We made a stop to watch some waterfalls, then over to a lake, which we swam in..It was sooooo cold! but really kool- I started to feel a bit woozy when we stopped at each place, and our friends gave me Rolaids...I still felt naseous tho..It was such a bumpy ride!!!!We finally set sail at 5:00 pm. When we started to move, I felt evey MORE woozy. DH started to feel it too, so we took dramamine.There was a poolside takeoff sail party-so we went to the poolside deck. After this, we went back to our room to get changed for dinner (stil not feeling good)From our balcony: We decided to take a little nap before dinner-n then we FORCED ourselves to get up and eat. We sat at our assigned table, again, another weird couple from california, but they were much older. We did not eat much bc we were feeling soo sick, I didnt even take pics!!!We just went straight to our room and went to bed....Also too more dramamine!!Day 4-Thursday, August 17th, Huahine 8:00 am-5:00 pm We arrived in Huahine at 8:00 am. It was gorgeous!!!!!!!! We did the Lagoon, Beach, and Motu Picnic from: 8:30-12:30. First we took a tender to the port, then another boat took us to the motu. We watched a show first, then snorkeled, then had a picnic at one of the tables set in the water. it was sooo nice!! FYI: We bought our snorkel equipment on the ship... After we got back, we checked our email, walked around the ship-we were bored!! We went in the pool, had a hamburger and a hotdog for lunch/afternoon snack by the grill. Then there was a dancing show by the pool-natives. And we mostly just hung out by the pool the rest of the day. We were so tired, we MISSED DINNER!!! We woke up around 9pm, starving!!!!And the boat started to move again, yikes!!So we just ate some pizza.it was actually good! We went straight to sleep after that, so tired!!!Day 5-Friday, August 18, AT SEA Okay, we pretty much slept this whole day. We were feeling SOOO SICK!! We tried to walk around, but we couldnt. The only time we got up, was eat breakfast and lunch.We got those armbands, but didnt do too much for us. The dramamine was making us SO sleepy!! Even the NON DROWSY formula! This was also formal night-which we both got dressed up for and even went to the Alternative DIning option-Italian palced called "Sabatini's"!!WELL-DH looked GREEN the ENTIRE MEAL! He hardly ate, and some lady sitting behind us told us that her husband did not feel well, that he went back to the room, that DH should do the same n we would have dinner together But DH didnt want to leave me alone, even tho I kept telling him to go back to the room!!! Then another lady passed and said she had behind the ear patches that helped w/ear sickness-she told me her cabin number and said to stop by her room later. Sabatinis served you so many courses-and DH kept looking greener and greener at the minute, so I set him back to his room, and talked to the lady who was sitting behind us! After I was done eating ( I had actually felt OK that nite) I decided to go to that ladies cabin. So I knocked on her door, awoke her and her look-alike Don Vito husband. She gave me a piece of paper folded up-and said the patches were in there, to put them behind ur ear, they last for 3 days. And she gave me 3 patches!!!So I went back to the room, DH was sleeping, and i started to open the paper. Inside was nothing except for that gummy glue that holds paper together. I looked in the other 2-nothing but the glue. And ladies and gentlemen...HERE IS MY BLOND MOMENT!! I took the glue and put one behind his ear, one behind mine... I fell asleep also....and awoke the next morning!!Day 6-Saturday, August 19-AT SEA (Supposed to be Rarotonga) Well...we were SUPPOSED to do an excursion as soon as we woke up at 8:30, but it was wayyyy too rocky to put the anchor down. They put a few tenders into the waters to see how bad it was, and one of the crew members almost fell into the water! We waited in the lounge until we were told that we were going to be at sea for another whole day...