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Missing period...

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baby boy coming spring '11

Member since 5/05

3133 total posts


Missing period...

Well some of you may know I haven't had my period since September. So I called my gyno and made an appointment for the 26th, cause I want to get provera? to bring on my period. I just don't know if I should give it time, try a few more times on my own, or start clomid. I'm 25, so I'm not worried about time, but I'm afraid of running into problems, and then it taking even longer. Aaaah...what's a girl to do...

Posted 1/16/06 10:15 AM
Long Island Weddings
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Member since 5/05

34581 total posts


Re: Missing period...

Why do you miss your period? Thats what you need to know. Have you been diagnosed with anything?

I would take the provera....seems like 3-4 months is awful long.

I would discuss this with your OBGYN. IF your TTC now and your periods are that off, you probably need some form of medication to get you to ovulate. You could be ovulating on your own of course, but with that amount of time, its more then unlikly then not that your not ovulating at all, so your attempts are fruitless...

Thats what you have to find out before deciding on anything, do you ovulate or not.

Do you temp? Thats one way of seeing on your own if you do. OPKS will show + even if your not ovulating, the only sure way to tell is Sonograms, blood work or a sure temp rise.

Good luck!

Posted 1/16/06 12:11 PM

baby boy coming spring '11

Member since 5/05

3133 total posts


Re: Missing period...

I'm sure that I don't ovulate on my own, or else I'd be getting my period more frequently. I don't temp, but I don't have any of those other signs of ovulation. My doc mentioned PCOS, but they wanted to get my thyroid regulated (I have hypothyroidism). Now my TSH is regular, and I still haven't gotten my period. I get these random cramps, but nothing happens. It's like the phantom period. I'm concerned that I have PCOS and endometriosis, because of these random cramps and pains.

Posted 1/16/06 12:15 PM

Delay is not denial

Member since 5/05

2220 total posts


Re: Missing period...

Before taking a med, make sure you get thorough blood testing done. Because you are hypothyroid, (i am hyperthyroid), it's an indication that the pituitary gland may or may not be working properly. You definitely would want to get your prolactin levels checked, see if you are insulin resistant (igtt insulin glucose tolerance test), glucose levels, etc.

Endometriosis can sometimes be detected in an u/s but that is when there are endometria in the ovaries or around it. Usually endometriosis is something that has to be discovered with laprascopic surgery. Endometriosis shouldn't interfere with ovulation though...

Pcos, is something that a doctor can test for with blood work and vaginal u/s. If there are tiny cysts in your ovaries that resemble a pearl necklace, that's a sign of pcos. Insulin resistance usually causes this and meds like metformin help the body work better and ovulation occurs.

Some women with pcos do not have cystic ovaries...but are still insulin resistant. Another test they can do is day 3 blood test....if the fsh and the LH are in ratio like levels are a 5:5 ..or definitely close that' ideal. However some pcos women have a fsh of a 5 and LH of a 10. That means the hormones are out of sync.

Definitely get the blood tests asap...but don't rush in taking clomid. It may not be what you need.

Message edited 1/16/2006 12:50:04 PM.

Posted 1/16/06 12:48 PM

baby boy coming spring '11

Member since 5/05

3133 total posts


Re: Missing period...

Thanks Michelle! I'll definitely ask my doctor about everything you just mentioned.

Posted 1/16/06 1:13 PM

LIF Adult

Member since 8/05

2638 total posts


Re: Missing period...

Just out of curiosity, what exactly is endometriosis? Can you conceive with having it??

Posted 1/17/06 9:40 PM

My Heart and Soul

Member since 5/05

11122 total posts


Re: Missing period...

I didn't get my period for 8 months once I came off the pill the GYn put me on provera for 10days and I finally got it this month! We will see what happens next month she also made me get blood work done. Haven't heard back yet from them.


Posted 1/18/06 10:24 AM

Delay is not denial

Member since 5/05

2220 total posts


Re: Missing period...

Posted by Buttafli1277

Just out of curiosity, what exactly is endometriosis? Can you conceive with having it??

Endometriosis occurs during AF. AF is when the uterine lining is shed (endometrial lining) Women with endo have endo lining, growing outside of the uterus—on the ovaries, fallopian tubes, ligaments supporting the uterus, and other areas in the pelvic cavity. It can also be found in a woman's bladder, bowel, vagina, or other places in her body.

Every cycle the endometrial lining thickens and grows due to the hormones (estrogen) etc. When estrogen rises it also makes the endo grow...the endo cells that may be outside the body. When the hormones decrease, the uterine lining sheds and you bleed, the endo tissue will also bleed. It may also cause pain. Some women with endo have chronic pain.

They say, what can cause endo , is retrograde AF.. Basically instead of the menstrual flow all coming out, some of it can go back into the abdominal cavity...and the cells can adhere...and grow to parts they don't truly belong on.

They say about 35% percent of women with infertility issues have endo, especially with women who have auto immune issues. Depending where the endo is growing, can make conception hard or the issues that are causing the endo. There is also a genetic association. In other words, if women in your family have had it, they say it gives you a greater chance. Do with women with endo conceive ? Yes all the time. It just depends.

Message edited 1/18/2006 11:07:48 AM.

Posted 1/18/06 11:05 AM

baby boy coming spring '11

Member since 5/05

3133 total posts


Re: Missing period...

So redstar, endo only occurs during AF? My chances may be slim then cause I have AF like 4 times a year, and it's not painful, or heavy when I have it. I know I shouldn't self diagnose, but I'm just wondering. Dr's appointment is in a week, so I'll let you know what we discuss :)

Posted 1/18/06 9:01 PM

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