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I am going to be a copy cat.... June moms to be please check in

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LIF Adult

Member since 6/05

932 total posts


I am going to be a copy cat.... June moms to be please check in

I am 25 weeks tomorrow... I haven't really done much. I did make a birthing class appointment. the baby is kicking Sooo much! Friday was the first day that icould see the baby kick, that was really cool. No cravings. Haven't registered yet, started to clean out the room the baby is going to be in. Hope all of you june Mom to bes are doing great !!!

Posted 2/27/06 1:48 PM
Long Island Weddings
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Member since 5/05

6530 total posts


Re: I am going to be a copy cat.... June moms to be please check in

I'll be 25 weeks on Thursday. I'm looking into birthing classes now. Our furniture is here - we've been working on the nursery.

LOTS of movement going on. I've been playing with my registry for weeks - I think its pretty much done. Shower talks are beginning. I think it will be 5/13...

Posted 2/27/06 2:01 PM

He's here!!

Member since 5/05

1372 total posts


Re: I am going to be a copy cat.... June moms to be please check in

i am 25 weeks as well Chat Icon feeling good, still veyr tired after doing very little and very out of breath when i climb stairs or do too much, otherwise great, i haven't gained too much weight (only 10 lbs) so i'm feeling healthy and eating well... just getting kicked alot Chat Icon haven't done any birthing classes and don't think we will either. doing a hosp tour in March. painting the nursery now and washing clothes ... people keep giving me hand me downs and i'm loving it!!!! so i'm getting everything washed and ready for him! My shower is planned for april 29 Chat Icon

we're having a Chat Icon , Alexander William

Posted 2/27/06 2:17 PM

Love my boys...

Member since 5/05

2412 total posts


Re: I am going to be a copy cat.... June moms to be please check in

I'll be 26 weeks on Thursday...the time is flying by. Just ordered the nursery furniture, but the room is painted and ready. I also registered this weekend, that was exhausting.

I feel pretty good...I've gained 20 lbs in 25 weeks, so I'm doing pretty good. I get tired much more easily though now Chat Icon

Baby's been moving a lot, it's awesome. I should be getting my childcare class info in the mail soon. The shower's April 22nd Chat Icon

Posted 2/27/06 3:01 PM

Growing up soo fast..

Member since 1/06

14917 total posts


Re: I am going to be a copy cat.... June moms to be please check in

Like Lisa, I will be 25 weeks on Thursday :) I am feeling good. Ive only put about 10 lbs on so far - but I feel huge! We just bought our first piece of furniture today - a pink and white basinet! The nursery cant be finished for awhile because we are in the process right now of having an upstairs added on to our home (talk about stress!) Hoping it will be done by JUne...ugh. I have paint colors and a crib picked out though for when the time comes.

I will be getting lamaze class and hospital tour info on Wed when I have my check up appt at the dr. I have yet to register but will be doing that in the next week or 2. Not looking fwd to that- so many decisions to make, I feel like I dont know what brands are best and which items are most important and which are a waste.

My shower is scheduled for sometime in May but they refuse to tell me when, even though I dont want a surprise shower this time around!

Posted 2/27/06 3:25 PM


Member since 5/05

19403 total posts


Re: I am going to be a copy cat.... June moms to be please check in

I'm 23 weeks tomorrow (due 6/27) but I have a feeling that I'll be going in July. With Sarah I was only 1cm on my due date.

I feel pretty good. Tired a lot, but I think that's from chasing her all over the place all day long. And I get an ache in my lower back every evening, but my OB said it's from carrying my little piggy around.

The baby is really active now, which makes it a lot more real to me now. Before it was just too easy to forget I was pregnant (that sounds awful!)

We're starting to clear out the guest room to get Sarah all set up in there, and then the new baby will go in the current nursery. We did it neutral so that if it's a boy this time it doesn't matter. We want Sarah in her new room for a while before the baby comes so that she doesn't feel like she's being pushed out or anything.

I hope you all have fun at your showers! It was so much fun to pick everything out and register last time. Chat Icon

Posted 2/27/06 3:42 PM

Love these kids!

Member since 10/05

4708 total posts


Re: I am going to be a copy cat.... June moms to be please check in

I am 23 weeks as of yesterday. Baby girl Hailey Marie due June 25th. I just finished my registry and can't stop looking at it!!! We picked out the color for the nursery (a light purple) and should be painting any day now. I have been feeling the baby doing flips for the past couple of weeks and it is amazing!!! Oh and I have to call for lamaze, thanks for reminding me! Hope you all are feeling well.

Posted 2/27/06 4:14 PM

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