(aww man!)When we were walking around, I saw the lady who gave us the patches and asked her if the glue was the right thing-she was like NOOOOOOO thats the glue! I must have gave u an empty paper-so we went to her room and she gave us 2 patches each.....We decided NOT to stay in our room and sleep-so we walked around the ship, yet again, and tried to find things to do. IT seriously seemed like a ghost ship-no one was to be found! Unless, they were seasick like us We met a couple that sat w/us at that beach picnic n started to talk to them...And then we played Trivial Pursuit w/them and a coule of other groups in one of the lounges. That was actually not bad-and we talked to them for almost 4 hours! They were so cool!!! They were a bit older than us, they were 39 & 40, but soo cool!!! Yay, we made friends! We actually started to feel better bc of the patches!!!We ate at the main dining room that nite, again missed our 6pm seating, so opted for the 8pm. We hung out in the lounge w/our friends and watched some karoake-which was HYSTERICAL! Day 7-Saturday, August 20-At Sea!! Again, another day at sea! God help us But we were actually feeling better-and we played a few games-Trivial Pursuit, again, and also Pictionary- Then I decided to join a slot tournament and..........I actually won!! $500!!!!!!!!!I was soo surprised! lol-I never win ANYTHNG-ive never even won anything on this website The rest of the day we just bummed around and for dinner, since we were feeling okay-we went to the Alternative Dining-The Sterling Steakhouse. It was sooooooooo good!! Then again, we went to watch some karoake w/our friends.... Day 8-Monday, August 21, Bora Bora!!!!!!!Day 1 Honestly, Bora Bora was my FAV part of the trip, EVER!!!!!We were supposed to go to Raiatea this day, but because we could not stop at Raratonga, there was a change in plans/direction..We arrived in Bora Bora around 7:30 am.We dropped anchor and took a tender to our excursion, a glass bottom boat-from 1:15-2:45. THAT was REALLY cool!!! I really didn't think it would be-but it was. I started to talkin to this old, cute man on the boat and it turns out (get ur tissues ready) that it was supposed to be him n his wifes 50th anniversary present to each other-but she passed away last year and he decided to go by himself. Of course I started tearing, which made him tear. So yes, I did cry in Bora Bora Heres some pics of the glass bottom boat- After the Glass Bottom Boat, we decided to check out the beach there-so we hopped on a bus-$5 for each of us, and went to the Intercontinental La Moana Resort- While we were looking for a place to put our stuff, we saw our friends! Yay! They were w/another couple-who were from NY-Queens, kewlness!! We went in the water-the BEST beach I have ever seen, been in, etc. You could walk out 100 yards and the water was still up to your waist!!!!!! After this, we tried to go to Bloody Mary's-the couple from NY-the husband spoke French and tried to get us in-but there was no seats and we needed reservations....We decided to try another restaurant, but not w/o taking some pics!! We all decided to go and eat at Fare Matua-a small but cute restaurant. Nothing really appealed to me here, but I got the steak w/the blue cheese and it was awesome!!!The others got sushi n stuff like that http://shim1.shutterfly.com/procgserv/47b6d732b3127cce98548ec9f75500000027100EbOWLZqyZsS"> We took another cab to the pier, then took the tender back. It was only around 9 pm-so we watched a little bit of Karoake-On board, they called Karoake "Princess Pop Star". And it was really hysterical!!!!!Then we played Family Feud-which was also really funny. We went to bed then, whew!Day 9-Tuesday, August 22, Bora Bora Day-2 We woke up and decided to go eat at Bloody Mary's-since we couldnt get there the night before. We got there and ate lunch-I got a burger and fries, as did DH. IT was pretty darn good!!! This is the cat that "owns" the place: We then headed over back to the pier for our excursion:Snorkel Safari 1:15-3:45 This was the best excursion yet!!!!!First we took a little boat to the middle of the ocean and got out-but the water was not deep AT ALL! And we fed sting rays-the guide took one and rubbed one against my body-it was so kool! Then he was riding it underwater lol!!! Is this guy kidding me w/this bathing suit?? Bye bye boat! Then we got back on the boat and went over to another location n snorkeled where there was a lot of fish!!! DH got cut on it too It was Formalnight again and we went to dinner w/our friends at the Sabatini's Italian Restaurant. This time, Gaetano was able to enjoy it. It was fun, we took pics and we were just fooolin around Our waiter, Candido: Day 10-Wednesday, August 23-Raiatea Another beautiful island! We awoke, had breakfast t the buffet, then saw our friends. THey had done an earlier excursion, and wanted to join us, but it was booked. At first, we just walked off the boat (we were docked at a pier) and walked around the little town and shops. Then we headed off for our excursion,We did the:Secrets & Snorkeling at the Pearl Farm Reef House, 1:00 pm-3:30 pm This was cool, they take you out on a SMALL boat and take you to a small hut over the water to see how pearls are processed-then we got to snorkel again a bit-I got a single pearl to put on a necklace and irregular pearl earrings-I love them!! We had taken this excursion