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I feel like such a bad mother

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Our life is complete

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I feel like such a bad mother

This morning I put John into his playyard with his toys so I could get his breakfast ready. After about 2 minutes in the kitchen I hear my poor baby screaming....he fell onto one of his toys (he's in that standing stage now), I picked him up and he had blood dripping down his eye Chat Icon .

I rushed him to his Dr since he is closer than the er, he cuts his upper lid and his lower lid and has a big bruise on his forehead. They are surface cuts no stitches needed but being they are in such a delicate place it looks worse than it is. The Dr gave me a prescrition bacatracin. I feel so horrible, but at least my liitle man is ok Chat Icon

Posted 12/2/05 11:43 AM
Long Island Weddings
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Re: I feel like such a bad mother

Oh, what a terrible morning! Chat Icon It must be really hard to put bacitracin on his eyelids!

Sarah's learning to stand up also and falls a few times a day, I just can't seem to get to her fast enough to catch her everytime. I keep waiting for her to get really hurt one of these times.

Posted 12/2/05 11:49 AM

It goes fast. Pay attention.

Member since 7/05

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Re: I feel like such a bad mother

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I know nothing is going to make you feel better about this but you need to leave them alone to get things done. When my kids started walking, I contemplated making a bubblewrap suit. Hang in there!

Posted 12/2/05 11:53 AM

My children are a blessing!

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Re: I feel like such a bad mother

Aw, I'm sorry you had such a rough morning. Glad your little guy is OK though!

Hang in there!

Posted 12/2/05 12:01 PM


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Re: I feel like such a bad mother

Chat Icon Chat Icon Accidents're not a bad mother.Chat Icon Chat Icon

I hope he feels better!

Posted 12/2/05 12:02 PM

Straight up nasty

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Re: I feel like such a bad mother

Stacey, you are not a bad mother!! Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon They are at a precocious age, things are going to happen.

I've already had my first trip to the E.R. because Amber thought she was superman and dove head first into a pile of toys from atop her play table. She looked like Tyson after a five round match, but she was okay.

How scary though, especially near his eye...the poor boo!Chat Icon

Hugs to Mommy and babyChat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon

Posted 12/2/05 12:06 PM

Happy New Year

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Re: I feel like such a bad mother

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You are not a bad mother! Kids get hurt!!

I hope he feels better soon. And try not to blame yourself!

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Posted 12/2/05 12:09 PM

3 babies for me :)

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Re: I feel like such a bad mother

Posted by BabyAvocado

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You are not a bad mother! Kids get hurt!!

I hope he feels better soon. And try not to blame yourself!

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Posted 12/2/05 12:15 PM

5 weeks till I'm a big sister

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Re: I feel like such a bad mother

Oh sorry you had a bad morning

Your not a bad mommy at all these things happen. I know sometimes I feel like I should just pad everything in the house so my daughter doesn't get hurt but you can't do that its hard Hope mommy and little one feel better soon

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Posted 12/2/05 12:31 PM

The man of my dreams...

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Re: I feel like such a bad mother

Aww- you'll always remember it but he won't...Chat Icon Chat Icon We all have our mommy guilt lists! You're not a bad mom!!!

Posted 12/2/05 12:42 PM

Best "THINGS" in my life.

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Re: I feel like such a bad mother

I'm sorry about your scare. Unfortunately, this won't be the last. You are not a bad mom at all! I have come to the conclusion that it is a child's job to find the troublesome side of everything! And to make you question every single decision you make. Mine does it too! Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon

I'm curious as to which toys hurt him like that so we can all be more cautious if we have them too.

Posted 12/2/05 1:01 PM

Our life is complete

Member since 5/05

5909 total posts


Re: I feel like such a bad mother

I believe he hit the Roll Around Dinosaur

External Image

And this is his playyard

External Image

Message edited 12/2/2005 1:38:27 PM.

Posted 12/2/05 1:34 PM

Our life is complete

Member since 5/05

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Re: I feel like such a bad mother

I just want to give Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon to everyone for making me feel better.

Posted 12/2/05 1:34 PM

Mom of 2 Boys

Member since 5/05

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Re: I feel like such a bad mother

hope you are feeling better and you little man.

I know it is hard when they hurt themselves but it is so not your fault. It happens. Ever since Kevin started pulling up, standing, curising, crawling, etc - he has become one big black and blue (esp his forehead), had a few bumps and several scratches. The kid is a crazy man - I tell ya. But I remember the first time he leap frogged off the bed right onto his face on my hard wood floors - with me standing right there - oh my - I felt so horrible. Now I am use to his bumps and brusies.

Chat Icon

Posted 12/2/05 2:19 PM

My boys

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Re: I feel like such a bad mother

You are not a bad mommy at all!!! Accidents happen and it will likely happen to every one of us at some point or another............I dread the dayChat Icon

Posted 12/2/05 2:39 PM

Dad you finally did it!!!

Member since 10/05

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Re: I feel like such a bad mother

Your a wonderful mother!!! These things happen sometimes!! Sorry you had a bad morning Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon to you and to him!! Hope you guys feel better soon!!

Posted 12/2/05 2:44 PM

Yay Spring!

Member since 5/05

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Re: I feel like such a bad mother

Don't worry you're a great mom. Accidents will happen and kids get into everything. I'm glad all is okay. Chat Icon

Posted 12/2/05 2:58 PM

LIF Adolescent

Member since 11/05

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Re: I feel like such a bad mother

I'm sorry. I feel terrible when my daughter falls and gets hurt too. Unfortunately you can't protect them 100% and once in a while they will get their cuts and scrapes. I know its very hard to bare though.Chat Icon

Posted 12/2/05 4:10 PM


Member since 5/05

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Re: I feel like such a bad mother

You are not a bad mommy..... Like everyone said accidents happen. Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon

Posted 12/2/05 7:29 PM

LIF Infant

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Re: I feel like such a bad mother

They get hurt in split seconds!! Don't be hard on yourself. Besides, even if you were right there in the room watching him, he still would have fallen over unless you were standing right at the playyard there to break the fall (which I don't think anyone stands right next to them!) Thank goodness he's OK...

Posted 12/2/05 10:27 PM

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