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My Loves!

Member since 5/05 46292 total posts
Dh and I are going to FL in March. I asked him if he wanted to leave my parents house, drive up to Orlando and hit a theme park (all day fri). Rather than fly home from Ft. Lauderdale on Sat., we'd fly home from Orlando.. My question: Out of all the parks in Disney, which one would you spend the day in?
Posted 1/22/06 4:23 PM |
Come on in

Member since 5/05 9674 total posts
Name: Mel
Re: Disney..
I would spend a day at MGM only because they have who wants to be a millionaire and when one ends, you can race back to the front of the building to get in on the next game. (they have 2 rounds of hot seat contestants) Hubby and I literally spent an entire day playing who wants to be a millionaire. Hubby made it to the hot seat
Posted 1/22/06 5:09 PM |
2nd verse same as the 1st

Member since 5/05 15287 total posts
Re: Disney..
I want to say it's a tie between MK & EPCOT. Definitely MK if you have never been there before but Epcot is my favorite park.
I have never been to Universal -- I am not a big ride person and was not super impressed with Sea World.
Posted 1/26/06 9:49 AM |
The Disney Lady

Member since 5/05 18163 total posts
Name: Jennifer
Re: Disney..
I'm a Magic Kingdom girl. I could live there...
You cna also do 1/2 and 1/2 at close aprks
like 1/2 at EPCOT (you cna do all of future worl in the morning if you get there early) then Monorail over to MK for more rides and firework
or morning at EPCOT and ferry over to MGM for Fantasmic!
ETA: You left out Disney's Animal Kingdom.!! it's the BEST! it isn't///but it's alsoa good 1/2 day park...they are opening Expedition Everest Soon
Also, what kind of rides do you like?
Message edited 1/26/2006 2:47:55 PM.
Posted 1/26/06 2:47 PM |

Member since 5/05 22351 total posts
Re: Disney..
i Love Tower of Terror and Rock n' rolelr coaster at MGM,,, but its a small park, so if you didnt get the park hopper... you wouldnt really be able to mae the 'most' out of it there.
it's a tie between MK and Epcot... and although i LOVE MK, and transform into a 5 year old when i'm there... i really think that Epcot has the most to offer if you really want to take advantage of the Whole day there
ETS- i've never been to Universal though, and i hear it has alot to offer... but since i've never been, i couldnt weigh that in on my decision
Message edited 1/26/2006 9:42:40 PM.
Posted 1/26/06 9:41 PM |
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