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does your 4 month old take 4 hr naps!and still is sooo fussy at night!

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LIF Toddler

Member since 5/05

421 total posts


does your 4 month old take 4 hr naps!and still is sooo fussy at night!

I am wondering why my ds is so sleepy.

his schedule is as follows:

sleeps 10-7AM
7AM - 5 oz
sleeps 8-9AM
9:30 - 5 oz
sleeps 10:30 - 2:30
2:30 - 5.5 oz
then is cranky the rest of the afternoon/night..taking little naps and eating every 2 1/2 hrs until bedtime @ 8:30...but fusses until around 10..then sleeps 9 hrs.

does anyone think i should try to schedule him?

any thoughts?
he was a month early if that matters

Message edited 6/7/2006 6:57:33 PM.

Posted 6/7/06 6:30 PM
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Re: does your 4 month old take 4 hr naps!

Can't help, but good luck.

DD slept a lot at 4 months too.

Posted 6/7/06 6:35 PM

It goes fast. Pay attention.

Member since 7/05

57538 total posts


Re: does your 4 month old take 4 hr naps!

From the schedule it looks like he's sleeping too much in the morning & not enough in the afternoon. I'll try to find the schedule that I wrote up for DH to watch Joseph one day & post for you.

Posted 6/7/06 6:42 PM

my princess

Member since 10/05

2936 total posts


Re: does your 4 month old take 4 hr naps!and still is sooo fussy at night!

2:30 till 10 sound like a long time without a about 4 months Antonio would take a nap about 2-3 houts of being awake. Maybe you should break up that long nap I don't knowhow thoughChat Icon

Have you tried moving up bedtime?

Posted 6/7/06 8:27 PM


Member since 5/05

3416 total posts


Re: does your 4 month old take 4 hr naps!and still is sooo fussy at night!

Yeah that 4 hr nap seems way long. He def needs another one between 2:30 and 10. Jacob naps 3x a day, usually after 2-3 hrs of wake time. He cannot go any longer than that. Jacob is 5 months old and i know they say at 4 months old babies cannot stay awake for more than 2 hrs at a stretch.. that is the reason for his fussiness in the eve. I would say you either have to cut that long nap in half and give another one in the mid afternoon, or move bedtime up to like 7pm ish... good luck...Chat Icon Chat Icon

Posted 6/7/06 8:32 PM

LIF Toddler

Member since 5/05

421 total posts


Re: does your 4 month old take 4 hr naps!and still is sooo fussy at night!

Posted by nrthshgrl

From the schedule it looks like he's sleeping too much in the morning & not enough in the afternoon. I'll try to find the schedule that I wrote up for DH to watch Joseph one day & post for you.

that would be great. I just read that I shouldnt be letting him nap only in the swing or stroller...I think the moving swing for 4 hours wasn't helping ! Chat Icon

I just got him down for his first nap in his crib...we'll see!

Posted 6/8/06 9:04 AM

me and baby #3!

Member since 5/05

12013 total posts


Re: does your 4 month old take 4 hr naps!and still is sooo fussy at night!

maybe you should wake him from that 4 hr nap and give him an earlier bedtime?

I'm reading Healthy Sleep Habits, Happy children and it makes SO much sense.

Posted 6/8/06 9:10 AM

LIF Adult

Member since 7/05

7967 total posts


Re: does your 4 month old take 4 hr naps!and still is sooo fussy at night!

All I can say is I am soooooooooooo DD is 4mhts also and the most I can get her to nap during the day is half hour in the morning, a half hour in the afternoon and then she wakes 4 times for feeds once she goes to bed!!!

Maybe I need to get this book too...

Posted 6/8/06 9:14 AM

LIF Toddler

Member since 5/05

421 total posts


Re: does your 4 month old take 4 hr naps!and still is sooo fussy at night!

Funny...we have had the same book since he was born...and never opened it!Chat Icon
last night I read it for an hour or so...makes allot of sense...he was eyeing the swing, but I wouldn't give in! I put him in the crib and it has been an hour! I'll see if he is happier later on....

Posted 6/8/06 9:16 AM


Member since 8/05

4987 total posts


Re: does your 4 month old take 4 hr naps!and still is sooo fussy at night!

Posted by MrsM

Funny...we have had the same book since he was born...and never opened it!

i wish i had read it sooner too! I just got it last week and in less than a week after reading it, DS started taking real naps and sleeping through the night for the 1st time. and i think he's starting to fall into a schedule. good luck! i hope it works for you too!

Posted 6/8/06 12:14 PM

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