with 2 other couples-they were both from NY-both from LI!!!The tour guide made a detour and took us up a mountain to see what a $300K house would look like. The view was soo nice!! After that, we just relaxed on our deck a bit... Later that night, we did another excursion with our friends, Evening Feast on a Polynesian Motu, 5PM-8PM This was soo cool!!! The boat ride was kool too-it took you to this smalll island where we watched dancers perform. and ate dinner. They had chicken, potatoes, rice, etc!! IT was actually good. When we got back to the ship, we changed and I went into the jewerly shop-and i got a pearl ring I dont even like pearls, but Tahiti is known for their black pearls, so i had to get another...lol We watched some more karoake w/our friends, then went to bed!!!Day 11-Thursday, August 24, Moorea Def, hands down, my 2nd favorite island. It was sooo beautiful!!!!!We wanted to experience the whole island, so we got off the boat early, walked around where they had some vendors set up to buy jewelry, souveneirs, etc. Then we set off to our excursion, the Dolphin Encounter. They do this at the Intercontinental Moorea-so we took a short bus ride there.Our dolphin encounter wasnt until 2 pm, so first we watched our friends do their encounter, then went to the beach, swam, then did our encounter. It was sooo kool!!!!!!!! After the dolphin encounter, we went back to the boat and had a quick lunch out on the deck. That night, we ate at the main dining room, n then went to the FINALS of the karoake contest. It was soo funny. Then the DJ started to play some music-and I gotta say,he was the worst DJ imaginable. LOL. This was our last night on the boat, so we tried to make it good....We gave the DJ that sign, but he just got up and left So one of the waiters put on a CD and we danced to a few decent songs. Then we went to our room and got to bed!Day 12-Friday, August 25-Tahiti Our last day !!! We were allowed to stay until whenever we wanted, but we had made plans to stay at Le Meridien Tahiti, so we tried to look for our friends to say goodbye, but no one was to be found I was actually sad to leave the ship..... We stayed in an over the water bungalow at Le Meridien and it was OK-i mean it was still beautiful, but a bit scary!!!!! We were all the way at the end, last bungalow. Durin the rest of the day, we just walked around the resort. The pool was sooooo dumb, it was 10 feet away from the beach, yet it had sand in it? Then we started to walk around town a little,in the little shops and supermarket. Didnt buy anything really...cept for Pringles!!! LOLAt night, we didnt know what to do for dinner, but we just decided to eat at the resort. I saw a few ppl I had seen on the cruise...and we decided to eat at the Hawaiian show/feast they had going. It was $70/pp, but worth it..the show was good, and the food was really good. I had lobster, and a bunch of diff things! It was like 10 pm when the show ended and we went back to our room. It was scary!!!!!!! There was a bird up in our hut, and I kept hearing him chirp. I stayed very close to DH while sleeping, I was scared LOLDay 13-August 26th, Tahiti Our Last day in Tahitit!!!We woke up around 10, and I decided that we would go to the Intercontinental Tahiti Resort. I did not want to stay at Le Meridien for the whole day, our flight was at 9pm at nite. Le Meridien has a room where you can keep your bags, and then also you can take a shower there too.SO we headed off to the Intercontinetal-SOOOO nice!!!!!!!!!I loved it. The pool was so nice, and they had a man made aquarium w/sooo many diff kinds of fish. We started to talk to one couple and we realized they were on the ship too. SO we hung out w/them the rest of the day. There was a fish feeding and I actually got in the aquarium and fed the fish, It was possibly the grossest thing I have ever done-it smelled sooo bad, but it was worth it. There was alo a few sting rays in there too.We left that hotel around 5 and returned to Le Meridien. We took showers, then went to the airprot. The line was ridiculous, they took away a lipgloss that I had forgotten, but the plane ride home was fasttt-we slept most of the way!!!!All in All, it was the best trip ever!!! Everything was sooo beautiful. I expected Tahiti to be more tropical, but I should have figured that it wasnt-considering it was the "city". Bora Bora was my fav island, nd I hope we go back there next year... THE END!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ["/> My DREAM Tahitian Honeymoon-Tahitian Princess + Hotels-LONG & Lots of pics!
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My DREAM Tahitian Honeymoon-Tahitian Princess + Hotels-LONG & Lots of pics!

