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Work party issue...

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Happy New Year

Member since 5/05

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Work party issue...

Lets say part of your dept is sort of spread out across different buildings, towns, etc but the major part of it sits in one central office cubicle farm.

The cubicle farm people constantly throw parties for each other - baby showers, bridal showers, etc etc. The "field" people are always invited (i.e. please bring a gift) but never go [anymore]...partially because these parties are NEVER thrown for THEM.

Yet when Christmas time comes and it's time for everyone to chip in for the boss's present, the luncheons & parties, etc, the field people are practically REQUIRED to participate, i.e. fork over the cash so the party can be bigger and better.

So, as a "field" person, would you open your mouth and say something? What if you could do it anonymously, would you bring it up then? Or just let it be because it would sound petty?

Posted 2/23/06 10:30 AM
Long Island Weddings
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Re: Work party issue...


Posted 2/23/06 10:39 AM

Praying for Everyone.

Member since 5/05

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Re: Work party issue...

if i were a field person and could say something anonymously, i probably would.
i don't think it's fair that they're asked to pitch in $$ all the time for these parties, yet never have one thrown for them, simply b/c they're in the field. that doesn't seem fair.

Posted 2/23/06 10:41 AM

woulda, coulda, shoulda

Member since 12/05

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Re: Work party issue...

Posted by baghag


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Posted 2/23/06 10:42 AM

LIF Adult

Member since 5/05

2320 total posts


Re: Work party issue...

If it could be done anonymously I would probably say something. It would bother me.

Posted 2/23/06 10:42 AM

My Love!

Member since 5/05

2375 total posts


Re: Work party issue...

definitely say something anonymously

Posted 2/23/06 10:43 AM


Member since 5/05

10425 total posts


Re: Work party issue...

I wouldn't really say anything, but as a field person, I would initiate an event for another field person if there was an occasion to & invite the cubicle people to participate. If they all declined, I might say something.

Message edited 2/23/2006 1:05:29 PM.

Posted 2/23/06 10:46 AM

It goes fast. Pay attention.

Member since 7/05

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Re: Work party issue...

Posted by tourist

I wouldn't really say anythign, but as a field person, I woudl initiate an event for anotehr field person if there was an occasion to & invite the cubicle people to participate. If they all declined, I might say something.

Good approach. I agree.

On the boss's present, I think it's strange for people to chip in for your boss on a yearly basis. I think unless it's something special, presents are given down the ladder, not up.

Posted 2/23/06 11:53 AM

Daylight savings :)

Member since 5/05

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Re: Work party issue...

If I felt strongly about it, I would probably just not contribute and wait for them to ask me about it, then I would politely explain why I don't feel like it is necessary to contribute.

In reality, I would probably just **** it up for Christmas, contribute to the boss's gift and to the party if I planned on attending.

Posted 2/23/06 12:47 PM

Grace is growing up too fast!

Member since 10/05

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Re: Work party issue...

Posted by CAJ

Posted by baghag


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Posted 2/23/06 12:48 PM

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