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spinoff to Anna's diaper post

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Member since 5/05

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spinoff to Anna's diaper post

Where's the best place to buy diapers? and whats a good price?

I bought my first diapers yesterday at Target because we needed them, but now I want to make sure I get better deals.

Is BRU good when they have coupons? I have $5 off pampers and $5 off $25 to use next week.

where do you buy them? whats the right price per diaper (Anna?)


Posted 7/13/06 8:17 PM
Long Island Weddings
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my 4 boys!

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Re: spinoff to Anna's diaper post

def BJs buy in bulk it's cheaper just don't buy too many size 1 and 2s

Posted 7/13/06 8:21 PM


Member since 5/05

1854 total posts


Re: spinoff to Anna's diaper post

For the really big boxes, I found that BRU with the $5.00 off + a $1.00 MFR coupon is a better deal than Targets because you get more diapers in the BRU boxes but that's just my calculations and I'm the first to admit I'm not the best in math. Chat Icon

Posted 7/13/06 8:41 PM

Chase is one!

Member since 5/05

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Re: spinoff to Anna's diaper post

I paid 35.99 then a 2 dollar off coupon for a box of 214 Size 1 Swaddlers in BRU yesterday.
I'm currently researching prices and what not. I was actually thinking of starting a thread for all of us to keep up on that has stores and their prices. Also, we could let each other know when there's sales and where.
Also, I know like I have tons of coupons for diaper brands I know I will not use. I'd be willing to send them to those who need them.

Posted 7/13/06 9:29 PM

It goes fast. Pay attention.

Member since 7/05

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Re: spinoff to Anna's diaper post

Posted by JTK

def BJs buy in bulk it's cheaper just don't buy too many size 1 and 2s

I agree.

Posted 7/13/06 9:37 PM

boys will be boys =)

Member since 9/05

7205 total posts


Re: spinoff to Anna's diaper post

I never really started calculating per diaper until Tammy and I (hows she doing by the way Chat Icon) REALLY started comparing Chat Icon

I CANNOT SHOP at BJs COSTCO. Its such a marketing scam, buying in BULK. I will say that MANY things thereI love, their cakes, meats, and many other items. ButI CANT just go do my grocery shopping there. Id love to do a "head to head" shopping sweep (whatever that gameshow was Chat Icon ) and I get MUCHHHHH Better deals than they have there, bulk or not.

I used to get the Pampers/Huggies for $6-$7 a pack, once in a while $5.50.
I think the best deal Ive gotten lately is 10cents a diaper, and thats size 5, so there are MANY MANY fewer diapers, in a newborn, it might have been 7-8 cents a diaper. (and this is almost always Pampers or Huggies, once in a while store brands but very rarely since I get good deals on better brands).

So it really depends on sales/deals, its not so much "where to buy" than when to buy.
If you catch great sales PLUS have coupons on top of it, youre set. and then sometimes I also have the store printout receipt thing with the coupon.
A few weeks ago, I think I got $30 in shopping for $9. I dont even know how I did it
Chat Icon I had 2-3 formula cans, cake mixes (I might have posted about it here Chat Icon ), and again I tried to use SEVERAL formula coupons at once (depends which cashier you get) and it worked, she used all of them, plus store ones, plus it was on sale.

You have to have patience for it. I actually happen to get a thrill from it (my exciting life lately Chat Icon Chat Icon ) so sitting with a few circulars, deciding in a few minutes, which store has the best deals for the week, flipping through my coupons really quick, and I shop like this every single time. I never have to run out for anything. I stock up on stuff at these prices. I get Bounty or any top brand paper towel at 50cents a roll and wont pay a dime more, and it works every time. I have enough to last me a few more months Chat Icon

See, dont ask me coupon questions, it gets me all excited Chat Icon when I worked at the gym babysitting, Id bring my coupons to let the older kids play shopping games, collect and trade coupons, and when their parents came to get them, they had coupons for their favorite items Chat Icon

ALSO- the King Kullen coupon (Im sure most of you know) thats $5 off of $50 or $7.50 off $75, its also accepted at stop n shop (NOt at Waldbaums Chat Icon Chat Icon )
and King Kullen is the only guy left that doubles $1. no one else does. (the others all double up to 99cents (which is really 75cents).

ok ok ok Chat Icon Chat Icon

Lisa did I answer your question ?

Message edited 7/13/2006 10:15:53 PM.

