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The neighbors CAT!! UGH AND YICK!!

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Member since 5/05

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The neighbors CAT!! UGH AND YICK!!

Our neighbors cat keep coming into my mulch bed and pooping!! My neighbor knows this cause she comes out and covers it with mulch. The d@mn cat is pooping under my kitchen window, i can just imagine what this will smell like when the weather gets warmer.

Is there anything natural i can put down to make that area less attractive to the cat so he does his business elsewhere?


Posted 3/10/06 3:29 PM
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Member since 9/05

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Re: The neighbors CAT!! UGH AND YICK!!

We have the same problem with our neighbor's cat, but thankfully it's in the beds at the front of the house. My DH just put down mothballs as a deterrant, but he said that he saw the cat going in there since, so I think it may be a habit-thingChat Icon

Posted 3/10/06 3:49 PM

Cake from Outer Space!

Member since 5/05

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Re: The neighbors CAT!! UGH AND YICK!!

OMG, I have 3-4 neighbor cats that come over and poop and stray right in my beds!!!! I can't stand it ....I put out mothballs too, hopefully it will help.

Posted 3/10/06 3:53 PM

I hope you stay beautiful baby

Member since 5/05

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Re: The neighbors CAT!! UGH AND YICK!!

Ladies- please please please careful with this. We had a cat problem with our next door neighbors, and my MIL ended up contracting toxoplasmosis from cat feces (she was doing most of the gardening at my house). She is now in danger of loosing her eyesight over it- its really upsetting. So please be careful!!

Posted 3/10/06 3:54 PM

my loves...

Member since 5/05

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Re: The neighbors CAT!! UGH AND YICK!!


I hear pepper and orange peels can work.

Just found this link for you: Cat Deterrents

Posted 3/10/06 3:56 PM

just the girls

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Re: The neighbors CAT!! UGH AND YICK!!

Posted by trnity44

Ladies- please please please careful with this. We had a cat problem with our next door neighbors, and my MIL ended up contracting toxoplasmosis from cat feces (she was doing most of the gardening at my house). She is now in danger of loosing her eyesight over it- its really upsetting. So please be careful!!

OMG, Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon

Posted 3/12/06 6:21 PM

Train Ride

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Re: The neighbors CAT!! UGH AND YICK!!

also be careful if you plan on having a baby - this can be really bad. Make sure you always have gloves on while gardening!!!

I love cats - indoor cats!!!!

We have a two strays under our deck this year. I called the town and was put on a waiting list to be able to bring them into the pound(I would have to rent a trap). If they are wild cats - I have to pay $20 a cat to have it put down. They don't check to see if they are pregnant. I'm trying moth balls and in the spring will try to fill in the gaps to keep them out.

Posted 3/12/06 7:12 PM

Just chillin'!!

Member since 1/06

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Re: The neighbors CAT!! UGH AND YICK!!

I would talk to the neighbor!! If she can come over to cover it up, she should come over with a baggie and pick it up!!!!!!

Posted 3/12/06 7:16 PM


Member since 5/05

1854 total posts


Re: The neighbors CAT!! UGH AND YICK!!

Red Pepper flakes

Posted 3/13/06 9:19 AM


Member since 5/05

3893 total posts


Re: The neighbors CAT!! UGH AND YICK!!

I just bought "Critter Ridder" at Hick's nursery for squirrels but it says it works for cats too. It's an Organic Spray.

Posted 3/13/06 1:43 PM


Member since 2/06

2984 total posts


Re: The neighbors CAT!! UGH AND YICK!!

My parents have been doing the mothballs for years and even tried the red pepper flakes but after awhile the cats get used to it. It's so gross. It smells and it's not sanitary. I pick up after my dogs.....

Posted 3/13/06 4:01 PM

It goes fast. Pay attention.

Member since 7/05

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Re: The neighbors CAT!! UGH AND YICK!!

Any chance you can just tell your neighbor you put poison down as rat deterrent so she should be careful he doesn't go in your yard?

Posted 3/13/06 6:18 PM


Member since 5/05

13736 total posts


Re: The neighbors CAT!! UGH AND YICK!!

Seriously, ***? The neighbor comes over to *cover it up*?????????????

Posted 3/13/06 7:39 PM

My Big Boy!

Member since 10/05

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Re: The neighbors CAT!! UGH AND YICK!!

Posted by Karen

I would talk to the neighbor!! If she can come over to cover it up, she should come over with a baggie and pick it up!!!!!!

I would too!
It is not right that she just covers it up!!

Posted 3/13/06 8:14 PM


Member since 5/05

11165 total posts


Re: The neighbors CAT!! UGH AND YICK!!

Posted by Wendy

Seriously, ***? The neighbor comes over to *cover it up*?????????????

Yes she does!!! I live in a condo, so our front garden area is shared since we have a 90 degree angle in front of us.

The first time I was talking to her, and the cat came out and started scratching at the mulch bed, i was thinking..that cat's gonna poop. I went inside then looked out front about 15 min later and there was a neat pile of mulch where the cat was scratching. Unless this cat is amazing and can cover it's own poop so neatly, she's def covering it up.

And oh yes, if she comes out to cover it, why can't she pick it up!!!
I am about 33 weeks pg, I dont need that crap, literally. I am def going to say something and if it happens again, I am going to try every natural detterent there is. If that doesn't work, I am going to the's just nasty!!

She is a really sweet person too..

Posted 3/13/06 9:05 PM

Sitting on a tree bench!

Member since 5/05

2429 total posts


Re: The neighbors CAT!! UGH AND YICK!!

we have alot of stray neighborhood cats where my parents live and they put down a beautiful flowering cactus and they dont go anywhere near it..

Posted 3/14/06 8:53 AM

All good things in 2016!!

Member since 8/05

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Re: The neighbors CAT!! UGH AND YICK!!

I second the red pepper. Moth balls smell like old people!

Posted 3/14/06 8:55 AM

I'm ONE!

Member since 5/05

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Re: The neighbors CAT!! UGH AND YICK!!

We just put red pepper flakes down and that seems to be working. I've tried deterrant sprays in the past and they don't seem to do anything.

Posted 3/29/07 1:48 PM

My bunny

Member since 5/06

8777 total posts


Re: The neighbors CAT!! UGH AND YICK!!

Vinegar will stop cats from peeing (wad up newspaper and dig it halfway in the flowerbed, with the top half sticking up that has vinegar on it)

it may work for poo!

Posted 3/29/07 2:08 PM

Grammie's Little Man

Member since 2/06

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Re: The neighbors CAT!! UGH AND YICK!!

I had a similar problem years ago, but, with a dog. The owner thought it was cute for his dog to use my property as its personal toilet. One day, I came home to find a large dump right in front of my door. I scooped it up with paper towel, hunted him down (since I wasn't sure who the owner was) and smashed it into his hand. I guarantee you that dog never went on my property again. Forget "natural" remedies. The only way to handle a problem like this, without getting rid of the cat, is to let the owner know you will not tolerate it. This woman has a h*ll of a nerve and her cat's poop would be winding up on her windows if she didn't take care of the problem. I hate irresponsible pet owners.Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon

Posted 3/29/07 5:12 PM

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