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Researching baby products before buying

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LIF Toddler

Member since 7/05

474 total posts


Researching baby products before buying

How did everyone do this? Just ttc-ing, but I see there is just sooo much to reseach that I'd like to start looking into this now while I have the time... (I feel like a prisoner where all I have is time!) Chat Icon How did you keep yourself from becoming overwhelmed? Any suggestions are appreciated! Chat Icon

Posted 10/23/05 9:25 AM
Long Island Weddings
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My 3 Miracles!

Member since 5/05

5777 total posts


Re: Researching baby products before buying

I did A LOT of research before buying anything and I think I did a great job selecting all of our stuff. I put a lot of effort into it and it's definitely worth it. I got info from mostly online from reviews, consumer reports, etc. I also used a book that I bought that I used during my registering at Babies R' Us and then returned it to the book store when I was done. Chat Icon I didn't want to spend the exptra money on keeping it since I already used what I needed. I forgot the exact name of it. Maybe someone here can fill in the blanks... It was something along the line of Baby Bargain shopping. It was great. It gave you the comparison of the top products and why.

I also found myself when I was at the baby store seeing couples just going there and picking out anything and was clueless at what they were looking at, and me noticing that what they were picking out got horrible ratings, I felt bad, but thought that they should do some research so they don't waste their time. You don't need to buy the top rated product for everything but when it comes to safety I never second guessed it.

From doing the research, I knew exactly what I wanted to get and why.

Good luck!

Message edited 10/23/2005 9:42:14 AM.

Posted 10/23/05 9:38 AM

Life is good!

Member since 5/05

8369 total posts


Re: Researching baby products before buying

I used the Consumer reports book and used online customer reviews (amazon is good for this).

Posted 10/23/05 10:06 AM

LIF Adult

Member since 5/05

2922 total posts


Re: Researching baby products before buying

We used the Baby Bargains 6th edition book. It was very informative and help us choose the best products for our baby. Baby Bargains also has a website ( and chat boards that I thought were very helpful. We also used online reviews too.

Just remember the most expensive product does not mean the best.

So far I am happy with everything that we picked.

Posted 10/23/05 11:08 AM

LIF Toddler

Member since 7/05

474 total posts


Re: Researching baby products before buying

Thanks girls. Looking forward to doing lots of research! Chat Icon

Posted 10/23/05 1:29 PM

LIF Toddler

Member since 7/05

474 total posts


Re: Researching baby products before buying

One more question - How far did you go into researching products? I mean I know the main items like strollers, carseats, and pack & plays but what other items did you do extensive research on? Thanks again!

Posted 10/23/05 1:31 PM

My munchkins

Member since 5/05

5010 total posts


Re: Researching baby products before buying

got baby bargins from the library. .liked it so much bought myself and sil one and used it religiously.

Posted 10/23/05 1:35 PM

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