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What exactly do they do?

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Member since 5/05

23599 total posts


What exactly do they do?

At Mommy & Me programs?

I'm totally clueless...Chat Icon

Posted 1/28/06 9:14 AM
Long Island Weddings
Long Island's Largest Bridal Resource


Member since 5/05

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Re: What exactly do they do?

I guess I'm not the only one...Chat Icon

Posted 1/28/06 10:07 AM


Member since 5/05

26975 total posts


Re: What exactly do they do?

I never took Andrew to one, a Mommy and Me specifically, but we do go to Storytime at the library and to a Gym class at MY GYM (we also used to go to the Little Gym, but switched to My Gym).

At storytime, the kids can sit on mommy's lap or in a circle and listen to a short story being read. They also do puppet shows, have little musical instruments like bells the kids can play with when they sing songs, they do ring around the rosie, etc. They have different age groups, and at 21 months, Andrew absolutely loves it.

At My Gym, they do lots of similar things, with lots of playtime on different equipment (slides, swings, jungle gym thingys, etc.) and they teach a skill each week (tumbling, handstands, etc.). They have a 10 minute separation time where they have the parents in the lobby and they have toy area they can play in, and they have a bunch of cute little toys and stuff they bring out they can play with. Every week its something new for them.

He loves them both.


ETA: Library is free Chat Icon , the MY GYM comes to about $20 per class (45-60 minutes long, depending on age group).

Message edited 1/28/2006 11:13:37 AM.

Posted 1/28/06 10:14 AM

It goes fast. Pay attention.

Member since 7/05

57538 total posts


Re: What exactly do they do?

You could also look into the library programs. They have a lot of programs like storytime, etc.

Posted 1/28/06 10:17 AM

Love my Family!

Member since 7/05

29064 total posts


Re: What exactly do they do?

I take Julia to Gymboree in Oceanside, and she loves it. Here is their website telling you about each age level, and what they do in the groups. Chat Icon Gymboree

Posted 1/28/06 10:43 AM


Member since 5/05

23599 total posts


Re: What exactly do they do?

Thank you!

Posted 1/28/06 11:13 AM

3 babies for me :)

Member since 5/05

6683 total posts


Re: What exactly do they do?

I take Alex to Gymboree and Music Together. In gymboree they do all different exercises and songs. In the music class we sing songs and play with different instruments like tamborines, drums, morracas, etc.

Posted 1/28/06 11:14 AM

LIF Adult

Member since 5/05

2922 total posts


Re: What exactly do they do?

I take Jacob to Lil Playmates... It is a mom and pop gymboree place- We do exercise, gym time with different equipment-slides, bouncy equipment, we played soccer with them, we do parachute time, bubble time, and then puppet time. The class is 45 minutes . That is what the kids can usually take. There are about 8 other children in the class. It is great stimulation for the babies and also you get to meet other moms in your neighborhood with kids your age... My class is over in Febuary and I am taking the spring session with 4 of the same children... He loves it!!! It is for 10 weeks and cost 225.

Another class I took and just finished was New Mommy and Me at the Mid island Y. It was a 10 week class. It was for new moms and their children. Basically it was more for the parents to meet other mothers not really for the children. It was a therapy session. you discussed different topics, bitched and complained and realized everyone els has the same complaints going on. I have met nice other moms from this. We would go to class and then go to the Diner for lunch.

I also go to Mingling Moms. They have a website. It is at Papparazzi in Westbury. It only lasts for 4 sessions but I am likin git. They seat you with other mommies in the area. They have speakers come in- We have had-a nutritionis, baby yoga and a pediatrician speak. YOu have lunch and chat with the other ladies. I think ther emust be about 30- 40 moms there..

All of these have good things going on--
YOu get to meet other moms.
You get out of the house
Your child gets to be with other children and also gets alot of stimulation from everything.
You get to form playdates from meeting people.

I will say that it does not come cheap but you can pick and choose what you want to do. I would not do more than one thing a day.

You can also check your local library. Unfortunately the Syosset library soesn't have anything until the babies are toddlers...

Hope this clarifies things...

Posted 1/28/06 11:16 AM

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