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Anyone or know someone who had made no progress at end of PG, then Bam go into Labor?..Soorry if long...

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Member since 5/05

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Anyone or know someone who had made no progress at end of PG, then Bam go into Labor?..Soorry if long...

I am looking for some kind of hope. I know things can change in a matter of hours but I am getting sooo frustrated and anxious.

I was on partial bedrest and meds from 26-36 weeks and I guess I was hoping when they took me off the meds, my body would start contracting again like it did to get me the meds and bedrest.

I apologize if this post is redundant.

1st internal at 36.5 weeks-Nothing NO Progress
2nd internal at 37.5 weeks-Just slight effacing
3rd internal at 38.5 weeks-Not even enough effacing to measure, and i am 1/2 fingertip dilated.

Did this happen to anyone or anyone they know then all of sudden go into labor? Or did you wind up going late? Is there anything I can do to help this along?

This is my 1st baby, and i guess I am ready and done being pg, I just want her here already!!

Message edited 4/24/2006 5:45:30 PM.

Posted 4/24/06 5:24 PM
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Re: Anyone make no progress at end of PG, then Bam go into Labor?..Soorry if long...

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Posted 4/24/06 5:32 PM

My Girls

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Re: Anyone or know someone who had made no progress at end of PG, then Bam go into Labor?..Soorry if long...

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{{{{{{{{LABOR VIBES}}}}}}}}}}} Oh yeah isn't crazy all the contractions you had before and now that you are off the meds nothing? That is exactly what happened to me!!

Message edited 4/24/2006 6:10:46 PM.

Posted 4/24/06 6:09 PM


Member since 5/05

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Re: Anyone or know someone who had made no progress at end of PG, then Bam go into Labor?..Soorry if long...

Posted by mishy

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{{{{{{{{LABOR VIBES}}}}}}}}}}} Oh yeah isn't crazy all the contractions you had before and now that you are off the meds nothing? That is exactly what happened to me!!

when was Gianna born at how many weeks? You went before 40 weeks right, if my memory works correctly?

thank you michelle!!Chat Icon

Posted 4/24/06 6:29 PM

Yay Spring!

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Re: Anyone or know someone who had made no progress at end of PG, then Bam go into Labor?..Soorry if long...

At my 38 week visit, my doctor said I was almost 1cm dialated and it would be awhile before he was born on his own, so he asked if I wanted to be induced two days later as he was on call that day. I told him no, I'd wait and see what happens. My water broke the next day, and Jesse was born about nine hours later - all this was the day after my appointment. It can happen!!!

Posted 4/24/06 6:32 PM

3 babies for me :)

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Re: Anyone or know someone who had made no progress at end of PG, then Bam go into Labor?..Soorry if long...

I went to the Dr the day before Alex was born and nothing, he told me the contractions I was having were probably braxton hicks. Well 24 hours later he was born. So anything can happen at anytime.

Posted 4/24/06 7:09 PM

Mom of Three

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Re: Anyone or know someone who had made no progress at end of PG, then Bam go into Labor?..Soorry if long...

With my son - I forget what myeffacement was but it wasnt much, I was not even 1cm on a Thu OB visit and I had him that Sunday. Trust me, I wasnt an unusual case and it definitely doesnt mean you arent having your baby soon. I'm sending you **labor vibes** in the meantime. I can relate to your "when is the baby coming?" anxiety though...I felt that way when I was having him too.

Posted 4/24/06 7:36 PM

My love.

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Re: Anyone or know someone who had made no progress at end of PG, then Bam go into Labor?..Soorry if long...

I was not effaced or dialated at all the day before I went into labor. At the appt. the dr. told me she wanted to see me a few days later to discuss induction - but luckily I didn't need it.

In the meantime - REST UP! You will need all your energy for labor and delivery - so many people told me that and I didn't believe it. I ran myself ragged the day I went into labor - and boy was it exhausting!

Posted 4/24/06 7:44 PM


Member since 5/05

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Re: Anyone or know someone who had made no progress at end of PG, then Bam go into Labor?..Soorry if long...

I had an internal with my first at 37 weeks and nothing. I wasn't dilated or effaced and he told me not to worry, it was my first and more than likely I would go late.

well, 3 days later my water broke and he was born 3 hours later (I had a c/s because he was breech).

Posted 4/24/06 7:56 PM

Life is good!

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Re: Anyone or know someone who had made no progress at end of PG, then Bam go into Labor?..Soorry if long...

I wasn;t feeling well and went to the Dr.- he said nothing at all was happening. I had her the next day!

Hang in there!

Posted 4/24/06 7:57 PM

boy mamma

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Re: Anyone or know someone who had made no progress at end of PG, then Bam go into Labor?..Soorry if long...

yes this was me- no progress just a little softening then the night I had bad stomach pains- like I ate too much, I went to the bathroom and then the contractions started about an hour later.

Posted 4/24/06 8:41 PM

LIF Adult

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Re: Anyone or know someone who had made no progress at end of PG, then Bam go into Labor?..Soorry if long...

Posted by MrsR

I was not effaced or dialated at all the day before I went into labor. At the appt. the dr. told me she wanted to see me a few days later

this was me too!

Posted 4/24/06 9:21 PM


Member since 5/05

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Re: Anyone or know someone who had made no progress at end of PG, then Bam go into Labor?..Soorry if long...

I really think I set myself up for feeling like this. I thought going off the meds would actually do something. I think it's in my head. Today I have so down in the dumps.

Knowing that I am not alone that other women have had no progress then something happened helps me keep the faith.

I thank you so very much for sharingChat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon

Posted 4/24/06 10:20 PM

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