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Emotional Rollercoaster...

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Member since 5/05

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Emotional Rollercoaster...

Hi Ladies! I'm wondering if what I'm going through lately is normal...any input would be great. I think I've hit that stage in my pregnancy where my emotions are TOTALLY out of whack... I mean I go from laughing one minute -- to pizzed off at DH (for no reason) another minute -- to hysterically crying (again for NO reason) the very next minute afterwards...

Actually the crying spells are the worst part. I am normally NOT a crier at all, and the rate at which the tears flow lately is just amazing to me (and it shocks DH who is not used to seeing me like this)

Here's one example: we just got back from our wonderful babymoon, and practically every night I would get so overcome with emotion that I would start crying .. for NO reason. I would be sitting on the beach and thinking about how happy I was to be pregnant, but would start crying (and not just normal crying.. like a near breakdown)...Chat Icon

Then on the flight home they wouldn't let me sit in the exit row with DH because I was pregnant. The flight was full and there were no two other seats together. I was literally sitting only 2 rows in front of DH, and I'm normally not a nervous flyer. Well the fact I could not sit next to DH made me hysterical. The two people next to me felt so bad, but I could NOT stop crying. I wanted to sit next to HIM, and nothing could console me. Luckily the flight attendant took pity on me Chat Icon and switched some people around and seated us together. But still, you'd have thought something horrible had happened the way I was carrying on.... and I could not even tell you WHY this upset me, I just felt overcome with this intense emotional reaction..

So tell me - am I the only emotional wreck around here? Chat Icon Or is this something 'extreme' I should ask my doctor about Chat Icon

Message edited 5/21/2006 2:48:49 PM.

Posted 5/21/06 2:45 PM
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Re: Emotional Rollercoaster...

No way are you the only one. I am absolutely not a cryer either but one night I was hysterical because I was saying I wanted to paint the baby's room and decorate it, blah, blah, blah and DH was like "Sure whatever" well I went ape shyt....angry and crying cause I didn't think he cared as much as I did he was likeChat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon

There have been other times that I find myself being upset over the stupidist don't worry, it will pass and sanity will be restoredChat Icon

Posted 5/21/06 2:50 PM

Complete Happiness :)

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Re: Emotional Rollercoaster...

I went through a period like that a couple of months ago. I think with finally being pregnant and so happy, and then to deal with my mother being in and out of the hospital, brought me to this state.
The first time she went into the hospital is was not a big deal, but the next 2 times really got to me. Especially when they found she had a blood clot and the thought of it being missed, made me cry more and more, thinking that she may have not been around for the baby being born.

I think that your body is just going through soooo much right now, it doesn't know how to handle your emotions.
I think it is normal, but I would also let you doctor know about it and see if the doctor has any advice.

Sorry you are going through this Flee Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon

Oh yea - can we have some details on the babymoon Chat Icon

Posted 5/21/06 2:53 PM


Member since 6/05

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Re: Emotional Rollercoaster...

glad u enjoyed your tripChat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon

Posted 5/21/06 3:01 PM

too excited for words

Member since 10/05

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Re: Emotional Rollercoaster...

I go through phases like that too. In fact I just got over a period where I was an emotional wreck. i kept telling DH, "I don't know why, but I feel so unhappy" and then I felt guilty for feeling sad and got even more depressed. I would cry and/or yell for no apparant reason. But thank goodness, the crazy phase passed. I'm sure it will make a return appearance at some point but it's good to know that it's just a passing thing. We all get kind of crazy once in a while.
I'm glad you enjoyed your trip though and that you're home safe! Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon

Posted 5/21/06 3:06 PM

Happy New Year

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Re: Emotional Rollercoaster...

Sounds normal to me. When I was pregnant, DH decided to rip the house apart. Well, as my due date was approaching, the work didn't seem like it was going to get done in time. We hadn't had use of our kitchen for about a month and everything was covered in dust. I FREAKED OUT. Started cleaning like a mad woman, lifting things, moving furniture all the while hysterically crying "this house will NEVER be clean enough!"

Your body is going through such a big change and your hormones are running wild. Nevermind the huge life changing event that your mind has to come to grips with. It's no wonder preggos can break down at the drop of a hat.

Hang in there - you are doing great! Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon

Posted 5/21/06 3:11 PM


Member since 5/05

18599 total posts


Re: Emotional Rollercoaster...

