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Introducing a new pet

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You Live, You Learn

Member since 5/05

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Introducing a new pet

So DH and i are thinking of getting another dog. But Martin isn't the nicest to other dogs when we are walking.....
I am very nervous about this....

any suggestions?

Posted 8/9/05 11:03 AM
Long Island Weddings
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Re: Introducing a new pet

I think what you are supposed to do is keep them separated.

YOu should let the new dog in and let the dog get his/her smell on everything... then let Martin in to check out the smell.....

I think you can do this for a few days- that way Martin gets used to the smell of the new dog.

When you do introduce them- introduce the new dog/pup to martin rear end first- that way- he smells the "source" - sorry if this is gross- and if he nips- he will not do damange...

Posted 8/9/05 11:10 AM

You Live, You Learn

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Re: Introducing a new pet

thanks....Chat Icon

Posted 8/9/05 11:24 AM

is not the girl you knew

Member since 5/05

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Re: Introducing a new pet

you should def have them meet on nuetral ground as well.

what sassy said about letting him get used to the smell is a good idea too.

when Lukin and Tink first met we took them both outside and put them down and let Lukin sniff Tink. she was a puppy and loved anyone and anything, he was freaked at first, but quickly got over it.

then when we got Lady D we did it alittle bit different. because SHE was at the time petrified of all dogs. but also, she was already over 1 yr.
so when we got out of the cab i took her for a walk while Kevin went in our apt with her bed and blanket and kennel. he had Luk & Tink smell it and go inside and get familiar with it.
then alittle later i brought her in hte house and separated them with the french door. they could see her but couldnt get to her.
then we eventually let them all together. D was soooo scared though. Tink seemed to be very very nonchalant. Luk was curious, not mean, but not thrilled.
soon it was fine.

now these three are INSEPERABLE. im sure thats how it will be for Martin and ??? when you get him/her.

GOOD LUCK! let us know.
also, its recommendd you get the opposite sex, so getting a female may be a good idea. unless i think you may have said martin doesnt like girls? i forget. either way, cant wait for you!

Posted 8/9/05 11:36 AM

Peace out Homies!

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Gerty ®

Re: Introducing a new pet

HeeHee... we are going through that right now. We just got a dog and are introducing the cat to her. So far, not too bad...just a couple of hisses and raised backs from the cat. The dog doesn't really seem to be all that interested in the cat, but I am worried about the cat scratching the dog, so I have been keeping them seperated and this morning I let them kind of walk around each other while I watched to make sure noone got out of hand.
Other than that, I have been keeping the dog in our room and the cat has the run of the rest of the house.

Good luck, from what I understand it takes a couple of weeks and then everyone gets used to everyone else.

Posted 8/9/05 12:04 PM

You Live, You Learn

Member since 5/05

31871 total posts


Re: Introducing a new pet

see i am thinking that having them meet outside would put Martin MORE on the defense then in the comfort of his home....

When he sees dogs when we are walking he isn't the nicest already....I am hoping that we will bring hom a puppy...and make it his.

When i was a bride i got a little Fox stuffed animal from the Fox hollow and we tried getting him used to the idea of being nice to another animal....It kinda worked...We call it martins baby...So i was hopeing to play off of that

Posted 8/9/05 12:13 PM

is not the girl you knew

Member since 5/05

14266 total posts


Re: Introducing a new pet

well you know him best so if he is alittle more on edge out of the house then youre def right to have them meet IN the house. i would just have them in separate rooms at first. let him smell all of the puppys stuff.

well, he may not really have "stuff" so its a good idea when you pick him up to bring a blanket with oyu and hold him in it so that his scent will get on it.

i'msure the initial meeting may be alittle weird for Martin, but i am sure he will get ove rit soon enough as long as he realizes he is still most loved.

when are you shotting for to get a pup?

Posted 8/9/05 12:19 PM

You Live, You Learn

Member since 5/05

31871 total posts


Re: Introducing a new pet

Posted by Lolita4Life

i'msure the initial meeting may be alittle weird for Martin, but i am sure he will get ove rit soon enough as long as he realizes he is still most loved.

when are you shotting for to get a pup?

i hope so...
not sure when...really depending on what happens as far as selling my condo is concerned...
i think we might hold off until after it is sold...

Posted 8/9/05 12:41 PM

is not the girl you knew

Member since 5/05

14266 total posts


Re: Introducing a new pet

cant wait. im excited for ya!

Posted 8/9/05 1:07 PM


Member since 8/05

8377 total posts


Re: Introducing a new pet

i heard you should introduce them on neutral grounds as well...what kind of pup are you getting?! how exciting!

i want to get a friend so bad for jj (cause once i start school he'll be home alone and he's already having separation anxiety with us) but ray doesn't want another dog in our apt

i was thinking of getting a cat so it's less work but who knows

Posted 8/9/05 8:25 PM

You Live, You Learn

Member since 5/05

31871 total posts


Re: Introducing a new pet

Posted by azoodie

i heard you should introduce them on neutral grounds as well...what kind of pup are you getting?! how exciting!

i want to get a friend so bad for jj (cause once i start school he'll be home alone and he's already having separation anxiety with us) but ray doesn't want another dog in our apt

i was thinking of getting a cat so it's less work but who knows

well since i had picked out Martins breedi was ok with the DH picking out the next dog. He has been talking about a boston terrier for a while. But yesterday he was hinting at a chocolate min pin. So at this point who knows...DH is so flip floppy.
The only real thing i would like is that it is smaller than Martin.

Posted 8/10/05 6:34 AM


Member since 8/05

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Re: Introducing a new pet

well both sound really cute! There is a boston terrier around here named bubba and i think it is the cutest thing! chocolate mini pin is gorgeous too!

Posted 8/10/05 3:48 PM

You Live, You Learn

Member since 5/05

31871 total posts


Re: Introducing a new pet

Posted by azoodie

well both sound really cute! There is a boston terrier around here named bubba and i think it is the cutest thing! chocolate mini pin is gorgeous too!

boston terriers have the cutest faces and i ear very nicely tempered..
Min pins have a tendency to be high strung..
can't imagine having two but Martin is soo wonderful... i am glad i am not making the decision Chat Icon

Posted 8/10/05 8:18 PM

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