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Nike. Just do it.

Member since 5/05

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My DREAM Tahitian Honeymoon-Tahitian Princess + Hotels-LONG & Lots of pics!

First off, I want to say thanks to CAMACHO-She had helped me throughout my honeymoon planning-and answered all of my questions!!!

I KNEW I had ALWAYS wanted to go to Tahiti/Bora Bora, but the problem was the price!!!Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Good lord, when we started looking into it, it was soo expensive, that DH said "I don't think we can do this". I was soo upset-then Camacho told me that they had a cruise there-and I looked into that, and it sounded like a great deal-so we booked it.

We booked through Liberty Travel-and our agent was soo nice & helpful...but of course, I always have to run into a problem. Back in June, he called DH and told him that we had to pay THAT week-turns out Princess Cruise Line cancelled our trip, bc we did not pay on time!!!!!!!!!Chat Icon Chat Icon

Luckily, there was still room left, so we had to re-book....whew!!!

Here is the review of my trip!! Enjoy!!

Cruise Line
Princess Tahitian Cruise
Air Tahiti Nui(nonstop)
Radisson Plaza Resort Tahiti
Tahiti Intercontinental Resort

Day 1-Monday, August 14th,New York
Our wedding was Friday, the 11th, so we had 2 full days to pack and prepare for the HM! We left for Tahiti, directly from JFK, on Air Tahiti Nui. Our flight was at 5:15, we got to the airport around 3:30, and just waited around!! We got a few drinks and some snacks...

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On the plane, we mostly watched the movies, and read our books-Dean Koontz for me, Lord of the Rings for him!
The food was the most disgusting food I have ever tasted in my entire life-Thank god i packed some snacks-!!! Chat Icon

There was so many French people on the plane!!! We tried to get first class, and I even saw one of my friends from high school working at the Air Tahiti counter-but he couldnt even get us on there-it was allll booked up! But he gave us good seats...they were in th middle row, so 4 seats , the front ones-and no one else sat there, so we got to stretch out just a little!

I was too excited to sleep, but before I knew it, we landed!!!

Day 2- Tuesday, August 15th,Tahiti
We arrived in Tahiti at precisely 12AM(6 AM our time!!!!!)
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We headed off to get a cab to the Radisson Plaza Resort Tahiti. It cost $35, not too bad....it was about a 20 minute drive and we got to see the town. I was a little dissapointed bc I saw NO WATER!!! I even asked DH "are we in tahiti?" Chat Icon

When we pulled up to the resort, the place was GORGEOUS!!!!!! The reception area was outside:
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When we walked into our room, we got a big surprise-it was upgraded to a King SUITE!!!
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We were tired then, so we went to sleep and woke at 7AM!!! Look at this view....
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Then we went down to the pool and just swam and tried to pose for the camera Chat Icon
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Then we got out of the pool and decided to go to the ship-around 11am we left....but not before a few pics!!
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We got a shuttle that went to the ship...$10, not too bad...

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We were not allowed to go to our rooms yet, so we had lunch at the buffet...it wasn't too bad...Then we just walked around the ship to see what there was to do.
Then we went to our rooms and our luggage was delivered a few hours later.

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Our Deck:
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Pool Deck:
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Having a drink:
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Me pretending the boat is rocking (meanwhile we didnt set sail till the next day! Chat Icon )
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After our drinks we tried to go to our room and relax...We unpacked our clothes, then got dressed for dinner. It was open seating-so we got our own little table right next to these bunch of WEIRDOS from California...Chat Icon HA...they were so weird, yet amusing..
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i made friends w/the security guard-haha
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After dinner, we decided to take a walk around the boat...it seemed like nothing was going on, except for a bunch of old people dancing!!
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After that, we just went to sleep. We were sooo tired!!!

Day 3-Wednesday,August 16, Tahiti & Ship Departure!

