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Bad Timing/IVF Cycle -2 part Post

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Bad Timing/IVF Cycle -2 part Post

Gosh, I feel that recently I have had bad timing for the past two years.

1) We were financially better off over 2 years ago. Why weren't we TTC then....oh yeah, we weren't married.

2) I was working for a company that had EXCELLENT infertility insurance. Why didn't I take advantage........oh yeah, didn't think I had infertility issues until I was laid a few months after TTC.

3) Moving to Texas from LI. This whole time I wanted to move back to TX from LI. Well, it happened and now, I feel like this is the worst mistake of my life. The best IF Clinics are in NY and some of the best mandated IF Insurance States are in the NE.

Would I be insane if I were to get treatment at one of the Sher institutes while living in Houston? The closest one is in Dallas.

I am somewhat clueless as to what a cycle consists of .....I know about CD 3.....but what about the rest of the month. How many actual office visits usually takes place in a cycle? BTW, my husband works for the I could get on a plane last moments notice. I would also consider LI/NY.

I feel like I am missing out by not having the best care that NY has to offer!

Thanks Girls!

Posted 4/30/06 2:05 PM
Long Island Weddings
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Delay is not denial

Member since 5/05

2220 total posts


Re: Bad Timing/IVF Cycle -2 part Post

Actually Colorado has one of the top notch clinics !!! :)

NYC has some of the top, but there are others...that are spread out throughout the states. I would say, they are usually located in the main cities though. There was a list published awhile ago, that we posted on here, that had the 10 ten clinics. I will try to find it.

Child Magazine's List-top 10 Fertility Clinics

One great thing is these type of clinics are used to 'out of towners'...they set things up so that you can use a local lab for blood work and u/s. There is about two week block of time that is the most critical to an IVF cycle. That's time where you are using the stim meds....(injections that cause the follies to grow)....they sometimes tweak medication during that time. They decide, how long you should be on the meds, based on the u/s b/w. Then they can predict the retrieval (dh needs to be there for that because his sample is used) and then the transfer.

They have hotels that usually give discounts and are located right near the clinics. You can find many women who are 'out of towners' on

Judy have you checked out and looked up the Texas section ? You can find out which clinics the ladies prefer.

Message edited 4/30/2006 2:20:18 PM.

Posted 4/30/06 2:16 PM

Welcome to the World!

Member since 5/05

6747 total posts


Re: Bad Timing/IVF Cycle -2 part Post

Redstar, I don't know what I would do without you!! You are a breath of Fresh Air!! Seriously! If only the internet had arms to reach out and hug you! But I guess you will have to settle for this......Chat Icon Chat Icon

Another question.....I am concerned that MY DH is always flying , he has long days and sometimes overnights. He may not be able to meet me in the early AM or PM just depending on his schedule. Do they freeze sperm....or is it a fresh sample every time?

Message edited 4/30/2006 2:22:26 PM.

Posted 4/30/06 2:21 PM

Delay is not denial

Member since 5/05

2220 total posts


Re: Bad Timing/IVF Cycle -2 part Post

Here are some Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon back !!!

That's a great question. There are plenty of people who use donor sperm so I suppose freezing sperm is a definite option. The clinic would give you a calendar, and usually mark the few days they think the retrieval may happen. Therefore, if your dh has flexibility, he may be able to block those days off...otherwise,...freezing the sperm is probably a great idea. I have even heard of clinics who combine sperm samples...for dh's who have low counts. They take two different samples from the dh and combine that it increases the amount. Basically, they seem to do it all these days :)

Posted 4/30/06 2:26 PM

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