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Question for those that have formula feed only from the beginning.

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Member since 5/05

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Question for those that have formula feed only from the beginning.

Just wondering why you chose to formula feed and if you ever felt guilty about your decision. I BF Ava for one week and then switched to formula. Although I am happy with my decision I can't help but feel guilty all the a way I kind of regret not atleast pumping and then supplementing with formula.....but too late now. So I was just wondering if I was the only one to feel like this!

Message edited 10/10/2005 4:56:25 PM.

Posted 10/10/05 4:56 PM
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Re: Question for those that have formula feed only from the beginning.

I tried BF for two weeks, but he just wouldn't latch on. So, after a lot of frustration and tears, I gave in to formula feeding only. There was nothing I could do about it, so I don't feel guilty at all.

Posted 10/10/05 5:29 PM


Member since 5/05

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Re: Question for those that have formula feed only from the beginning.

My milk never came in. I never leaked, never got engorged, nothing. So I had to FF since she was starving. I wouldn't say I feel guilty about it, just sad. It was something I really wanted to at least try.

Posted 10/10/05 5:35 PM

My Everything

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Re: Question for those that have formula feed only from the beginning.

Posted by sarahsmommy

My milk never came in. I never leaked, never got engorged, nothing. So I had to FF since she was starving. I wouldn't say I feel guilty about it, just sad. It was something I really wanted to at least try.

I am feeling sad for supplementing with formula, still hoping my milk production increases. Guilt comes when she's in pain because she can't poop and I know its from the formula. Chat Icon

Posted 10/10/05 5:49 PM

Happy New Year

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Re: Question for those that have formula feed only from the beginning.

I supplemented with formula since the very beginning. I was able to give him BM for about 6 weeks by pumping but he never latched on. I felt a little guilty at first but then I just accepted the fact that it was not my fault that the latch just wasn't working. I especially felt bad whenever I spoke to my other new mommy friends who were successfully BFing... but I got over it.

Posted 10/10/05 7:32 PM

LIF Adult

Member since 7/05

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Re: Question for those that have formula feed only from the beginning.

I went into the whole BF thing knowing that deep down it was not something I was probably going to do for a very long time. Its just not something I thought I would be very comfortable with. BUT, I definately wanted to try and see how it went and if it was smooth saliling well great, but I was not going to be feeling guilty or like less of o mother because I was not exclusively breastfeeding.

So Jack was born latched right on and I thought...oh this is easy. Well 4 days later it was not that way. He did not latch on well, I was so engorged that the poor baby couldn't latch correctly, i tried to pump it off, he still wasnt' latching and in a matter of days he went from 6 lbs 15 oz to 6 lbs 3 oz. But i didn't give up yet. We started supplimenting and I rented the mercedes of pumps but was barely getting 3 oz between both sides.

So after a week of that, I was miserable, Jack was doing great on the formula, so we went to 100% formula. I felt better, DH could help out and overall i am 100% happy with my decision.

Posted 10/11/05 8:51 AM

LIF Adult

Member since 8/05

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Re: Question for those that have formula feed only from the beginning.

I tried it at the hospital with all 3 of my kids but it just wasn't for me. It didn't feel "natural" for me like it does for other mothers. I'm okay with that and I'm blessed that I have 3 very healthy children. Don't feel guilty about it. Chat Icon

Posted 10/11/05 8:53 AM

LIF Toddler

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Re: Question for those that have formula feed only from the beginning.

I never felt guilty - you do what is best for you and you can't beat yourself up over it. I too tried BFing at the hospital and it was not for me. My 13 month-old baby is as healthy as can be!

Posted 10/11/05 9:27 AM

Mom of 2 Boys

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Re: Question for those that have formula feed only from the beginning.

I had no desire to BF and didn't even feel the need to try. I thought I would feel guilty once I had the baby but never did. Actually, after having my baby I realized it was the best decision I made and couldn't have even imagined BF. I have a healthy baby with a big appetite.

Don't ever feel guilty. Do what works for you and your baby.

Posted 10/11/05 10:04 AM

LIF Adult

Member since 7/05

1636 total posts


Re: Question for those that have formula feed only from the beginning.

Posted by Niecey

I had no desire to BF and didn't even feel the need to try. I thought I would feel guilty once I had the baby but never did. Actually, after having my baby I realized it was the best decision I made and couldn't have even imagined BF. I have a healthy baby with a big appetite.

Don't ever feel guilty. Do what works for you and your baby.

This could have been me writing this. I feel the same way. I do not feel guilty, BF is just not for me.

Posted 10/11/05 10:25 AM

Dad of Twins

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Re: Question for those that have formula feed only from the beginning.

My DW had twins. She was going to try and BF but didn't even try. Everything was just too overwhelming.

Posted 10/11/05 11:12 AM

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