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FYI -- AFA sessions.

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Babygirl is 4!

Member since 5/05

17076 total posts


FYI -- AFA sessions.

The American Fertility Association’s Support Services is a great way for you to get the support and education you may need while going through your family building journey. From seminars to teleconferences, we provide you with a variety of opportunities. Please join us at one or all of these sessions.

Tonight’s Online Educational Session

Free Teleconference Coaching Groups:

1. Stress Management During the Infertility Process
2. Considering Adoption
3. Confident Decision Making: Navigating the Fertility Maze
4. When Enough is Enough

AFA Online Educational Session

Don't forget to join The AFA for an online educational session, part of our Connections program. This is a wonderful opportunity to get your questions answered by leading physicians and professionals in the field, learn something new, and find support.

Date: Tuesday, April 4, 2006
Time: 8:00-9:00 PM (ET)
Guest Speaker: Rafat Abbasi, M.D. Columbia Fertility Associates
Topic: Preserving Your Fertility Options

We look forward to your questions!
The AFA Staff

To unsubscribe, please e-mail us at [email protected] and write “unsubscribe” in the subject field.

Connections is made possible by an unrestricted educational grant from Serono, Inc., providers of Fertility LifeLines™. For more information, call 1-866-LETS-TRY or visit


Free Teleconference Coaching Sessions

Phone based tele-coaching groups provide a convenient way for you to take part in a supportive and educational group experience from the comfort of your home or work place. These groups meet for one hour via a phone bridgeline. A bridgeline allows all participants to hear and speak with each other via the telephone. No special phone is required. All groups are led by licensed mental health professionals with an expertise and often personal experience in infertility treatment and/or adoption.

TOPIC: Stress Management During the Infertility Process

All of us are too familiar with the stress that accompanies the infertility journey. For some of us this tension makes our goals even more difficult to achieve. We will be sharing our anxieties as well as helpful strategies to diffuse and manage the periods of stress.

WHEN: Tuesday, April 11th
TIME: 9:00 PM to 10:00 PM, EST

For further information and to register by April 8th, please contact
Emily Laitmon, LCSW (212) 988- 2054, (914) 633-4224 or [email protected]


TOPIC: Considering Adoption

This tele-coaching support group is for couples and individuals who are exploring the possibility and “how to’s” of building a family via adoption. During this 1 hour conference call you will have the opportunity to receive clear information regarding adoption practices and domestic/international adoption options, explore the myths and challenges of domestic and international adoption, consider which options may be right for you, and learn about the role of birthparents in the adoption process. You will receive professional and peer support as you consider and learn about the adoption option.

WHEN: Thursday April 27
TIME: 9:00 PM to 10:00 PM, EST
FACILITATED BY: Bob Bamman, LCSW and Sara Barris, PsyD

For further information, please contact:
Bob Bamman, LCSW – Email: [email protected]
Sara Barris, PsyD – Email: [email protected]

Bob Bamman, LCSW and Sara Barris, PsyD are trained AFA coaching group leaders, adoption specialists, and adoptive parents.


TOPIC: Confident Decision Making: Navigating the Fertility Maze

The journey to family building after a diagnosis of infertility brings with it a depth of emotions as well as a multitude of decisions along the way. Our coaching group plans to offer you help in navigating through the blocks in the road you may encounter during treatment. Learning new ways of looking at your options can be the key to developing the tools that you need to make some of the tough decisions which can help you achieve your goal of creating a family.

WHEN: Tuesday, May 9, 2006
TIME: 9 PM to 10 PM, Eastern Time
FACILITATED BY: Joann Paley Galst, Ph.D. and Patricia Mendell, C.S.W., B.C.D.

For more information, Please contact:
Joann Paley Galst, Ph.D. (212)759-2783 or [email protected]
Co-director of AFA Support Groups


Please include both your e-mail address and telephone numbers (day and evening) when you register.

Note: If you wish to register, you will be contacted in advance by Joann Galst, and will be provided with a telephone number and pin number to use to call in on the night of the Coaching Group.


TOPIC: When Enough is Enough

Group members will discuss the fact that fertility treatments often do NOT have deadlines. Participants will learn when they can exercise control, gain mastery over their emotions and make the best decisions for themselves.

WHEN: May 24, 2006
TIME: 9:00 PM to 10:00 PM, EST
FACILITATED BY: Susan Frank ACSW and Joan Winograd ACSW

For more information, please contact Susan at [email protected] or Joan at [email protected]


Posted 4/4/06 11:21 PM
Long Island Weddings
Long Island's Largest Bridal Resource

Best Friends

Member since 6/05

10228 total posts


Re: FYI -- AFA sessions.

thanks for sharing. I am going to try and do the stress management one.

Posted 4/5/06 8:44 AM

spring is in the air

Member since 11/05

2688 total posts


Re: FYI -- AFA sessions.

me too

Posted 4/5/06 8:58 AM

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