Thank you all for your thoughtful responses and for making me feel a little less crazy by sharing your experiences Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon

I am so grateful for this board, it's better than any pregnancy book I have that's for sure Chat Icon

PS: Marcie and the other girls, I'll post some details and a couple pics of our trip when I get the pics uploaded. thanks for asking.. It was the best thing we did , to get away for a little bit before Chat Icon or Chat Icon comes (even if I DID cry a lot Chat Icon Chat Icon)

Posted 5/21/06 3:27 PM

They get so big, so fast :(

Member since 5/05

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Re: Emotional Rollercoaster...

I am so sorry you are going throught this Flee- when I was pregnant for that short time, I had horrible rages- my DH thought I was insane. At one point, I almost grabbed the wheel from DH and drove the car into a tree since he made me so mad. I just think its the hormones and it will get better. Chat Icon

Posted 5/21/06 4:53 PM

Becoming a different woman

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Re: Emotional Rollercoaster...

oh I'm sorry Flee, I'm sure it's all part of the pregnancy. it's such an overwhelming feeling that's completely understandable.

welcome back and can't wait to see pics.Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon

Posted 5/21/06 6:28 PM


Member since 5/05

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Re: Emotional Rollercoaster...

Flee Chat Icon Chat Icon Sounds totally normal to meChat Icon

I was the same way, the tears would come so easily and soak my DH"s shoulder for the little things. I myself was taken back by how hard i would cry over something and how easily it would be to make me cry. The opposite was true too, I would fly off the handle just as quick.

Those hormones!! After I gave birth I cried for an hour, bawled more like it, when they took Gianna for her tests the morning of our discharge, I was soo upset they took her for so long and I could hear her crying. It was awful!

Posted 5/21/06 7:47 PM


Member since 5/05

12578 total posts


Re: Emotional Rollercoaster...

I'm so sorry to hear your are going through this FleeChat Icon I'm sure its totally normal. I started noticing this past weekend that I'm getting snappy with my DH and I totally don't mean to because he's been nothing but great to me. I just can't help it. I'm sure my tears are coming soon too!!! All these hormones are taking over our bodies, but its for a good cause.

Try to hang in thereChat Icon

Can't wait to hear about your trip and see some picsChat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon

Posted 5/21/06 8:06 PM


Member since 5/05

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Re: Emotional Rollercoaster...

It's totally normal!!! I can't get through mass at church without crying - like bring out the tissues crying. And on the other hand if I'm in a bad mood watch out - everyone! So I think this comes with being PG, it's an emotional time. Hang in there!!! Chat Icon

Posted 5/21/06 8:09 PM

It goes fast. Pay attention.

Member since 7/05

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Re: Emotional Rollercoaster...

Completely normal....

When I was pregnant the first time, I remember yelling at DH in the car & then I started crying because he left his clothes on the floor of our bedroom. I remember crying & saying, "You don't get it! Now I'm permanently tied to you because I have this baby. I'll have to live with socks on the floor until the day I die!"

He said "You mean we weren't tied together because we were married? What about that whole in sickness & health, for richer & poorer thing?"

I sobbed "That was just part of the standard ceremony!"

And you know what...I'm in the bedroom - and there his clothes are on the floor. And in the next room are two little angels that I wouldn't give up for all of the floor space in the world.

Posted 5/21/06 8:32 PM

Pick a cause & stand up for it

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Re: Emotional Rollercoaster...

I sure hope it is normal because I went thru the same thing! It had tapered off for a bit but I noticied it creeping back lately.

Posted 5/22/06 7:35 AM

LIF Adult

Member since 3/06

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Re: Emotional Rollercoaster...

i hope is normal because i went into a niagra falls crying session during a session of desperate housewives. Chat Icon

Posted 5/22/06 9:42 AM

Praying for a miracle!

Member since 5/05

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Re: Emotional Rollercoaster...

Honey- I think this is totally normal. I was a wreck all last week over the littlest things.

I cried and cried and cired. I think it's all part of the pregnancy journey. Chat Icon

Did you have a nice trip? Chat Icon

Posted 5/22/06 9:49 AM

Sweet Jessie Quinn

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Re: Emotional Rollercoaster...

My family says they have seen me cry more last week then all the times of my life added up. I am not a crier, especially in public. I cried so hard at stop and shop last week. I cry on the bus.

can't wait to see your pics!

Posted 5/22/06 11:42 AM

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