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Any 6th - 8th grade teachers on?

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I am a lucky Momma!

Member since 7/05

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Any 6th - 8th grade teachers on?

Can anyone let me know what the social studies curriculum includes for 6th, 7th and/or 8th grade? Just the general themes for each grade would be fine. I teach 1st grade but am getting my TESOL masters which will allow me to teach ESL to K-12 so my professor is making us do a thematic unit in a grade level pretty much opposite of the one we teach currently. I am most likely going to do 8th grade because I can use the 8th grade ELA to give me an idea of literacy activities that I need to do to prepare them for the test, but am considering 6th and 7th too since I have to do Middle School.

Any help would be greatly appreciated! TIA!!!


Posted 6/24/06 9:25 PM
Long Island Weddings
Long Island's Largest Bridal Resource


Member since 1/06

3508 total posts


Re: Any 6th - 8th grade teachers on?

The 7th and 8th grade SS curriculum is American History. I teach TESOL in a 7-12th grade school. This is the end of my 5th year - let me know if I can help you!Chat Icon

Posted 6/24/06 9:29 PM

Just chillin'!!

Member since 1/06

9690 total posts


Re: Any 6th - 8th grade teachers on?

Like Jenn said, 7th and 8th are both American History. The students take their NYS Assessment in 8th grade and it covers both years' work.

Message edited 6/24/2006 9:36:10 PM.

Posted 6/24/06 9:35 PM


Member since 5/05

14279 total posts


Re: Any 6th - 8th grade teachers on?

In NYC, 6th is Ancient Civilizations, 7th is US History up to the Civil War, and 8th picks up during Reconstruction.

The NYSED has the Social Studies core curriculum- don't know if that would be helpful.

Also, since you're planning something for ELLs, anything connected to immigration would be relevant and there are tons of resources. Immigrant Kids by Russell Freedman is a great non-fic book and the Dear America books have lots of titles pertaining to immigration (historical fic)

Posted 6/24/06 10:03 PM

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