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Anyone elses New Year start off on the wrong foot??

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My Babies

Member since 5/05

4956 total posts


Anyone elses New Year start off on the wrong foot??

I have been very sick since Thursday. Just barely lifted my head to see the ball drop on New Year's and still today woke up feeling even worse. Seems I have the Flu. I have never had it before and I am just miserable. I ache, I'm dizzy, my legs feel like jello, my neck, my back, my stomach, my head...everything HURTS!!!!! I am supposed to go back to work tomorrow after having a week off and well, thats just not going to happen, considering I can't see straight or walk straight. DH has been great taking care of me, but I just want to be better already. I feel so miserable like I am never gonna get better. Not how I planned to ring in the new year!!!!

Hope everyone elses started off better than mine!!Chat Icon

Posted 1/2/06 6:03 PM
Long Island Weddings
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Becoming a different woman

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Re: Anyone elses New Year start off on the wrong foot??

Sorry Jaime, feel better.

Let's just say my year didn't start so good either but what can you do, what doesn't kill us makes us stronger.Chat Icon

Posted 1/2/06 6:05 PM

I'm 2!

Member since 9/05

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Re: Anyone elses New Year start off on the wrong foot??

feel better!Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon

Posted 1/2/06 6:07 PM


Member since 5/05

4457 total posts


Re: Anyone elses New Year start off on the wrong foot??

Ours started off pretty rotten too! Too much family drama, I just want to get away from it! I hope this is no indication of what the upcoming year will hold, if so, I think I may flip my lid, finally!

Message edited 1/2/2006 6:09:24 PM.

Posted 1/2/06 6:09 PM


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Re: Anyone elses New Year start off on the wrong foot??

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Posted 1/2/06 6:12 PM

My Everything

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Re: Anyone elses New Year start off on the wrong foot??

Yesterday was a good day but NYE definitely didn't start things off right.

Feel better

Posted 1/2/06 6:29 PM

When you wish upon a star

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Re: Anyone elses New Year start off on the wrong foot??

Feel Better!!! Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon

Posted 1/2/06 6:30 PM

Time for me to FLY!

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Did I ever tell you that I hate people?

Re: Anyone elses New Year start off on the wrong foot??

Me too, spent Xmas in the hospital with pneumonia and a stomach virus, and then DH got the virus tooChat Icon

So, we just spent all week trying to recover.

Hope you feel better soon Chat Icon

Posted 1/2/06 6:32 PM

I'm two!

Member since 5/05

4320 total posts


Re: Anyone elses New Year start off on the wrong foot??

Our New Year's has been EXTREMELY crappy! We bid on a house in Colorado that should've been a sure thing, but these other bidders came out of nowhere and outbid us, and the sellers never bothered to ask us if we wanted to raise our offer (we would have!)
So the house of our dreams got snatched out from underneath us, and now we don't know what we're going to do Chat Icon

Hope you feel better! Chat Icon

Posted 1/2/06 6:42 PM


Member since 5/05

3893 total posts


Re: Anyone elses New Year start off on the wrong foot??

I'm right there with ya. I've been sick since Friday. I felt so bad that we stayed home and missed a party we were both looking forward too. DH has been so nice taking care of me. Today is my first day out of bed. Did the same as you for the ball drop, Im surprised I was even awake.

Feel better!!!!!

Posted 1/2/06 7:15 PM

It goes fast. Pay attention.

Member since 7/05

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Re: Anyone elses New Year start off on the wrong foot??

Wow - now I feel like a wimp complaining. I have swollen glands on both sides & a really bad sore throat. Nothing I can't go to work with but I did sleep on & off most of the day.

Feel better soon!

Posted 1/2/06 9:13 PM

My Loves!

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Re: Anyone elses New Year start off on the wrong foot??

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Feel Better soon ladies. I had this right before Christmas, went right to the dr. and got antibiotics...turned out to be an upper respitory infection..YUCK!
Im much better now, hope you all feel better too, soon!Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon

Posted 1/2/06 9:42 PM


Member since 5/05

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Re: Anyone elses New Year start off on the wrong foot??

I already posted about it...Chat Icon

Posted 1/2/06 11:34 PM

Twin mommy

Member since 5/05

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Re: Anyone elses New Year start off on the wrong foot??

Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Feel better!

Nothing positive has happened on my end yet either.....

Posted 1/3/06 9:42 AM


Member since 5/05

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Re: Anyone elses New Year start off on the wrong foot??

I hope things improve for everyone. Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon

Posted 1/3/06 9:43 AM

Beyond Compare

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Re: Anyone elses New Year start off on the wrong foot??

Chat Icon Chat Icon

Feel better!!! Chat Icon

Posted 1/3/06 9:46 AM

Sweet Jessie Quinn

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Re: Anyone elses New Year start off on the wrong foot??

Chat Icon Chat Icon Feel better soon. DH and I have been sick since Friday night. I am coughing all over the place this morning at work. But you can't call in after a holidayChat Icon

Posted 1/3/06 9:54 AM

She's 7!!!

Member since 8/05

14624 total posts


Re: Anyone elses New Year start off on the wrong foot??

Y es!

On NYE afternoon I tripped on a tow rope between 2 cars in the street and fell forward- onto my stomach. I put my hands out and may or may not have fractured my right wrist - and of course I'm a righty. Did I mention I was 6 months pregnant?!!! I was completely freaking out.

Most importantly the baby is fine- and definitely a girl.

But of course, we ended up staying home, alone on NYE- when we had great plans.

Now my right arm is in a splint and they still don't know if its fractured. I will be posting less b/c typing is hard. But I'm still here.

Posted 1/3/06 9:58 AM

My Babies

Member since 5/05

4956 total posts


Re: Anyone elses New Year start off on the wrong foot??

Posted by Shellyesq

Y es!

On NYE afternoon I tripped on a tow rope between 2 cars in the street and fell forward- onto my stomach. I put my hands out and may or may not have fractured my right wrist - and of course I'm a righty. Did I mention I was 6 months pregnant?!!! I was completely freaking out.

Most importantly the baby is fine- and definitely a girl.

But of course, we ended up staying home, alone on NYE- when we had great plans.

Now my right arm is in a splint and they still don't know if its fractured. I will be posting less b/c typing is hard. But I'm still here.

You win!! Feel Better, take care of yourself and your little princess!!

Today, for the first day I am actually feeling better. I woke up congested as hell but took dayquil and am feeling a little better. I actually took today off anyway, just because I am still feeling run down and didn't want to go out in this yucky weather so I could relapse, so I am staying put, except for one errand to the bank to get a money order for my rent which is late cause I haven't been able to get there. Hope everyones New Year starts looking up and this was just the last of 05 shaking out of their systems!!Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon

Posted 1/3/06 10:05 AM

She's 7!!!

Member since 8/05

14624 total posts


Re: Anyone elses New Year start off on the wrong foot??

Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon This is one contest I will gladly lose. Glad to hear u r feeling better. Take it easy and you will be back to normal in no time!!

Posted 1/3/06 10:11 AM

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