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Moms who work F/T and BF...

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Yay Spring!

Member since 5/05

5133 total posts


Moms who work F/T and BF...

How often do you actually BF? I'm returning to work in one week Chat Icon and I'm trying to get Jesse on a new schedule. It seems like I can only BF first thing in the morning and all the rest will be bottles (and a lot of pumping for me). Do you find it's still worth it? Do you have trouble with the baby prefering the bottle to BF? Thanks!

Posted 9/24/05 12:03 PM
Long Island Weddings
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Member since 5/05

2314 total posts


Re: Moms who work F/T and BF...

I returned to work when Claire was 3 months old. I wake up around 5am and pump one side and then BF her the other side when she first wakes up (6 am) and then BF her around 8:30am just before I leave her. She has 3 bottles of BM while Im at work (1 -4oz and 2-6oz) and I pump twice during work. I pick her up around 5:30pm and BF as soon as I am with her, and then again around 8:30pm before bed.

The first month back to work was very hard, and I felt like I was attached to the pump all the time and always stressing about if there was enough bm, but I never had to give her formula and your body just takes a little to adjust to the new schedule and should catch up. Even thought it is not easy to work FT and BF, I wouldn't change a thing, it has truly been such a great bonding for us. Honestly it was so difficult for me to return to work (still is at 9 months) but I think that BF helps maintain a special closeness that meant a lot to me since I feel so guilty being away during the day.

Sorry this was so long..........good luck!

ETA..Claire never had any problems with prefering a bottle to BF. She switchs between the 2 with no problems

Message edited 9/24/2005 10:07:41 PM.

Posted 9/24/05 10:06 PM

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