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Ant Problem, Posting here - more traffic

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Member since 1/06

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Ant Problem, Posting here - more traffic

So I realized tonight we have a carpenter ant problem. Anyone else? How do you handle it? DH is away on business, he usually deals with the bugs.

My skin is creepy crawly right now because all I can think of are those carpenter ants roaming around my hallway and kitchen.

Do we need an exterminator or should I just buy a can of Raid?

I hate bugs! Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon

I swear, Real Estate Agents should hand new homeowners a manual when you buy a house!

Message edited 6/21/2006 11:09:03 PM.

Posted 6/21/06 10:14 PM
Long Island Weddings
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Re: Posting here - more traffic

I would call an exterminator. We usually get ants in the summer. We tried everything and nothing worked until we contacted an exterminator.

Posted 6/21/06 10:18 PM

My little loves!

Member since 1/06

8093 total posts


Re: Posting here - more traffic

Def call the exterminator. It's the only way to really get rid of them. Good luck.

Posted 6/21/06 10:24 PM

It goes fast. Pay attention.

Member since 7/05

57538 total posts


Re: Posting here - more traffic

Terro Traps! You need to kill the nest. You can get them at the hardware store. They've worked everythimg I've used them. YOu need to have some tolerance for a swarm of ants that will eat the poison & bring it back to the nest kiling the rest of the colony. You CAN'T kill the swarm because they need to feed the queen, etc.

Sometimes an exterminator will use something will cause them to move the nest - in which case you get a reprieve but still an ant problem.

Posted 6/21/06 10:36 PM

<3 <3 <3 <3

Member since 1/06

19197 total posts


Re: Posting here - more traffic

Posted by nrthshgrl

Terro Traps! You need to kill the nest. You can get them at the hardware store. They've worked everythimg I've used them. YOu need to have some tolerance for a swarm of ants that will eat the poison & bring it back to the nest kiling the rest of the colony. You CAN'T kill the swarm because they need to feed the queen, etc.

Sometimes an exterminator will use something will cause them to move the nest - in which case you get a reprieve but still an ant problem.

Thank you!!!

I have no tolerance for bugs and I think the ants know it that's why they waited for DH to go away to come out! Chat Icon Chat Icon

Posted 6/21/06 10:39 PM

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