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Where are the 30 something week girls?? EMC....

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me and baby #3!

Member since 5/05

12013 total posts


Where are the 30 something week girls?? EMC....

33 weeks today! I NEVER thought I'd get here....and it's still going SO fast.

Feeling pretty good...sleeping is almost non-existent. If I wake up, it takes forever to get back to sleep, my feet seem to be starting to swell at the end of the day and my legs hurt too.

And G-d help me with the friggen emotions.....

Posted 11/16/05 8:46 AM
Long Island Weddings
Long Island's Largest Bridal Resource


Member since 5/05

3753 total posts


Re: Where are the 30 something week girls?? EMC....

I am 36 weeks, 3 days. As of last week's doc's appointment I was 1-2 centimeters dilated and 50% effaced. My doc joked around about seeing me Thanksgiving night so from his comment I'm assuming he thinks I'm going to go early.

I have another appointment later this morning so we'll see if there is any progress.

The baby has finally dropped and walking is getting hard (I think he has a big head LOL) due to the pressure in my pelvis. Since I've dropped there has been a huge increase in movement - I swear this kid is trying to break free and come out my bellybutton.

I'm feeling pretty good - sleep is tough and I get tired really easily but I also have a VERY active 1 year old who I can't turn my back on for a second.

My dad is here at the house today finishing up the baby's room (moldings, curtain rods, wainscotting) and the crib comes on Tuesday. I've washed all the bedding and infant seat cover, bundle me, swing, bouncer and his hospital stuff. I went and got all my toiletries and now just have to pack.

He is allowed to make his appearance anytime after Tuesday LOL.

Posted 11/16/05 9:14 AM

it's me

Member since 5/05

11234 total posts


Re: Where are the 30 something week girls?? EMC....

I am 30 weeks 3 days, and I can't even imagine the hormones getting worse. I have no patience with anyone lately and I can't even breath. The only time I can breath is lying on my side. I think I'm putting myself on bedrest! Not to mention all the nightmares I'm constantly having nowChat Icon

Hang in there girlsChat Icon

Posted 11/16/05 9:26 AM

Stop kissing me!

Member since 5/05

2636 total posts


Re: Where are the 30 something week girls?? EMC....

Tomorrow is the start of week 34 for me. I am still feeling pretty good, but also can't sleep. Once I finally get comfortable I have to get up to go to the bathroom.

Belly seems to grow more and more every day.

Getting excited!

Posted 11/16/05 10:40 AM


Member since 5/05

5025 total posts


Re: Where are the 30 something week girls?? EMC....

I'm 36 weeks and 5 days.... Had my first internal last night. Her head is engaged, and I'm feeling pretty uncomfy down there. Hopefully it won't be long now......

Posted 11/16/05 10:53 AM


Member since 5/05

6856 total posts


Re: Where are the 30 something week girls?? EMC....

I am 35 weeks.
Starting to feel uncomfortable.
My fingers are swollen, starting to feel lower abdominal pressure, sleep is almost nonexistent (which is making me CRANKY), walking has even become hard!
The baby is kicking the crap out of my ribs (DH & I joke that the baby will be grounded after it's born for kicking it's mother
Chat Icon ).
Other than all the above I feel great.
Chat Icon

Posted 11/16/05 12:09 PM

Life is good!

Member since 5/05

8369 total posts


Re: Where are the 30 something week girls?? EMC....

37 weeks 2 days here. Some days I feel great, other days I feel really uncomfortable and can barely walk. Baby is 5 lbs 14 oz as of yesterday, her head is very low, but at my last internal monday my cervix is closed!

We got all the furniture last weekend, I started washing and putting all the clothes away, I am trying to ready my apartment for her arrival- it is so much work and so much stuff!

I scared and anxious and excited!

Posted 11/16/05 6:51 PM


Member since 5/05

3416 total posts


Re: Where are the 30 something week girls?? EMC....

35 weeks here. Sleep has just this week become almost non existant too. I fall asleep without a problem but i'm up every hour peeing. And starting to feel alot of pressure. I had a lot of BH contractions today at work, made me nervous since they were coming every 20 min... but eventually they stopped. Of course i had a sono at work to check things, and his head is locked and loaded right on my cervix, and he is all smashed in there running out of room quickly. He is weighing in at 5 lbs 9 oz. Everyone thinks i will go early since i walk all day at work. We'll see... my energy level is dimishing which means there will be a lot of sad people on christmas cause i cant find the energy to shop!! Chat Icon oh well!!!!!!!! Feel good girls.... its almost time!!!! Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon

Posted 11/16/05 8:23 PM

Back in LI!

Member since 5/05

1525 total posts


Re: Where are the 30 something week girls?? EMC....

36 weeks and 3 days...I feel exhausted for the most part..and can't seem to sleep many hours straight, I'm so uncomfortable now..his head is down and in position which is good to know..
I'm happy knowing my docter won't let me go anymore then 1 week past due date..

at this point I'm feeling pretty anxious!Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon


Posted 11/16/05 8:52 PM


Member since 5/05

8261 total posts


Re: Where are the 30 something week girls?? EMC....

Posted by btrflygrl

33 weeks today! I NEVER thought I'd get here....and it's still going SO fast.

Feeling pretty good...sleeping is almost non-existent. If I wake up, it takes forever to get back to sleep, my feet seem to be starting to swell at the end of the day and my legs hurt too.

And G-d help me with the friggen emotions.....

I couldnt have said it better!! I am currently 31 weeks 1 day. Sleeping is SO hard now.. even with the snoogle its not easy. Crying alot seems to just be daily life now. Still working which I am sort of thankful for because it keeps me busy and not home all the time which would lead to me eating all day, but geting to work by 8:00 feels darn near impossible. All in all, I can't complain, I have had a pretty fast and easy pregnancy up until now.

Posted 11/16/05 8:58 PM

My Boys

Member since 6/05

1019 total posts


Re: Where are the 30 something week girls?? EMC....

37 weeks here... don't worry is slows down... you might not think so, but these last 4 weeks seem to take forever.... I just want it to be over already and the days can't pass fast enough. Tomorrow I go for the 37th week check up and see if anything more is going on down there. Last week, lost the mucas plug and I was a finger tip dilated, so hoping for some good news. Tonight is a full moon, maybe it will work in my favor. Chat Icon

Posted 11/16/05 10:21 PM

The Boys!

Member since 5/05

2065 total posts


Re: Where are the 30 something week girls?? EMC....

SHANA!!! I feel for you. (and everyone else who posted too)
I am usually a pretty laid back personality; but I am set off by everything, especially at work. I guess because I know I only have about 5 weeks left that I must be anxious.
Yesterday and today are the first days my hands have swelled. My friend said to drink more water and that did help.
I am draggin' a** come three o'clock. Off to the doctor today for these weigh-ins that I dreadChat Icon
Oh, and this past week I feel like my belly has popped...Again...

Posted 11/17/05 3:33 PM

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