We woke up around 10:30, had some breakfast at the buffet, and then we did our excursion in Tahiti
We did the: Papenoo Valley and Waterfalls by 4WD exursion(from 12:30-4:00 pm)-a native from the island drove 7 of us in the back of his Land Rover Chat Icon around the island. He was so entertaining!!
We started to talk to one of the couples, discovered they were from NY, Long Island and got married at the same hall we did, only 13 years ago!!!! Small world!!!

Here is what we saw:
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First we stopped by a mountain-which was beautiful!!
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We made a stop to watch some waterfalls, then over to a lake, which we swam in..It was sooooo cold! but really kool-

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I started to feel a bit woozy when we stopped at each place, and our friends gave me Rolaids...I still felt naseous tho..It was such a bumpy ride!!!!

We finally set sail at 5:00 pm. When we started to move, I felt evey MORE woozy. DH started to feel it too, so we took dramamine.

There was a poolside takeoff sail party-so we went to the poolside deck.
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After this, we went back to our room to get changed for dinner (stil not feeling good)
From our balcony:
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We decided to take a little nap before dinner-n then we FORCED ourselves to get up and eat. We sat at our assigned table, again, another weird couple from california, but they were much older. We did not eat much bc we were feeling soo sick, I didnt even take pics!!!
We just went straight to our room and went to bed....Also too more dramamine!!

Day 4-Thursday, August 17th, Huahine 8:00 am-5:00 pm

We arrived in Huahine at 8:00 am. It was gorgeous!!!!!!!!
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We did the Lagoon, Beach, and Motu Picnic from: 8:30-12:30. First we took a tender to the port, then another boat took us to the motu. We watched a show first, then snorkeled, then had a picnic at one of the tables set in the water. it was sooo nice!! FYI: We bought our snorkel equipment on the ship...

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After we got back, we checked our email, walked around the ship-we were bored!! We went in the pool, had a hamburger and a hotdog for lunch/afternoon snack by the grill. Then there was a dancing show by the pool-natives. And we mostly just hung out by the pool the rest of the day.
We were so tired, we MISSED DINNER!!! We woke up around 9pm, starving!!!!
And the boat started to move again, yikes!!
So we just ate some pizza.it was actually good!
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We went straight to sleep after that, so tired!!!

Day 5-Friday, August 18, AT SEA
Okay, we pretty much slept this whole day. We were feeling SOOO SICK!! We tried to walk around, but we couldnt. The only time we got up, was eat breakfast and lunch.
We got those armbands, but didnt do too much for us. The dramamine was making us SO sleepy!! Even the NON DROWSY formula!
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This was also formal night-which we both got dressed up for and even went to the Alternative DIning option-Italian palced called "Sabatini's"!!
WELL-DH looked GREEN the ENTIRE MEAL! He hardly ate, and some lady sitting behind us told us that her husband did not feel well, that he went back to the room, that DH should do the same n we would have dinner together Chat Icon But DH didnt want to leave me alone, even tho I kept telling him to go back to the room!!!
Then another lady passed and said she had behind the ear patches that helped w/ear sickness-she told me her cabin number and said to stop by her room later. Sabatinis served you so many courses-and DH kept looking greener and greener at the minute, so I set him back to his room, and talked to the lady who was sitting behind us! Chat Icon

After I was done eating ( I had actually felt OK that nite) I decided to go to that ladies cabin.
So I knocked on her door, awoke herChat Icon and her look-alike Don Vito husband. She gave me a piece of paper folded up-and said the patches were in there, to put them behind ur ear, they last for 3 days. And she gave me 3 patches!!!

So I went back to the room, DH was sleeping, and i started to open the paper. Inside was nothing except for that gummy glue that holds paper together. I looked in the other 2-nothing but the glue. And ladies and gentlemen...

I took the glue and put one behind his ear, one behind mine...
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I fell asleep also....and awoke the next morning!!

Day 6-Saturday, August 19-AT SEA (Supposed to be Rarotonga)

Well...we were SUPPOSED to do an excursion as soon as we woke up at 8:30, but it was wayyyy too rocky to put the anchor down. They put a few tenders into the waters to see how bad it was, and one of the crew members almost fell into the water!Chat Icon

We waited in the lounge until we were told that we were going to be at sea for another whole day...(aww man!)

