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A LOT of fetal movement...

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what what!?

Member since 5/05

4206 total posts


A LOT of fetal movement...

Is it ok if the baby is constantly moving around, kicking & punching? I don't know whether I should be worried, happy, or annoyed from all the movement my child has been doing lately... Chat Icon

FYI: I'm at 36 weeks.

Posted 5/5/06 10:19 AM
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Re: A LOT of fetal movement...

im not sure ...but im 31 1/2 weeks and i just started feeling a crazy amount of movement and its so fun!! i was so bored for a i know she's getting bigger..what does it feel like at 36 weeks?

maybe you should ask your doc about all the sure everything is fine..YOUR DUE DATE IS SO SOON!! CONGRATS!!Chat Icon

Posted 5/5/06 10:22 AM

what what!?

Member since 5/05

4206 total posts


Re: A LOT of fetal movement...

Posted by alex7-2
im not sure ...but im 31 1/2 weeks and i just started feeling a crazy amount of movement and its so fun!! i was so bored for a i know she's getting bigger..what does it feel like at 36 weeks?

maybe you should ask your doc about all the sure everything is fine..YOUR DUE DATE IS SO SOON!! CONGRATS!!Chat Icon

Thanks Alycia!

The movement definitely changes as you get further along. It goes from jabs, to snake-like movements... even to the point where it feel like the baby is doing damage to it's bubble! Chat Icon I think the best is when you see the actual shift/movement from "bird's-eye view"... Chat Icon

Posted 5/5/06 10:28 AM

where's winter?

Member since 11/05

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Re: A LOT of fetal movement...

i always get concerned that Chat Icon is not moving around enough. she'll go in spurts, a day or two of activity followed by a few "sleepy days". she's freaked out here and there, but it doesn't last more than a few seconds/minutes...

Posted 5/5/06 10:36 AM

Happy New Year

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Re: A LOT of fetal movement...

Wow you're 36 wks already?! That went so fast!

I was like that at the end too...they say fetal movement slows down towards the end because they are running out of room but that never happened to me. If anything he was dancing around more as my due date got closer.

Posted 5/5/06 11:18 AM

Becoming a different woman

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Re: A LOT of fetal movement...

of course it is.

omg girl, you are so close.Chat Icon Chat Icon

Posted 5/5/06 11:19 AM

Fall Is Here

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Re: A LOT of fetal movement...

I'm so happy for you. The kicking is just a taste of what is to come. That baby is going to be a boxer!!! Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon

Posted 5/5/06 11:20 AM

what what!?

Member since 5/05

4206 total posts


Re: A LOT of fetal movement...

Posted by BabyAvocado
Wow you're 36 wks already?! That went so fast!

I was like that at the end too...they say fetal movement slows down towards the end because they are running out of room but that never happened to me. If anything he was dancing around more as my due date got closer.

What you mean already!??? It's felt like FOREVER!!!!!!!! And I still have 4 weeks to go! Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon

Phew! I heard the same about the movement slowing down, but this little firecracker is always bouncing around! At least I'm not the only one. Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon
Posted by Aliasmom
omg girl, you are so close.Chat Icon Chat Icon

Not close enough! Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon

Posted 5/5/06 11:22 AM

what what!?

Member since 5/05

4206 total posts


Re: A LOT of fetal movement...

Posted by LadyLainez

I'm so happy for you. The kicking is just a taste of what is to come. That baby is going to be a boxer!!! Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon

My own lil Ultimate Fighting Champion! Chat Icon

Posted 5/5/06 11:23 AM

Horray for 3 boys!!

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Mikey, Greg & TJ's Mommy

Re: A LOT of fetal movement...

We're just a few days apart and my little guy hasn't stopped moving. I actually feel him slithering around right now Chat Icon
I think they are probably getting ready to go into position, or if they are not already there they are getting used to it.

I'm feeling the same exact thing!!!!

Posted 5/5/06 12:02 PM

Ready for the sun!

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Properly perfect™

Re: A LOT of fetal movement...

I think that your little one is getting in positionChat Icon

At 37 weeks Animal is moving around a lot too

Posted 5/5/06 12:04 PM

Making big changes

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Re: A LOT of fetal movement...

Christopher never seemed to sleep when I was pregnant with him. He was always active; kicking and headbutting, morning, noon, and night. Well, it was a bit of foreshadowing, because even when he came out, he continued to be active and still is to this day. My only hope for this baby (aside from being healthy, of course) is that it's not as active as Christopher Chat Icon

Posted 5/5/06 12:06 PM

what what!?

Member since 5/05

4206 total posts


Re: A LOT of fetal movement...

Posted by Cheryl
We're just a few days apart and my little guy hasn't stopped moving. I actually feel him slithering around right now Chat Icon
I think they are probably getting ready to go into position, or if they are not already there they are getting used to it.

I'm feeling the same exact thing!!!!

Posted by Moehick
I think that your little one is getting in positionChat Icon

At 37 weeks Animal is moving around a lot too

Thanks ladies for putting me at ease!
Chat Icon

Moe, Animal? Chat IconChat IconChat IconChat IconChat IconChat IconChat IconChat Icon

Posted 5/5/06 12:11 PM

what what!?

Member since 5/05

4206 total posts


Re: A LOT of fetal movement...

Posted by SoinLove
Christopher never seemed to sleep when I was pregnant with him. He was always active; kicking and headbutting, morning, noon, and night. Well, it was a bit of foreshadowing, because even when he came out, he continued to be active and still is to this day. My only hope for this baby (aside from being healthy, of course) is that it's not as active as Christopher Chat Icon

Uh oh.... I hope this isn't an ongoing thing!!!!! Chat Icon Then again, I'm hyper, why wouldn't my kid be, too! Chat Icon

Posted 5/5/06 12:12 PM

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Re: A LOT of fetal movement...

I definitely had a surge of movements towards that time so I think it's perfectly normal. Though it concerned me too. I actually called the OB to ask if there was such a thing as too much fetal movement
b/c one day the baby was awake from 9-6 which seemed crazy.

Posted 5/6/06 11:04 AM

what what!?

Member since 5/05

4206 total posts


Re: A LOT of fetal movement...

Posted by cloddy

I definitely had a surge of movements towards that time so I think it's perfectly normal. Though it concerned me too. I actually called the OB to ask if there was such a thing as too much fetal movement
b/c one day the baby was awake from 9-6 which seemed crazy.

That's exactly how I felt! Chat Icon

I didn't call the doctor, though... came on LIF 1st...Chat Icon And realized that it is normal. It even says so in the "What to expect.." book (pg 318). Chat Icon

Posted 5/6/06 11:43 AM

2 Girls For Me!

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Re: A LOT of fetal movement...

Totally normal - doctors will tell you that it is a great thing that your feeling lots of movement - the more the better.

My little one was kicking me through the contractions even when in labor and pushing at the hosiptal!! She really wanted out!

Posted 5/6/06 5:37 PM

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