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Did anyone see Fox 5 news last night on breastfeeding?

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Did anyone see Fox 5 news last night on breastfeeding?

If you go to the Fox 5 website, you can see the video. They talk about how government advocates are telling women that bottle feeding is just as bad as smoking while pregnant...

link to on breastfeeding...

Posted 6/14/06 12:10 PM
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Re: Did anyone see Fox 5 news last night on breastfeeding?

Yep I was yelling at the tv!

Posted 6/14/06 12:11 PM

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Re: Did anyone see Fox 5 news last night on breastfeeding?

This was probably because of the article in the NYT. There is a thread about it on pregnancy.

Posted 6/14/06 12:12 PM

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Re: Did anyone see Fox 5 news last night on breastfeeding?

Chat Icon Wow. I am 100% pro BF'd but to compare bottle feeding to smoking is just ridiculous. Like new Mom's don't have enough guiltChat Icon

Posted 6/14/06 12:15 PM

LIF Adolescent

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Re: Did anyone see Fox 5 news last night on breastfeeding?

Here is the link from the pregnancy board. Breastfeeding

Posted 6/14/06 12:19 PM

5 weeks till I'm a big sister

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Re: Did anyone see Fox 5 news last night on breastfeeding?

I am sorry b ut FF and Smoking while bregnant are two totally different issues.

We are the mothers and we make the choices for our children not them. I am sorry b ut I was FF and so was alot of other people I know and we all turned out fine. NOt for nothing some people who want to BF can't becuz of complications of some sort and others just choose not to. I mean me myself I did both FF and BF my DD and that was my choice. Who are these people to tell me that I am a bad mother cuz I FF my child Hello what about these woman out there who are addicted to drugs and are having babies that are addicted to drugs and are born with aids and other things thats ok but FF isn't get the heck outta here.

I'm sorry I flew off the h andle a little it just pisses me off.

Posted 6/14/06 12:45 PM

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Re: Did anyone see Fox 5 news last night on breastfeeding?

Who wrote the article?--a man I bet!!!

Posted 6/14/06 3:33 PM


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Re: Did anyone see Fox 5 news last night on breastfeeding?

Great! Another thing to make me feel guilty about. Chat Icon

Posted 6/14/06 4:11 PM

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Re: Did anyone see Fox 5 news last night on breastfeeding?

They had a segment on the Today show about it as well.

Posted 6/14/06 4:23 PM

Grammie's Little Man

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Re: Did anyone see Fox 5 news last night on breastfeeding?

That is without a doubt the most ridiculous, absurd comparison I have ever heard. Both of my children were bottle-fed and both grew up very healthy. My grandson is, also, bottle-fed and he is as healthy a child as any other. This is nothing but propaganda trying to frighten new moms. I can't believe any intelligent woman would believe this garbage.
This drives me to the bring of insanity!!Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon

Posted 6/14/06 6:02 PM


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Re: Did anyone see Fox 5 news last night on breastfeeding?

This is absolutely the most ridiculous thing ever. Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon

Posted 6/14/06 6:45 PM

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Re: Did anyone see Fox 5 news last night on breastfeeding?

Wow! I've been BF Julia for almost a year now, but I dont think its fair to make comments about mom's who bottle feed, I know a lot of babies that were bottle fed and are just fine!

Posted 6/14/06 7:18 PM

I hate hypocrites!!!!!

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Re: Did anyone see Fox 5 news last night on breastfeeding?

I found last night's report so hurtful and awful- like one view said what if you adopted your baby and can't breast feed- you are harming them because you have to use formula??? Or what about someone like me who's milk NEVER came in- I am harming my daughter because my body didn't do it's job???? I must say I am VERY MAD and EXTREMELY hurt by that report.

Posted 6/14/06 8:24 PM

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Re: Did anyone see Fox 5 news last night on breastfeeding?

I FF my DD and is that why she is growing a 3rd arm and has 1 eye??? Sorry for being so sarcastic but that is Chat Icon f-cked up! I was FF and so was DH and we are just fine! I would have loved to BF but I couldn't and am happy that DD is doing just fine- healthy and happy. Isn't that all that matters?????

Posted 6/14/06 8:51 PM

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A (formerly WhatNow?)

Re: Did anyone see Fox 5 news last night on breastfeeding?

I saw it and while comparing bottle feeding to smoking while pregnant is really stretching it, I am very glad that this topic is being brought up on national news. I was actually very emotional over the segment.

I grew up is Europe when BF is the only norm so I look at it from a completely different perspective. I hope you don't mind if I share where I am coming form.

I never even knew that there was such thing as formula till I got pregnant and saw all the debates on parenting boards. The idea of normal, loving new mothers binding their breasts to stop milk production horrified me beyond measures. You see, in Europe, only women who are giving their babies up do that. Also, women who were forced into motherhood by their husbands ( i.e. he wouldn't let her get an abortion) would bind the breasts as well to show that the baby is not wanted and not loved. Otherwise, there are no "choices". BF is the only natural thing to do. (Of course, sometimes when there are problems, women do turn to formula or more often to donated BB from other moms)

However, the reason why there are "choices" in this country is due to a major brain washing of generation of women by formula companies and peds. After for many many years women were told NOT to BF how can one expect them to all of a sudden become enthusiastic about it? How can they accept BF when their own mothers are claiming that "you were never BF and turned out fine. It is most unfair to expect that!

I know that it is customary and politicalyl correct to say that BF is a personal choice, but is it? We are commanded to put children in carseats, to school them, to give them adequate nutrition. It has been proven and is common knowledge all over the world that BM is the best thing a baby can have and yet some women chose not to do it. Something to thing about? Yes! Reason to "blame and shame" and compare FF with cigarette smoke-NO! FF moms grew up thinking Breast is NOT the best. In fact, today someone posted on this very board that their ped said BM doesn't have enough vitamins so she needs to give the baby supplements. And this is happening today! It is truly a shame!

So, I have to say that I am glad that program tried to challenge the opinion of BB vs. FF being a "choice" even though I think it is going to be a very VERY long time before breastfeeding is accepted here as norm.

Peace to all moms!Chat Icon

Posted 6/14/06 8:52 PM

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