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Lower Back Pain=Ouchy!

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Member since 5/05

11165 total posts


Lower Back Pain=Ouchy!

Did anyone have lower back pain PP? I have painful lower back pain at tailbone level but extremely painful on my left side. Could this be sciatic nerve? Could the pain be caused by my body going back to it's pre pg self?

I am 6 weeks PP.

Posted 6/12/06 10:42 AM
Long Island Weddings
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I love my little man!!!!

Member since 7/05

1809 total posts


Re: Lower Back Pain=Ouchy!

OMG!! This happened to me. It came about 2 weeks after I had my soon. I have it in the same spot. It was so bad that I couldn't even walk right and the thought of climbing stairs was so painful.

I went to a neurologist who took an MRI of the lumbar spine and basically said my back looked perfect and gave me an RX for Vicodin. I was like are you crazy??? I cannot walk and I have a newborn and you are giving me that stuff?

I then went to a great doctor in Plainview who told me that my back was not fine (he read the MRI report) and said that it was sciatica and most likely due to the sudden weight gain. I asked him if it could be this painful and he said absolutely. He also sent me for bloodwork to make sure that my thryoid and kidneys are ok (because this pain can also mimic these symptoms).

He gave antiflammatories which I take twice a day and a muscle relaxer at night and I feel so much better.

I hope you feel better soon!

Posted 6/12/06 11:25 AM

I love my Katie Bug

Member since 5/05

11357 total posts


Re: Lower Back Pain=Ouchy!

Im having a lot of pain and Im 6 wks PP too. For me, its in the lower back, the area where they did the epidural. It hurts a lot but its from the epi, I'm assuming. I also have a lot of upper back pain and Ive had that since my 22 hrs of labor. Im going to the chiro today actually to see if he can help me.

Posted 6/12/06 12:11 PM

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