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table food for 8 month old

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The Boys!

Member since 5/05

2065 total posts


table food for 8 month old

Logan is REFUSING baby food now. He cries when he sees the container and instantly lifts his hand to smack the spoon away when I am near. This morning for breakfast I made him a waffle and cut up banana. Any suggestions from BTDT moms???

Posted 8/26/06 10:56 AM
Long Island Weddings
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Two ladies and a gentleman!

Member since 5/05

12165 total posts


Re: table food for 8 month old

How about french toast...they have frozen ones to save time.

As far as other meals (because my DD is the same way)...Morningstar farms stuff...I like the veggie bites now. Also, chicken nuggets, grilled cheese, pasta, french fries, macaroni and cheese, bread, cheese slices (hmmm...see a pattern forming!), scrambled eggs (not sure if you're up to that yet). Basically anything soft that you eat should be pretty much OK now.

Posted 8/26/06 11:45 AM


Member since 5/05

5025 total posts


Re: table food for 8 month old

My ped suggested well cooked ground beef, pastina, mashed potatoes, bread, cheese. Things that wasy to mush and small if they don't have a lot of teeth - like my DD.

Posted 8/26/06 12:33 PM

me and baby #3!

Member since 5/05

12013 total posts


Re: table food for 8 month old

DD is almost 8 months old and hardly takes any baby food. She'll eat:
pancakes (I make a double batch every weekend and warm them up in the micro for her)
french toast sticks
Eggo Waffles
Gerber Graduates diced appples, pears, carrots, green beans
Gerber freeze dried fruit, wagon wheels, and puffs
Cheerios, dry or in a bowl of formula
deli turkey or ham slices
I tried cheese slices this week
cheese tortellini
regular pasta in tomato sauce
steamed fresh green beans, microwaved frozen veggies like broccoli, green beans, cauliflower
canned fruit (no sugar added in pear juice concentrate) pears, tropical fruit, sliced peaches or veggies that have no salt added.
I put chunks of watermelon in the teether net which she LOVES for her teething
cut up bananas, blueberries, fresh mango, cantaloupe (not sure if she actually likes this)
ground beef, long as it's not heavily spiced. I made lemon roast chicken and she ate that.

and I bought 2 of the Gerber Graduates pasta pick ups (ravioli)--spinach & Cheese and the chicken & carrot one to try. I think I may try yo baby yogurt soon too.

Posted 8/26/06 8:20 PM

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