in case. Well turns out they had been approved, and were just waiting now. Well one Sunday at church she went up for prayer, and she just felt the whole time she should take a test. She brushed it off for a day or two, but the feeling was so strong, she finally did a test and it was positive. Wel her doc confirmed it and she was due in July 2003. What a blessing, I usually get jealous but I was so happy for her, I also got pregnant in March of 2003 and the baby was born in December. But back to her story, she thought this baby is a HUGE blessing , thought they were done. She did not want to go through everything again and decided no more babies. Well that was in January before her baby was even one, well in October of 2004 she had a baby girl. She is truly blessed.

I wanted to share this story to give everyone hope, it will happen, you will hold your precious baby one day. You will look into that little face, so dependant on you, and say it was worth all the wait. I am praying for infertile couples everyday. I wish you all the hope in the world for a baby of your own, in the mean time DO NOT GIVE UP!!!!!

Posted 7/31/06 12:34 PM
Long Island Weddings
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LIF Adult

Member since 1/06

1018 total posts


Re: READ ME!!! Long sory, but worth it.

Thank you for sharing, it alsways helps to hear positive stories Chat Icon

Posted 7/31/06 2:22 PM


Member since 5/05

34581 total posts


Re: READ ME!!! Long sory, but worth it.

thank you for sharing! Chat Icon

Posted 7/31/06 2:36 PM

Welcome to the World!

Member since 5/05

6747 total posts


Re: READ ME!!! Long sory, but worth it.

Thank you for sharing! (i dont know how I missed this post)Chat Icon

Posted 8/2/06 5:48 PM


Member since 5/05

6265 total posts


Re: READ ME!!! Long sory, but worth it.

Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon

Posted 8/2/06 6:11 PM

LIF Infant

Member since 11/05

175 total posts


Re: READ ME!!! Long sory, but worth it.

Beautiful story! I am about to cry! Thank you for posting!

Posted 8/3/06 9:29 AM

My Beautiful Babies

Member since 5/05

2073 total posts


Re: READ ME!!! Long sory, but worth it.

What a nice story. Thanks for sharing.Chat Icon

Posted 8/3/06 9:31 AM

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