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Question for the Moms- Items to bring to hosptial?

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Question for the Moms- Items to bring to hosptial?

I know this has been done- but what did you not know to bring that you wish you had? Or what did you need for when you got home (for yourself and the little one) that you wish you had?

Posted 10/21/05 2:00 PM
Long Island Weddings
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Re: Question for the Moms- Items to bring to hosptial?

For the hospital:

A pillow
Some sort of stress ball or pillow
Scrunchies (didn't have any except the one in my hair which got lost during labor)
Nursing pads (didn't bring enough)

For home:
Pre-sterilized bottles, nipples, and pacifiers would have been great

Loose fitting comfy clothes and pjs

ETA: Everybody says this but I didn't do this: Prepare a couple of meals beforehand and freeze them to eat during your first week home. Believe me, nobody will be cooking. We spent a fortune eating out those first couple of weeks.

Message edited 10/21/2005 2:13:37 PM.

Posted 10/21/05 2:12 PM


Member since 5/05

19403 total posts


Re: Question for the Moms- Items to bring to hosptial?

Really wish I'd brought a towel to the hospital. Mine ran out of them the day I was leaving and gave me a blanket to use. Yuck!

Posted 10/21/05 2:15 PM


Member since 5/05

11726 total posts


Re: Question for the Moms- Items to bring to hosptial?

Pillows and snacks for DH. I had a long labor and they really came in handy.

Bring an outfit for the baby to take it's first picture.

Towel, toiletries for you and DH.... again I had a long labor and DH was happy he was able to brush his teeth and wash up.

Posted 10/21/05 2:40 PM

Dad you finally did it!!!

Member since 10/05

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Re: Question for the Moms- Items to bring to hosptial?

All of the above!!! I agree with these girls!!

Posted 10/21/05 2:41 PM

Family of 5!

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<3 Mommy <3

Re: Question for the Moms- Items to bring to hosptial?

I will def say some granny panties...

even my maternity underwear was bikkini cut..and since I had a c-section they laid right on top of my uncomfortable...

You prob going natural-but you never know...Plus wearing these jumbo sized pads nice comfy granny panties were great (I made MIL go out and buy me a few pairs)

Snacks for yourself- Im SOOOO picky and never ate hospital food- Dh mostly brought me up stuff, but in the middle of the night when I was up with the baby or couldnt sleep... I would be dying for some candy or snacks...

Comfy PJs
a robe
outfit to go home im
outfit for baby to go home in
and extra outfit for babys pics (if you wish)
nursing pads (if nursing)
nursing bra
tons of hair ties
your own pads (the hospital one dont stick to your underwear)


If i think of more..Ill let you know lol

Posted 10/21/05 2:49 PM

I am a lucky Momma!

Member since 7/05

15652 total posts


Re: Question for the Moms- Items to bring to hosptial?

I wish I had brought my own towel to the hospital, and a light weight robe. I was so hot and sweaty the first night after my c-section from the meds and I really wanted my light weight robe, not the heavy one.

Boppy would have been helpful for when we tried breastfeeding.

I'm so glad I brought my "Dove" cloths -- the foaming face wash clothes!!

Posted 10/21/05 2:55 PM

LIF Adult

Member since 6/05

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Re: Question for the Moms- Items to bring to hosptial?

A crappy pair of flip-flops!

The showers & bathrooms are NASTY!!

Posted 10/21/05 3:49 PM

My love.

Member since 5/05

6247 total posts


Re: Question for the Moms- Items to bring to hosptial?

I agree with everyone -
I bought myself trial size everything - took up less room in my bag.

Def. the boppy pillow and your own pillow (put a colored or floral pillow case on it so you know which pillow is yours and the hospital staff doesn't take it).

Also lip balm (for labor - all that breathing makes your lips dry)

DEF food! WHen I got to my room after I gave birth I was STARVING! and really thirsty.

nursing bras - oh and your ankles are going to swell - make sure you have some lose comfy shoes to wear home

Posted 10/21/05 3:57 PM

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Member since 7/05

57538 total posts


Re: Question for the Moms- Items to bring to hosptial?

I only showed up with a pair of sweats & my contact case with Joseph - but looking through everyone else's list I'd add:

camera, if you want one
HUGE bottle of water so DH didn't have to keep going to fill up my pitcher.
Cell Phone for phone numbers you won't remember.
Extra socks (not NEW ONES)

etd. for - an extra bag would've been handy for all the hospital freebies.

Message edited 10/21/2005 7:01:49 PM.

Posted 10/21/05 7:01 PM

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