When we were walking around, I saw the lady who gave us the patches and asked her if the glue was the right thing-she was like NOOOOOOO thats the glue! I must have gave u an empty paper-so we went to her room and she gave us 2 patches each.....
We decided NOT to stay in our room and sleep-so we walked around the ship, yet again, and tried to find things to do. IT seriously seemed like a ghost ship-no one was to be found! Unless, they were seasick like us Chat Icon
We met a couple that sat w/us at that beach picnic n started to talk to them...And then we played Trivial Pursuit w/them and a coule of other groups in one of the lounges. That was actually not bad-and we talked to them for almost 4 hours!
Chat Icon They were so cool!!! They were a bit older than us, they were 39 & 40, but soo cool!!! Yay, we made friends! Chat Icon

We actually started to feel better bc of the patches!!!
We ate at the main dining room that nite, again missed our 6pm seating, so opted for the 8pm. We hung out in the lounge w/our friends and watched some karoake-which was HYSTERICAL!
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Day 7-Saturday, August 20-At Sea!!
Again, another day at sea! God help us Chat Icon Chat Icon But we were actually feeling better-and we played a few games-Trivial Pursuit, again, and also Pictionary- Then I decided to join a slot tournament and..........I actually won!! $500!!!!!!!!!

I was soo surprised! lol-I never win ANYTHNG-ive never even won anything on this website Chat Icon
The rest of the day we just bummed around and for dinner, since we were feeling okay-we went to the Alternative Dining-The Sterling Steakhouse.
It was sooooooooo good!!
Then again, we went to watch some karoake w/our friends....
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Day 8-Monday, August 21, Bora Bora!!!!!!!Day 1

Honestly, Bora Bora was my FAV part of the trip, EVER!!!!!
We were supposed to go to Raiatea this day, but because we could not stop at Raratonga, there was a change in plans/direction..
We arrived in Bora Bora around 7:30 am.

We dropped anchor and took a tender to our excursion, a glass bottom boat-from 1:15-2:45. THAT was REALLY cool!!! I really didn't think it would be-but it was. I started to talkin to this old, cute man on the boat and it turns out (get ur tissues ready) that it was supposed to be him n his wifes 50th anniversary present to each other-but she passed away last year and he decided to go by himself. Of course I started tearing, which made him tear. So yes, I did cry in Bora Bora Chat Icon Chat Icon

Heres some pics of the glass bottom boat-
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After the Glass Bottom Boat, we decided to check out the beach there-so we hopped on a bus-$5 for each of us, and went to the Intercontinental La Moana Resort-

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While we were looking for a place to put our stuff, we saw our friends! Yay! They were w/another couple-who were from NY-Queens, kewlness!!
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We went in the water-the BEST beach I have ever seen, been in, etc. You could walk out 100 yards and the water was still up to your waist!!!!!!

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After this, we tried to go to Bloody Mary's-the couple from NY-the husband spoke French and tried to get us in-but there was no seats and we needed reservations....We decided to try another restaurant, but not w/o taking some pics!!
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We all decided to go and eat at Fare Matua-a small but cute restaurant. Nothing really appealed to me here, but I got the steak w/the blue cheese and it was awesome!!!

The others got sushi n stuff like that External Image

We took another cab to the pier, then took the tender back. It was only around 9 pm-so we watched a little bit of Karoake-On board, they called Karoake "Princess Pop Star". And it was really hysterical!!!!!

Then we played Family Feud-which was also really funny. External Image
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We went to bed then, whew!

Day 9-Tuesday, August 22, Bora Bora Day-2

We woke up and decided to go eat at Bloody Mary's-since we couldnt get there the night before. We got there and ate lunch-I got a burger and fries, as did DH. IT was pretty darn good!!!

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This is the cat that "owns" the place:

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We then headed over back to the pier for our excursion:
Snorkel Safari 1:15-3:45

This was the best excursion yet!!!!!
First we took a little boat to the middle of the ocean and got out-but the water was not deep AT ALL! And we fed sting rays-the guide took one and rubbed one against my body-it was so kool! Then he was riding it underwater lol!!!

