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Formula question.....

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I love my little man!!!!

Member since 7/05

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Formula question.....

My little one is not here yet, but of course I am already thinking about the formula I am going to use! How do you know which one to use?? Similac, Enfamil? Does your doctor make a recommendation or is it by trial and error?

Posted 2/18/06 3:50 PM
Long Island Weddings
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Family of 5!

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<3 Mommy <3

Re: Formula question.....

Well...similac us what the gave me in the hospital to supplemebt 2 feedings while I was Bfing- when i switched to formula completly, i just continued w/ similac.....he then had gas issues so we switched to isomil....

Id say its trial n error...

Posted 2/18/06 4:00 PM

I am a lucky Momma!

Member since 7/05

15652 total posts


Re: Formula question.....

I initially tried Enfamil because the hospital sent us home with that, but then switched to Enfamil Gentle Ease that has partially digested milk protiens because she had problems pooping with regular ENfamil. However I was barely ever able to find that in the stores. I'd have to go to 3 stores or so to get it each time, so I finally switched to Nestle Good Start Supreme which has comfort protiens and is basically the same as the GentleEase.

Posted 2/18/06 4:16 PM


Member since 5/05

4317 total posts


Re: Formula question.....

She was sent home with Similac Adance but she was constipated while on it so I switched her to Similac Low Iron but then had gassy problems so the Dr suggested Enfamil Gentle Ease. She is doing ok on it.

Posted 2/18/06 4:27 PM

me and baby #3!

Member since 5/05

12013 total posts


Re: Formula question.....

I was also given Enfamil by the hospital (regular) and Alyson had gas issues when we first came home. I was also having issues with her latching on, so she was getting mostly formula after the first 2 days Chat Icon . We took it upon ourselves to switch her to Enfamil Prosobee (soy formula-it's lactose free and milk free) with Lipil (DHA and ARA added for brain and eye development). I think there is VERY little or no difference between Similac and Enfamil....

It's like getting samples at your Dr's office...whatever Rep comes in and gets the Dr to push their product.

Carnation GoodStart is supposed to be the least expensive (yet when I go to Walmart here in GA it's more expensive than Enfamil).

Posted 2/18/06 4:28 PM

The Boys!

Member since 5/05

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Re: Formula question.....

Similar to the other girls, I used what the hospital gave me, which was similac with iron to supplement while pumping. He has constipation problems though, so when I switch to full formula I need to do more research.

Sorry to hijack this thread but...Does Similac have a compatible formula to gentle ease/ easily digestible formula? My aunt gets a discount on similac and I am hoping to stay with them, I think my little guy will have a problem digesting similac with iron.

Posted 2/18/06 4:29 PM

I am a lucky Momma!

Member since 7/05

15652 total posts


Re: Formula question.....

I think what makes the goodstart cheaper is the coupons. They give out coupons for $11 off, and they usually have "25% more" cans that are 32 oz instead of 27, so you get a lot more formula for about $11.

Posted 2/18/06 4:30 PM

me and baby #3!

Member since 5/05

12013 total posts


Re: Formula question.....

Posted by emc

Similar to the other girls, I used what the hospital gave me, which was similac with iron to supplement while pumping. He has constipation problems though, so when I switch to full formula I need to do more research.

Sorry to hijack this thread but...Does Similac have a compatible formula to gentle ease/ easily digestible formula? My aunt gets a discount on similac and I am hoping to stay with them, I think my little guy will have a problem digesting similac with iron.

Yes, Erin they's the alimentum. Here is the blurb from their webpage!

Alimentum® Advance® Protein Hydrolysate Formula with Iron
Extra-special formula for extra-sensitive babies.
Some babies have long crying spells and cannot be easily comforted. This excessive crying or fussiness is sometimes called "colic" and may be due to the protein in the formula. It’s good to know there is a trusted alternative when a baby is sensitive to the protein in milk-based (eg, Other standard milk-based formulas such as Enfamil® Lipil®, Nestle® Good Start® Supreme, Similac® Advance®) and/or soy-based (eg, Similac® Isomil® Advance®) infant formulas.

Alimentum Advance is recommended for infants with food allergies or colic symptoms due to protein sensitivity. The protein in this formula is hydrolyzed, or broken down into smaller parts to virtually eliminate the risk of an allergic reaction.

Alimentum Advance provides fast colic* relief.

In just 24 hours, Alimentum ® Advance starts reducing colic symptoms* in most infants. †

Alimentum Advance is the first hypoallergenic formula in the U.S. with DHA and ARA—two nutrients found in breast milk that are important for brain and eye development.

Posted 2/18/06 4:48 PM

I am a lucky Momma!

Member since 7/05

15652 total posts


Re: Formula question.....

See, I dont' see Alimentum as being similar to Gentle Ease. GentleEase is still a milk-based formula, just has partially digested milk protiens. The Alimentum is completely different, more similar to Enfamil's Nutramigen. It is for babies with serious colic/reflux issues from what I heard, where as the GentleEase is just for babies who have mild gas issues. The Alimentum is VERY VERY expensive it GentleEase isn't much more expensive then regular Enfamil.

Posted 2/18/06 4:50 PM

LIF Adolescent

Member since 5/05

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Re: Formula question.....

Posted by btrflygrl

I was also given Enfamil by the hospital (regular) and Alyson had gas issues when we first came home. I was also having issues with her latching on, so she was getting mostly formula after the first 2 days Chat Icon . We took it upon ourselves to switch her to Enfamil Prosobee (soy formula-it's lactose free and milk free) with Lipil (DHA and ARA added for brain and eye development). I think there is VERY little or no difference between Similac and Enfamil....


Same here for the same reasons. This is all we give Carolyn.

Posted 2/18/06 6:28 PM

My boys

Member since 5/05

4380 total posts


Re: Formula question.....

I BF and formula feed. We used Similac Advance which is what the hospital gave him. I had gotten two free cans of Enfamil so when I finished the can of similac the Dr said we could try the Enfamil. He seemed to like it at first but one day just refused to take it. He now drinks Similac.

Posted 2/18/06 6:34 PM

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