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Telling People Names

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LIF Adolescent

Member since 5/05

567 total posts


Telling People Names

Now, I know why people don't tell their names until the baby is born. I had told my mom the name we were thinking of for a boy - she told my grandma and aunt - they both hate it. Now this is not an obsecure name, but one that is in the top 5 for 2004........Now, I don't know what to I think of other names - I'm only 18 weeks, or do we stick with it, or just keep brainstormiing? I'm not finding out what we are having, although, it is getting more and more tempting - my ultra sound is Friday.......

Posted 3/6/06 8:21 AM
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Re: Telling People Names

I went through something similiar and I was getting really upset. After talking to my DH about it - we said you know what we are going to name OUR baby what we want - no one is going to hate our child for what we name it Chat Icon

Posted 3/6/06 8:38 AM

too excited for words

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Re: Telling People Names

I think you should stick with it if it's the name that you and your DH want. You're the parents now, and what you say goes. I'm sure there are names in your family that you don't love, but you would never be like, "hey (insert name here) I've never really liked you name, have you ever considered changing it?"

Posted 3/6/06 8:40 AM

Happy Summer !

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Re: Telling People Names

We thought of some names already, everyone likes the girls name, we can't agree on a boys name ( DH & I ) BUT if someone were to say they didn't like it - oh well, if you and DH are happy about it - don't let anyone else ruin it for you !!

Posted 3/6/06 8:46 AM

She's 7!!!

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Re: Telling People Names

If you are going to tell people, you have to have some thick skin about it. People will not like it. When I told my SIL (she's only 17 and speaks her mind) our options, she didn't like any of them. I told her she is welcome to make some suggestions. She hasn't.

Some people won't like it. You have to decide what you are comfortable with.

Also be prepared, people will be adding their 2 cents in for the rest of your pregnancy and I'm sure until your kids are married with kids of the own Chat Icon

Posted 3/6/06 9:24 AM

Chase is one!

Member since 5/05

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Re: Telling People Names

Keep the name! It is YOUR child! My response to whomever doesn't like the name we picked is alway, "Well, I don't care if you like the name, as long as you like my child." That usually shuts them up. Or if they're particularly vocal about not liking the name, I tell them, "Well, I don't like YOUR name, but I didn't think it was appropriate to TELL you!" Chat Icon

Posted 3/6/06 9:27 AM

LIF Adolescent

Member since 5/05

567 total posts


Re: Telling People Names

I wouldn't care if a friend said this, but it stings a little more because it is my grandmother, whom I'm very close with, and I guess want her approval.......

Posted 3/6/06 9:32 AM

Chase is one!

Member since 5/05

27530 total posts


Re: Telling People Names

Posted by DML

I wouldn't care if a friend said this, but it stings a little more because it is my grandmother, whom I'm very close with, and I guess want her approval.......

I know we would all love our family to approve of things like this, however, do you really want to name your child based on what everyone else thinks? No one will ever really love ONE name. Someone will ALWAYS have a problem with it. AND, once the baby comes, the BABY will be loved, regardless of his/her name, and everyone will learn to love or at least accept the name.

Posted 3/6/06 9:37 AM

LIF Infant

Member since 11/05

198 total posts


Re: Telling People Names

People just don't get it!! I am going through the samething, thats why we are telling people funny names instead.

Posted 3/6/06 9:56 AM

I'm two!

Member since 5/05

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Re: Telling People Names

Once the baby is born, nobody will care what the name is. They'll fall in love, and the name will fit!

I don't really like telling anyone our name choices (not that we have that many anyway) because I want that to be part of the surprise along with whether it's a boy or girl.

Posted 3/6/06 10:29 AM

where's winter?

Member since 11/05

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Re: Telling People Names

our Chat Icon will have a very unique foreign first name. the best reaction i have gotten so far is from my MIL who said hesitantly "ahhhhh, yeah, ahhhhh, what is that, that's a nice...."

DH and i like it, it's my middle name that i wished all along would have been my first!

i really don't care what people think.