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Is this guy kidding me w/this bathing suit??
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Bye bye boat!
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Then we got back on the boat and went over to another location n snorkeled where there was a lot of fish!!! DH got cut on it too Chat Icon

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It was Formalnight again and we went to dinner w/our friends at the Sabatini's Italian Restaurant. This time, Gaetano was able to enjoy it. It was fun, we took pics and we were just fooolin around
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Our waiter, Candido:
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Day 10-Wednesday, August 23-Raiatea
Another beautiful island! We awoke, had breakfast t the buffet, then saw our friends. THey had done an earlier excursion, and wanted to join us, but it was booked. At first, we just walked off the boat (we were docked at a pier) and walked around the little town and shops.
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Then we headed off for our excursion,We did the:
Secrets & Snorkeling at the Pearl Farm Reef House, 1:00 pm-3:30 pm

This was cool, they take you out on a SMALL boat and take you to a small hut over the water to see how pearls are processed-then we got to snorkel again a bit-I got a single pearl to put on a necklace and irregular pearl earrings-I love them!!

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We had taken this excursion with 2 other couples-they were both from NY-both from LI!!!
The tour guide made a detour and took us up a mountain to see what a $300K house would look like. The view was soo nice!!

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After that, we just relaxed on our deck a bit...
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Later that night, we did another excursion with our friends, Evening Feast on a Polynesian Motu, 5PM-8PM

This was soo cool!!! The boat ride was kool too-it took you to this smalll island where we watched dancers perform. and ate dinner. They had chicken, potatoes, rice, etc!! IT was actually good.
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When we got back to the ship, we changed and I went into the jewerly shop-and i got a pearl ring
Chat Icon I dont even like pearls, but Tahiti is known for their black pearls, so i had to get another...lol
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We watched some more karoake w/our friends, then went to bed!!!

Day 11-Thursday, August 24, Moorea

Def, hands down, my 2nd favorite island. It was sooo beautiful!!!!!

We wanted to experience the whole island, so we got off the boat early, walked around where they had some vendors set up to buy jewelry, souveneirs, etc.
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Then we set off to our excursion, the Dolphin Encounter. They do this at the Intercontinental Moorea-so we took a short bus ride there.
Our dolphin encounter wasnt until 2 pm, so first we watched our friends do their encounter, then went to the beach, swam, then did our encounter. It was sooo kool!!!!!!!!

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After the dolphin encounter, we went back to the boat and had a quick lunch out on the deck. That night, we ate at the main dining room, n then went to the FINALS of the karoake contest. It was soo funny. Then the DJ started to play some music-and I gotta say,he was the worst DJ imaginable. LOL. External Image
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This was our last night on the boat, so we tried to make it good....We gave the DJ that sign, but he just got up and left Chat Icon
So one of the waiters put on a CD and we danced to a few decent songs. Then we went to our room and got to bed!

Day 12-Friday, August 25-Tahiti

Chat Icon Our last day !!! We were allowed to stay until whenever we wanted, but we had made plans to stay at Le Meridien Tahiti, so we tried to look for our friends to say goodbye, but no one was to be found Chat Icon I was actually sad to leave the ship.....
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We stayed in an over the water bungalow at Le Meridien and it was OK-i mean it was still beautiful, but a bit scary!!!!!
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We were all the way at the end, last bungalow.

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Durin the rest of the day, we just walked around the resort. The pool was sooooo dumb, it was 10 feet away from the beach, yet it had sand in it?
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Then we started to walk around town a little,in the little shops and supermarket. Didnt buy anything really...cept for Pringles!!! LOL

At night, we didnt know what to do for dinner, but we just decided to eat at the resort. I saw a few ppl I had seen on the cruise...and we decided to eat at the Hawaiian show/feast they had going. It was $70/pp, but worth it..the show was good, and the food was really good. I had lobster, and a bunch of diff things!

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It was like 10 pm when the show ended and we went back to our room. It was scary!!!!!!! There was a bird up in our hut, and I kept hearing him chirp. I stayed very close to DH while sleeping, I was scared LOL

Day 13-August 26th, Tahiti
Our Last day in Tahitit!!!

We woke up around 10, and I decided that we would go to the Intercontinental Tahiti Resort. I did not want to stay at Le Meridien for the whole day, our flight was at 9pm at nite. Le Meridien has a room where you can keep your bags, and then also you can take a shower there too.

SO we headed off to the Intercontinetal-SOOOO nice!!!!!!!!!

