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Now I know 7 women who are pregnant

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Member since 5/05

5754 total posts


Now I know 7 women who are pregnant

and when I say "know" i mean they are close friends of mine or DH's including my sister in law.
Today we got a call from DH's best friend saying that his wife was pregnant. We are supposed to go visit them next month in San Diego, but now i don't want to go. Chat Icon I'm in such a bad mood now, all day DH has been asking me why Im' so grumpy.

Posted 8/10/05 3:22 PM
Long Island Weddings
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just the girls

Member since 5/05

9461 total posts


Re: Now I know 7 women who are pregnant

No No be happy for them- and go visit- the joy of happiness and shared with others brings happiness all around! good feelings and happy positive feelings are the ones you want to be around! the magic of a smile and happiness that does to our bodies is the best medicine!

Posted 8/10/05 3:30 PM

I love my Katie Bug

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Re: Now I know 7 women who are pregnant

I've had about 15 women in my life in the last 9 months who either gave bith or are going to give birth really soon. It's hard. Really hard sometimes.

If you dont feel that you are up to it, talk to yuor DH and maybe you can go another time, or just go for a short visit.Chat Icon

Posted 8/10/05 4:28 PM

Sweet Jessie Quinn

Member since 5/05

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Re: Now I know 7 women who are pregnant

Chat Icon Chat Icon I am not even TTC yet, but get grumpy around preggo ladies in my life. I am jelous that they are at a place in their life where I feel I should be right now. Do whatever makes you happy!!

Baby Dust to you!!

Posted 8/10/05 4:33 PM

Mommy of 3!

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Mommy to two boys and a girl

Re: Now I know 7 women who are pregnant

You have to take care of yourself. Talk to DH and try and help him understand how you are feeling. Maybe you will feel better going if you know he understands and will be supportive while you are there. If you still think it will be too hurtful for you, don't go!! Chat Icon Chat Icon

Posted 8/10/05 4:41 PM

Be a big girl!

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4898 total posts


Re: Now I know 7 women who are pregnant

I know it's terribly hard to hear news like that.

My sister told me yesterday and her sister-in-laws's pregnant. I don't even KNOW this girl and I'm totally jealous!!!

Sometimes it feels like this feeling won't go away til we get our own BFP.

Stay strong. Your day will come.

Posted 8/10/05 4:47 PM

When you wish upon a star

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Because 2 people fell in love

Re: Now I know 7 women who are pregnant

I completely understand how you feel. To me it seems everyone I know that was pregnant has given birth to boys (one was on my original due date). No matter how much you want to be happy for them, the pain you feel inside sometimes can be overwhelming.

If you don't think you can show them true happiness and visit them, talk to your DH about postponing your trip. At least she won't have a huge belly when you visit her. Maybe DH can let them know you are sensitive and ask them to understand and cut down on the talk about the baby while you are visiting?

Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon

Posted 8/10/05 4:49 PM

just the girls

Member since 5/05

9461 total posts


Re: Now I know 7 women who are pregnant

I hear what everyone is saying but doesnt everyone realize that being jealous and unhappy is NOT healthy! I have been TTC and my stepsister in law got pregnant and my sister is trying and I know for sure she will get pregnant fast- so I should be upset or jealous? why? I want to keep my immune system happy- yes happy brings edorphins to the brain and keep you balanced.- you want and need a healthy environment for a baby! dont worry your time will come but being sad and mopy isnt going to get you anywhere- we are all here for eachother and going through the same thing. Put that smile back on your face! Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon

Posted 8/10/05 9:03 PM

They get so big, so fast :(

Member since 5/05

13848 total posts


Re: Now I know 7 women who are pregnant

Hi Laura! I miss you at the O5 board!
You just starting trying so try hard not to get discouraged. It will happen soon! I am doing the baby dance for you!
ChristineChat Icon

Posted 8/10/05 9:20 PM

Babygirl is 4!

Member since 5/05

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Re: Now I know 7 women who are pregnant

I am in the same boat - 1 friend older than I am with twins (what I m/cd) and another due in Nov. - same age as me.

And DH's best firned's wife just had a baby, and another is pg...Chat Icon

Posted 8/11/05 12:19 PM

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