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nyc teachers how does maternity leave work?

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I'm a big sister!!!

Member since 5/05

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nyc teachers how does maternity leave work?

just curious even though i know i am staying out at least 3 montsh no matter what paid or not!

Posted 1/7/06 9:30 AM
Long Island Weddings
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I'm a big sister!!!

Member since 5/05

6707 total posts


Re: nyc teachers how does maternity leave work?


Posted 1/7/06 2:48 PM

This is how I play basketball!

Member since 6/05

1980 total posts


Re: nyc teachers how does maternity leave work?

not a nyc teacher, but ask your union rep.

Posted 1/7/06 3:20 PM

LIF Adolescent

Member since 10/05

719 total posts


Re: nyc teachers how does maternity leave work?

I am not a NYC teacher, but I know in my district we are allowed 6 weeks (if we have sick days we can use them here, if not we dont get paid) then we are entitled to the Family Leave which is another 6 weeks unpaid. I would either look in your contract, and if you dont have it, ask your union rep.

Posted 1/7/06 4:42 PM


Member since 5/05

14279 total posts


Re: nyc teachers how does maternity leave work?

You can get paid for as long as you have sick days, you have to exhaust your sick bank. After that, you go on unpaid leave. I believe you can do that for up to 12 weeks but I am not sure.

You should talk to your union rep for the rest of the specifics and the forms you'll need.

Posted 1/7/06 5:29 PM

LIF Infant

Member since 7/05

268 total posts


Re: nyc teachers how does maternity leave work?

Here is the info from the UFT website that I found very helpful--
I am currecntly on childcare leave (had my baby in August) and go back in Feb. (spring term).
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I also URGE you to speak to the union to clarify your benefits, because your payroll person (if he/she is anything like mine) might not know what your options are or how they work.


Information for Appointees

I’m a regularly appointed pedagogue. Can you give me an overview of my benefits?

You have a wide range of options and benefits provided by contract, Department of Education (DOE) regulation, federal law and the UFT Welfare Fund, including:

A leave of absence without pay for restoration of health at any time during the pregnancy.

Remaining on payroll by using the days in your cumulative absence reserve (CAR) — if you opt to use them.

Borrowing up to 20 sick days against those you will earn in the future after you have exhausted your CAR. You must use any borrowed sick days prior to the grace period (see next item).

A 30-day grace period after you have exhausted your CAR and prior to your maternity leave (actually called a leave of absence without pay for restoration of health). This allows you to remain on the payroll. This leave can begin at any time during the pregnancy but cannot extend beyond six weeks after the baby’s birth (eight weeks after a caesarean section if approved by the DOE's Medical Bureau). During the grace period you receive prorated pay in lieu of your regular salary. The prorated payment is equivalent to pay for weekends and holidays.

Child care leave for natural or adoptive parents of either sex of up to the September following the child's fourth birthday. (If both you and your spouse or domestic partner are Department of Education employees, only one of you may be on leave at a time.)

Special Leave of Absence Coverage (SLOAC), which continues your health coverage for up to four months beyond the grace period when you’re on a leave of absence without pay for restoration of health, such as for temporary disability due to maternity. This leave must begin before the child is six weeks old.

An unpaid FMLA leave of up to 12 weeks to care for a child after birth, adoption, the start of foster care or other reasons under the federal Family and Medical Leave Act. A leave for care of a newborn child or a child who has been adopted or received into foster care must be taken within one year of the birth or placement of the child.

COBRA, a federal requirement that allows you and your family to continue health and UFT Welfare Fund benefits if your coverage terminates for any reason other than gross misconduct. You become eligible for COBRA the first day after SLOAC or FMLA runs out.

Disability benefits from the UFT Welfare Fund of $275 per week for up to six weeks following delivery (eight weeks for caesarean section) if you are unable to work for medical reasons and have exhausted your sick bank.

Posted 1/7/06 8:13 PM

I'm a big sister!!!

Member since 5/05

6707 total posts


Re: nyc teachers how does maternity leave work?


Posted 1/8/06 9:29 AM


Member since 5/05

14279 total posts


Re: nyc teachers how does maternity leave work?

I think it's great that you can borrow up to 20 days- that's another 4 weeks with pay.

Posted 1/8/06 10:18 AM

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