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Is a Burger King bday party enough for a 4 yr old?

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Mom of Three

Member since 9/05

7900 total posts


Is a Burger King bday party enough for a 4 yr old?

First let me say that I dont think anyone who is having big blowout parties is at fault, this is just my own thing. My DS #1's 4th bday is coming up. This is the year I am branching out into school friends. Basically the kids he knows from last year who are in this years class. Plus other friends and family. It could end up being anywhere from 14-21 kids, depending on who can make it.

Choice #1 is a playplace where they make a craft, play in a gameroom with lots of video games, dance, bubble machine, karaoke. Pizza, picking out candy & toys for goodie bag, etc. Dress up character included.

Choice #2 is a party at Burger King. The kids get the play area to themselves for a few hours and get a kid meal.

#1 of course sounds more exciting - but I know the kids will barely get time to do their craft and will be herded from activity to activity. There will be 2 kids who are 6 at the party, the rest will be 4 or younger, but the majority will be 4 yrs old.

So my question is, in this day and age of parties, parties and bigger parties, is a party at Burger King "enough"?

The party at BK will be half the price of the playplace, although that's not even the issue. First, most of these kids wont even be able to really play the video games. I could see it being a better choice for 7-8-9 yr olds (and up). Second, I dont even see the kids getting enough time to do their craft nicely. Third, Im not really into giving candy in goodie bags.

But again, is a BK party enough? Will the kids be bored? Im not sure why Im having such trouble with this decision but I am....I want it to be enough b/c I dont want to "have to" throw him an expensive, thrill a minute party but I dont want him to have the lame party. Do people expect more nowadays?


Posted 9/26/06 4:53 PM
Long Island Weddings
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Member since 5/05

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Re: Is a Burger King bday party enough for a 4 yr old?

This is a tough one. Let me just say if my daughter was invited to a BK party I wouldnt really think anything less of it, and honestly sometimes simplier is better and kids love to run and play. With that said, I cant help but think there are some parents who would think it was 'cheap' or something, but you cant always play into the Jones game, unless you want to of course! I cant imagine why 4 year olds wouldnt have a good time!!.......

Sorry this probably wasnt much help......

Posted 9/26/06 4:59 PM

Soccer Baseball Lax Mom

Member since 10/05

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Re: Is a Burger King bday party enough for a 4 yr old?

when is the 1st birthday party?

If you are into the "craft thing" how about do something at your house?

When I was in elementary school I always had a birthday party in October, even though my birthday was Sept 13.

We would do a halloween theme birthday.

We would all dress up in our customes (so we got to wear them more than once) and we did a craft. My mom would buy the stuff from michaels and it was always something easy but having to do with halloween.

she also did some fun games outside since its still fairly nice in october to be running around the backyard.

instead of a candy "goodie" bag you can buy the plastic pumpkin trick or treat baskets for 99 cents at target and maybe put a few halloween things in there. (note pads, spider rings, pencils etc)

Posted 9/26/06 6:23 PM


Member since 5/05

4729 total posts


Re: Is a Burger King bday party enough for a 4 yr old?

Well I think that I know the first place: Party playland. We did Sammy's 4 th birthday party there. It was great and we had fun. It is sad that today people try to do the BEST at each party. I remember going to BK parties as a kid and loving them

Message edited 9/26/2006 6:30:05 PM.

Posted 9/26/06 6:28 PM

Love my little ladies

Member since 2/06

1225 total posts


Re: Is a Burger King bday party enough for a 4 yr old?

I think a BK Bday is fine and like you said most kids will be 4yrs old. If you think it's not enough why don't you hire something additional like a clown or magician to spruce it up. All kids really like to do is interact with other kids and play. Don't waste your money save it for when your child can appreciate it!

Posted 9/26/06 6:35 PM

Yay Spring!

Member since 5/05

5133 total posts


Re: Is a Burger King bday party enough for a 4 yr old?

I think Wood Kingdom does a similar party where they play on all types of swingsets and things, but it's indoors. They have lunch and cake and I think you make your own goodie bags. I know parents whose kids have gone to parties there and they loved it.

If you want to stick with your first two options, I think either is fine. BK is great because kids love to run and play and they love BK. As someone else said, you could always bring in entertainment, or even set up a craft yourself.

Posted 9/26/06 6:39 PM

my princess

Member since 10/05

2936 total posts


Re: Is a Burger King bday party enough for a 4 yr old?

I had all my b-day's at McDonalds growing up and I loved them! Go for it the kids will have a great time. Sometimes I still miss that McDonalds cake.

Posted 9/26/06 7:54 PM


Member since 6/06

4563 total posts


Re: Is a Burger King bday party enough for a 4 yr old?

My sister had my nephew's 3rd bday party at Mcdonalds last year and the kids had a good time!! Go for it. I rather put that money into a savings account for my son then go crazy spending for a party at this ageChat Icon

Posted 9/26/06 7:59 PM


Member since 5/05

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Re: Is a Burger King bday party enough for a 4 yr old?

Al little note: if it is at party Playland , the kids LOVED the video games and the rides. sam had all 4year olds at his party

Posted 9/26/06 8:18 PM

It goes fast. Pay attention.

Member since 7/05

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Re: Is a Burger King bday party enough for a 4 yr old?

I haven't been to a Burger King party so I can't really comment on them except to say that I've been unsuccessful against their marketing ploys and my son LOVEs BK. I think parties have gotten way over the top. I don't think there is anything wrong with having the kids get together & make their own game or fun. I think you'd be fine with a party there.

We've done both Wood Kingdom & Chuck E. Cheese. Wood Kingdom was great but more expensive. Chuck E. Cheese was great because it gave the parents a chance to catch up & the kids ran around like crazy.

Posted 9/26/06 8:55 PM

my 4 boys!

Member since 6/06

7396 total posts


Re: Is a Burger King bday party enough for a 4 yr old?

i think if my kid wanted to have a party at burger king i would give him one. many people have parties at mcdonalds so why not?

Posted 9/26/06 9:03 PM

boys will be boys =)

Member since 9/05

7205 total posts


Re: Is a Burger King bday party enough for a 4 yr old?

Funny you said this, just yesterday, John Anthony goes "mommy when I turn 4, can we go to Burger King"? Chat Icon I dont know where he heard it, maybe his cousins went recently.

So far, I hope to not get caught up with whats expected in the years to come, but of course if mikey and joey in class are having it at the sports place, we might have to cave. Chat Icon
But until then, until WE can still make the decisions Chat Icon Im truly a fan of a party at home. I like the idea of everyone staying as long as they want, just enjoying the company and the kids having fun together. I find that at these play places, the kids barely see eachother because everyone is on their own flying around. I was going to rent a town park/picnic area for his party, but chickened out due to the time of year (oct), and again because I just like the more family/personal touch to having it at home.

I think whatever the child is happy with is more than enough, that smile will tell it all
Chat Icon Chat Icon

Posted 9/26/06 10:04 PM


Member since 5/05

6079 total posts


Re: Is a Burger King bday party enough for a 4 yr old?

I think the BK venue would be an awesome party, especially if they still give out those paper crowns! Chat Icon

Chat Icon Chat Icon

Posted 9/27/06 12:15 AM

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