I loved it. The pool was so nice, and they had a man made aquarium w/sooo many diff kinds of fish. We started to talk to one couple and we realized they were on the ship too. SO we hung out w/them the rest of the day. There was a fish feeding and I actually got in the aquarium and fed the fish, It was possibly the grossest thing I have ever done-it smelled sooo bad, but it was worth it. There was alo a few sting rays in there too.

We left that hotel around 5 and returned to Le Meridien. We took showers, then went to the airprot. The line was ridiculous, they took away a lipgloss that I had forgotten, but the plane ride home was fasttt-we slept most of the way!!!!

All in All, it was the best trip ever!!! Everything was sooo beautiful. I expected Tahiti to be more tropical, but I should have figured that it wasnt-considering it was the "city". Bora Bora was my fav island, nd I hope we go back there next year...

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THE END!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! [

Posted 9/27/06 9:50 AM
Long Island Weddings
Long Island's Largest Bridal Resource

Love of my life....

Member since 5/05

3687 total posts


Re: My DREAM Tahitian Honeymoon-Tahitian Princess + Hotels-LONG & Lots of pics!

Wow... what a great review...

Your pictures were beautiful!!! Chat Icon Chat Icon

Posted 9/27/06 10:37 AM

But I love the Snow!

Member since 5/05

15379 total posts


Re: My DREAM Tahitian Honeymoon-Tahitian Princess + Hotels-LONG & Lots of pics!

I have to say ... I AM SO JEALOUS. It looked amazing....

Posted 9/27/06 11:17 AM

Ready for the sun!

Member since 5/05

30339 total posts

Properly perfect™

Re: My DREAM Tahitian Honeymoon-Tahitian Princess + Hotels-LONG & Lots of pics!

Wow your pictures are gorgeous! I wanna go....looks like you and DH had a great timeChat Icon

Posted 9/27/06 11:38 AM

My new 71 Super Beetle

Member since 5/05

13476 total posts


Re: My DREAM Tahitian Honeymoon-Tahitian Princess + Hotels-LONG & Lots of pics!

That was an amazing review - So detailed - Great Pics

Posted 9/27/06 1:29 PM

hello baby Albert

Member since 9/05

7750 total posts


Re: My DREAM Tahitian Honeymoon-Tahitian Princess + Hotels-LONG & Lots of pics!

all I can say is wow, every time I look at pictures from Tahiti makes me want to go there more and more... thank you for sharing with us Chat Icon

Posted 9/27/06 8:39 PM

too excited for words

Member since 10/05

18538 total posts


Re: My DREAM Tahitian Honeymoon-Tahitian Princess + Hotels-LONG & Lots of pics!

Awesome review and pics!!!

Posted 9/28/06 11:39 AM

mom of two!

Member since 5/05

4368 total posts


Re: My DREAM Tahitian Honeymoon-Tahitian Princess + Hotels-LONG & Lots of pics!

It looks amazing!! I never knew you could go on a cruise there!

Posted 9/29/06 4:06 PM


Member since 5/05

6265 total posts


Re: My DREAM Tahitian Honeymoon-Tahitian Princess + Hotels-LONG & Lots of pics!

Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon

Wow...that was some review!!!!!!! Everything looks amazing!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
And, some parts of your story had me LMAO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I need to know...how did you get some of those pics taken??? Like the ones where you and DH are in the water with the dolphins...did you ask someone to take them with your camera???

And, what kind of camera do you have? It takes incredible pictures...I need to get me one. Oh, one last question...how are you getting the black border around all the pics you are posting...is it the camera doing that or is the website you downloaded your pics to?

You and your DH look like you really did go on that dream honeymoon and you should be so happy!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! You two are just sooooo cute!!!!!!

Posted 9/30/06 12:30 AM

i run for bacon

Member since 5/05

20584 total posts


Re: My DREAM Tahitian Honeymoon-Tahitian Princess + Hotels-LONG & Lots of pics!

Great review & pics!
Thanks for sharingChat Icon

Posted 9/30/06 9:37 PM


Member since 1/06

2012 total posts


Re: My DREAM Tahitian Honeymoon-Tahitian Princess + Hotels-LONG & Lots of pics!

Wow great review! It looks like you guys had a great time. Loved looking at your pics!

Posted 10/6/06 2:15 PM

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