co sleepers- where do you nap the baby
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boy mamma

Member since 5/05 2975 total posts
Name: Antoinette
co sleepers- where do you nap the baby
Bryan takes naps in our bed in the middle- he has never attempted to roll on the bed- only on the floor ,so to me it feels safe- he wont nap and where else besides my arms- I worried that when he starts to get more mobile he will fall out of the bed when we put him down for a nap- I do check on him all the time and our place insnt that big so the second he wakes Im in there- I was thinking about getting thoughs guard rails to put on the side.
Posted 1/24/06 3:23 PM |
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Member since 7/05 29064 total posts
Name: Mel
Re: co sleepers- where do you nap the baby
Julia sleeps in our bed at night, I want her to get use to her crib because she cant sleep with us forever, so I put her in her crib for naps during the day, plus I feel safe thats shes in her crib rather my bed when I'm not there. Can he sleep in his crib for naps? If not I would buy the guard rails.
Posted 1/24/06 3:40 PM |
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