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Feeding newborn question

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Mom of 2 + 1

Member since 10/05

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Feeding newborn question

I haven't been on in a while since my DD was born and my house is now turned upside down, but I have a question about feeding and am hoping to get some help.

I am pumping my BM and giving it via bottles (Dr. Brown's or Avent). She is taking about 3 oz. at a time, and usually goes 4-5 hours between feedings.

My first question is -- is that enough for a 2-week old? Is it too much? I asked the PED last week, and he didn't really give me an answer. He told me to keep track of what she eats in 24 hours so he can evaluate it, but what am I supposed to do before we go back next week?

The second question is about burping. My little girl burps well after the first half of the feeding, but at the end often will not burp. This usually leads to tummy pain (aka inconsolable screaming) a couple of hours later. This morning, at the end of her feeding she spit up what looked like at least half of what I had just given her. I was warming another half a bottle for her and she fell asleep. It's now been about 12 hours since her last full feeding and I don't know what to do. Do I wake her and make her take some milk, or just let her wake on her own and feed her whenever that is?

Finally, how can I tell if she is crying because of hunger or belly pain? She is only 2 weeks old and all of her cries sound the same to me. I'm afraid that I'm either over or under feeding her. I just read in a breastfeeding guide that babies 0-6 months should be eating 19-30 ounces per day. She is getting much less than that, but is still spitting up some of her feedings.

Can anybody help me with this?

p/s - she was 8lbs 1oz at birth (7-13 when discharged from the hospital).

Posted 5/9/06 10:54 AM
Long Island Weddings
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Member since 5/05

11165 total posts


Re: Feeding newborn question

I just asked that same question to the ped yesterday. DD is 7 days old and i am pumping and BF'ing, she takes about 3 1/2 ounces at a time too, PED said that's ok, just no more than 4 ounces at a feeding cause her tummy is still so small.

Gianna does the same with gas when I feed her from a bottle, I bounce her on her butt, and she calms down, maybe that would work for you tooChat Icon Chat Icon

Posted 5/9/06 11:31 AM


Member since 5/05

16438 total posts


Re: Feeding newborn question

Posted by pharmcat2000
I am pumping my BM and giving it via bottles (Dr. Brown's or Avent). She is taking about 3 oz. at a time, and usually goes 4-5 hours between feedings. My first question is -- is that enough for a 2-week old?

Remember, every baby is different. When my daughter was first born, she usually at about 2 ounces, ever 2 hours. It's unusual that you're daughter goes for a 4-5 hour stretch without eating, BUT, it's perfectly OK as long as she's gaining weight appropriately, which will be tracked at your doctor's office. In addition, as long as she's having sufficient wet diapers, everything is ok. In the beginning, that's THE best measurement. I think at two weeks you should have at least 7 wet diapers a day.

The second question is about burping. My little girl burps well after the first half of the feeding, but at the end often will not burp. This usually leads to tummy pain (aka inconsolable screaming) a couple of hours later. This morning, at the end of her feeding she spit up what looked like at least half of what I had just given her. I was warming another half a bottle for her and she fell asleep. It's now been about 12 hours since her last full feeding and I don't know what to do. Do I wake her and make her take some milk, or just let her wake on her own and feed her whenever that is?

The rule is, NEVER WAKE A SLEEPING BABY!!! She'll wake up and let you know when she's hungry, don't you worry about that! Chat Icon As for burping, have you tried all the positions? My daughter had trouble burping over the shoulder so instead I would put her in a sitting position, cup her chin with my hand and lean her over and pat her back. It helped. If you do some research online you'll find info on the various "burping" positions.

Finally, how can I tell if she is crying because of hunger or belly pain?

My daughter is 7 months and sometimes I STILL cannot tell. My theory is, if she cries she's either hungry or sleepy (or, when young, gassy).

Babies will rarely, if never, overeat. If you try the bottle and she refuses, you can be assured that's not the problem.
Can anybody help me with this?

Posted 5/9/06 11:47 AM

It goes fast. Pay attention.

Member since 7/05

57538 total posts


Re: Feeding newborn question

For the burping issue, everyone has different ways to get their baby to burp. I've found the easiest is to feed the baby in the most upright position possible. It will help the gas bubbles escape easier. You need to burp her before the gas settles in their intestines (it's much more painful). It sounds like that last burp needs to come out to eliminate the pain later on.

Signs of gas, high pitched screaming, legs in the air.

Hunger cries start out more as an eh,eh,eh sound until their really hungry & then it will get inconsolable.

My worry is that your baby shouldn't be going 12 hours w/o food. You need to wake her & feed her. I would do it immediately. Babies usually drink bm every 2-3 hours in the beginning.

eta. also you may want to call the pediatrician & just let him know that she's gone 12 hours w/o food & is sleeping. maybe they have better insight.

Message edited 5/9/2006 12:03:38 PM.

Posted 5/9/06 12:02 PM

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