Posted 3/6/06 10:32 AM

Check out my cool glasses

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Re: Telling People Names

Posted by anon

our Chat Icon will have a very unique foreign first name. the best reaction i have gotten so far is from my MIL who said hesitantly "ahhhhh, yeah, ahhhhh, what is that, that's a nice...."

DH and i like it, it's my middle name that i wished all along would have been my first!

i really don't care what people think.

It's a very nice name!

Posted 3/6/06 10:46 AM

LIF Adolescent

Member since 5/05

581 total posts


Re: Telling People Names

I think you should stick with the name, it's nobody's business what name you & DH have chosen.

Before I got pregnant and had my daughter, there were family members making fun of the name Isabella (they where saying it sounded like an old italian lady) anyway, at that point DH & I already knew if we ever got pregnant and had a girl we were going to name her Isabella. I had a girl last year and named her Isabella and all my family members (even the ones making fun of the name) seem to love her name now.

Posted 3/6/06 10:48 AM

Grace is growing up too fast!

Member since 10/05

11561 total posts


Re: Telling People Names

Posted by prncssrachel

Posted by DML

I wouldn't care if a friend said this, but it stings a little more because it is my grandmother, whom I'm very close with, and I guess want her approval.......

I know we would all love our family to approve of things like this, however, do you really want to name your child based on what everyone else thinks? No one will ever really love ONE name. Someone will ALWAYS have a problem with it. AND, once the baby comes, the BABY will be loved, regardless of his/her name, and everyone will learn to love or at least accept the name.

I agree. When we told people the name for our soon to be born Chat Icon was Grace, we got mixed reviews.
That name means a lot to me and once I explained why it was Grace everyone liked it. However, I just told everyone that was the name and it was NOT up for debate. Just like when my hubby's sister asks if I would consider a home or water birth. I just tell her because of my health issues I will have Gracie in the hospital, and YES I AM having an epidural...end of discussion!
Chat Icon

Posted 3/6/06 11:24 AM

LIF Adult

Member since 5/05

3372 total posts


Re: Telling People Names

Keep your mouth shut is my motto about names. What a freakin mess it was for after the first time I stopped. I told everyone that we decided not to share names.period.
It worked out MUCH better!!
Who cares if they like or don't like the name..they already named their children.

Posted 3/6/06 1:11 PM

Holiday 2011 photo

Member since 8/05

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Re: Telling People Names

We got quick surprised and cold reactions when we told people we aren't sharing the names, they are a surprise, but after hearing this I'm glad DH stood his ground and insisted I not tell people. My family is so opinionated. I can only imagine what they would say. So sorry you had to get pressured like that. You should stick with the name you want for your baby

Posted 3/6/06 1:37 PM

LIF Adolescent

Member since 5/05

567 total posts


Re: Telling People Names

Thanks. I think we are going to go with the parting line of we aren't sure, and we aren't going to be sure until the baby is here! It will be a surprise for everyone!

Posted 3/6/06 1:49 PM


Member since 1/06

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Re: Telling People Names

Do what YOU and DH want, the heck what others have to say because they will ALWAYS have something to say regardless...

Posted 3/6/06 3:48 PM

Soccer Baseball Lax Mom

Member since 10/05

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Re: Telling People Names

Posted by MicheleMaBelle

Do what YOU and DH want, the heck what others have to say because they will ALWAYS have something to say regardless...

Well said!

Posted 3/6/06 6:36 PM


Member since 1/06

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Re: Telling People Names

Posted by JBKempf

Posted by MicheleMaBelle

Do what YOU and DH want, the heck what others have to say because they will ALWAYS have something to say regardless...

Well said!

Thank You Chat Icon

Posted 3/6/06 6:56 PM


Member since 5/05

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Re: Telling People Names

Your baby your name choice!!

No one in my family liked the name Saoirse (Seer-Sha) but me & DH love it. And even now strangers ask me what my daughters names are & when I tell them Saoirse I get "Ahhh intresting is that an Irish name?" I just say yes it is & walk away.

Posted 3/7/06 9:09 AM

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