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so I made a vacation decision..

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My Love

Member since 5/05

31600 total posts


so I made a vacation decision..

It has always been my dream to go to some tropical island for a week.. I have never gone anywhere out of the country OR to a tropical paradise.. I VOWED that this summer I am going SOMEWHERE come hell or high water--be it with my bf or some gf's..cause I WANNA GO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

so I am taking half of my bonus money and put it into my cc debt and the other half into savings for a trip...

I think I want to go to the bahamas... originally I was thinking a cruise but now Im not so sure..

opinions on what is better?
If i do go to the bahamas? where should i stay?


Posted 12/30/05 10:23 AM
Long Island Weddings
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Member since 5/05

23599 total posts


Re: so I made a vacation decision..

Why don't you do a cruise that stops off at the Bahamas? A cruise is the best way to go...this way you can visit MANY tropical islands.

Posted 12/30/05 10:25 AM

Turning a new page

Member since 5/05

9731 total posts


Re: so I made a vacation decision..

It really depends on what type of vacation you want.

While cruises stop at many islands, there is more of a regime- and you eat on the cruise- which IMO takes away from experiencing local culture.

For the Bahamas- Atlantis is the best- I would also look at Aruba and St. Lucia.

Posted 12/30/05 10:27 AM

Sweet Jessie Quinn

Member since 5/05

27567 total posts


Re: so I made a vacation decision..

I love cruising. I love picking out the best part of the island and doing it. Then the next day is the best part of a new island. Great meals, great nightclubs, casino...and really great prices. The key is finding the right itinerary.

Posted 12/30/05 10:30 AM

Love green icing!!!

Member since 5/05

4691 total posts


Re: so I made a vacation decision..

I have been to Hopetown. It was AMAZing!!!

Posted 12/30/05 10:33 AM

2 Girls For Me!

Member since 5/05

4377 total posts


Re: so I made a vacation decision..

I went to the Bahamas and LOVED it! We stayed at the Breezes resort - food and entertainment and activites were all included and everyone was over 18 years old - it was alot of fun!

Posted 12/30/05 10:37 AM

LIF Adult

Member since 5/05

1185 total posts


Re: so I made a vacation decision..

On Page 6 of the NY Post, it seems Cabo San Lucas is a BIG hit for the famous this week..we have a time share there and we love it and it never rains when we are there.

Posted 12/30/05 10:39 AM

LIF Adult

Member since 5/05

6794 total posts


Re: so I made a vacation decision..

Posted by Sassyz75

It really depends on what type of vacation you want.

While cruises stop at many islands, there is more of a regime- and you eat on the cruise- which IMO takes away from experiencing local culture.

For the Bahamas- Atlantis is the best- I would also look at Aruba and St. Lucia.

i agree

Posted 12/30/05 11:17 AM

LIF Adult

Member since 5/05

6794 total posts


Re: so I made a vacation decision..

Posted by Sassyz75

It really depends on what type of vacation you want.

While cruises stop at many islands, there is more of a regime- and you eat on the cruise- which IMO takes away from experiencing local culture.

For the Bahamas- Atlantis is the best- I would also look at Aruba and St. Lucia.

i agree. if you do decide to go to the bahamas, DO NOT stay at the radisson. the atlantis is GORGEOUS and the food is SO good.

Posted 12/30/05 11:18 AM

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