Posted 7/13/06 10:13 PM

Mom of Three

Member since 9/05

7900 total posts


Re: spinoff to Anna's diaper post

Walmart has the best prices and a really decent diaper line - White Cloud. They work great, even the Size 1's the Matthew wears. And the diapers are so cheap compared to Pampers or Huggies. DH hates when I shop Walmart though but I do find their prices to be best. I also I find really good sales at the supermarkets but not every week. 2 weeks ago Waldbaums had $11.99 Pampers for 8.99 and then I had $2.00 coupons. So I agree with Anna that it depends on the "when" as much as the "where"

Posted 7/13/06 10:20 PM

boys will be boys =)

Member since 9/05

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Re: spinoff to Anna's diaper post

Liz, I agree, MANY Store brands are AEWSOME. BJs/Costco brands are excellent, and Waldbaums brand is also very good.
ESPECIALLY on the under 1 baby (or under 7-8m), because they dont do the damage that a rambunctious toddler does and you change them much more often, so even if its not a Pampers brand, it still works VERY WELL.
I do remember NOt being crazy about stopn shops brand though. and Im usually not a picky brand obsessed person at all.

A month or so ago, WB ran a sale on their brand for 3.99 (for the $10 packs) and needless to say, I have TONNNS in newborn size, and even grabbed 5s for Luca.

Liz, John also rolls his eyes at the store brands, get over it baby Chat Icon then he was QUITE impressed with the quality of the diaper. IT has CLifford on it, so its prob the same mfr that makes ALL Store brands (or most!) because I know the costco/Bjs is also the Clifford one.

I just dont have Walmart nearby, but Id def shop there more if it was closer. I love walmart!

Message edited 7/13/2006 10:33:52 PM.

Posted 7/13/06 10:32 PM


Member since 5/05

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Re: spinoff to Anna's diaper post

I won't buy diapers without a coupon. I go to BRU and stock up when I have the $5 off diaper coupon or the 15% off. I also use manufacturer's coupons on top of that.

I only shop in Stop & Shop as far as supermarkets and will buy there if I have a coupon, and a lot of times I get those register coupons too (for like $3 off).

I have bought in Target as well, but like someone else mentioned, the boxes are smaller (i.e., less diapers) than when you buy in BRU or the supermarket.

I also will buyin CVS too, but they don't carry the cases, just the Mega and Jumbo packs. But since I get CVS dollars back, I'll use that coupon towards the diapers, plus a manufacturers coupon.

I admit I've never used a brand other than Pampers or Huggies or Luvs. I don't shop in Walmart of I'd be tempted to try their brand that Liz raves about.

Posted 7/13/06 10:41 PM


Member since 5/05

6079 total posts


Re: spinoff to Anna's diaper post

i totally agree on the Bj's bulk thing.... I have calculated the diapers per box /the price and have found other stores cheaper. Its per diaper that counts, because Pampers will make say a 128 diaper box for BJ's whereas BRU or someone else only has 120 but it may seem like you are getting a deal and vice versa.

not even just diapers but I have found myself paying more per item in BJ's just for the privilege of getting 3 in pack.

where is that bargain board by the way?Chat Icon

Message edited 7/13/2006 10:41:44 PM.

Posted 7/13/06 10:41 PM


Member since 4/06

2784 total posts


Re: spinoff to Anna's diaper post

I always thought Costco was the best deal but now they don't carry DD's size in Pull Ups.Chat Icon
I am not too sad b/c I just joined BJ's and they have her size.

I also buy at Shop Rite w/ coupons b/c for every $75 I spend on baby products (formula, diapers, baby food etc.) I get $10 off my shopping order. Unfortunately I must spend $75 a lot b/c I always see the $10 discount on my receipt.

Posted 7/13/06 11:11 PM

LIF Adult

Member since 5/05

3372 total posts


Re: spinoff to Anna's diaper post has pretty good prices if you don't have a coupon or a good sale.

Posted 7/14/06 12:48 AM

My Little Yankee Fans

Member since 1/06

4018 total posts


Re: spinoff to Anna's diaper post

BJ's takes coupons so that might make the BJ's be better.

I watch the sales, at times Target has had a buy 2 cases get a $5 gift card, so I get them at that time. But I alwasy buy on sale and with a coupon anytime I buy them.

CVS also has a good sale once in a while and if you use you extra card, you will get future money off, and coupons thur them.

Posted 7/14/06 7:08 AM

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