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Quick navigation: for some advice regarding DH work situation

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me and baby #3!

Member since 5/05

12013 total posts

Shana for some advice regarding DH work situation

do y'all think he should look immediately for something else where he'll make more money, but not have benefits for 3 months (with the risk that the new insurance might not cover the rest of my PG)


should he stay because of the decent insurance and struggle...

And of course, this is all revolving around the Academy....we PRAY that it works out for him quickly

Posted 8/18/05 6:38 PM
Long Island Weddings
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big brother <3

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Re: for some advice regarding DH work situation

Hmmm I wouldn't risk not having insurance for the rest of your PG. You don't want to have to make decisions based on how much everything will cost. What if you need a C-section or something? That would be thousands and thousands of dollars out of pocket with no insurance. Good luck!

Posted 8/18/05 6:43 PM


Member since 5/05

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Re: for some advice regarding DH work situation

Posted by nov04libride

Hmmm I wouldn't risk not having insurance for the rest of your PG. You don't want to have to make decisions based on how much everything will cost. What if you need a C-section or something? That would be thousands and thousands of dollars out of pocket with no insurance. Good luck!

I agree. Although it's a tough situation for him, I'd try to convince him to ride it out. If it becomes too unbearable and he decides to leave, is there aid in your state that you can apply for since you're pg? I know WIC (Women, Infant and Children) provide food for pg women, they might also provide insurance. It can't hurt to look at all options.

Posted 8/18/05 6:48 PM

me and baby #3!

Member since 5/05

12013 total posts


Re: for some advice regarding DH work situation

yes steph....we have WIC here. At this new salary, we probably qualify for it since I work off the books (YAY) and even that kind of help would help us a bit.

We're hoping the academy thing works...he'd get paid and the only inquiry would be when insurance kicks in.Chat Icon

Posted 8/18/05 6:49 PM


Member since 5/05

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Re: for some advice regarding DH work situation

Would his salary be higher in the academy ?? I know here in NY the police academy/starting cop pays low.

Posted 8/18/05 7:07 PM

i run for bacon

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Re: for some advice regarding DH work situation

If he can get the better job/academy I think he should go for it as long as you can get some kind of aid or even buy some insurance somewhere... you shouldn't be without insurance especially when you are pregnant!
Tell DH I said Good Luck and I know everything will work out for you guys!Chat Icon

Posted 8/18/05 7:11 PM

Happy New Year

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Re: for some advice regarding DH work situation

I would say wait for the academy to come through. You really don't want to be without insurance while you are pg. Can you imagine if (God forbid) you went into early labor and didn't have insurance to cover the delivery?? Or heaven forbid the baby had to spend a couple of days in the NICU? I would play it safe with the insurance until after the baby is born.

Posted 8/18/05 7:46 PM

Time for me to FLY!

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Re: for some advice regarding DH work situation

If he takes a better job and the insurance doesn't kick in for 3 months, can't you do COBRA?

I'm not sure, but I remember hearing that pregnancy can NOT be considered a pre-existing condition, so the ins co would have to cover it. You hould check that out.

Posted 8/18/05 7:54 PM

Life is good!

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Re: for some advice regarding DH work situation

You can get cobra to keep the insurance- no matter what you decide I think it is nuts to not have insurance when you are pg. Good luck!

Posted 8/18/05 7:57 PM

My Everything

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Re: for some advice regarding DH work situation

I definitely wouldnt' risk not having insurance unless you are willing to apply for state assistance if your pregnancy isn't covered by a new job.

Posted 8/18/05 8:11 PM

me and baby #3!

Member since 5/05

12013 total posts


Re: for some advice regarding DH work situation

from what I know, being a police officer starts at around $32K a year, Academy included. (They can't expect someone to go to academy for 8 weeks and not get paid!).

I am really nor familiar with COBRA...can someone explain? I know that if he were to leave the company, insurance stays for one month, so that would leave 2 months of being uninsured if we had to wait the 3 months with another job.

As for buying our own insurance, I don't think it's a bill we can fit if it were to happen.....things are so tight as it is now!

Posted 8/18/05 8:25 PM

My Everything

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Re: for some advice regarding DH work situation

Posted by btrflygrl

from what I know, being a police officer starts at around $32K a year, Academy included. (They can't expect someone to go to academy for 8 weeks and not get paid!).

I am really nor familiar with COBRA...can someone explain? I know that if he were to leave the company, insurance stays for one month, so that would leave 2 months of being uninsured if we had to wait the 3 months with another job.

As for buying our own insurance, I don't think it's a bill we can fit if it were to happen.....things are so tight as it is now!

Cobra is basically like buying your own insurance but you can get the group rate through the employer. Its usually very expensive $300+ per month.

I am sure if you became uninsured you could apply for Medicaid for the remainder of your pregnancy you would just want to make sure that your doctor and hospital accept that.

Posted 8/18/05 8:43 PM

My Babies

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Re: for some advice regarding DH work situation

It can't hurt to look for soemthing new, while keeping the old job, just make sure when he is looking that he tell prospective employers that he needs insurance immediately, because his wife is pregnant. If they really want him they will give it to him.

This just recently happened to my best friend. She is 6 months preggo and her DH lost his job. When he went looking, he told other jobs he needed to have insurance immediately, instead of the usually 3 month waiting period, and they gave it to him!!

Good Luck, I hope everything works out.Chat Icon

Posted 8/18/05 8:57 PM


Member since 5/05

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Re: for some advice regarding DH work situation

Posted by btrflygrl

from what I know, being a police officer starts at around $32K a year, Academy included. (They can't expect someone to go to academy for 8 weeks and not get paid!).

I am really nor familiar with COBRA...can someone explain? I know that if he were to leave the company, insurance stays for one month, so that would leave 2 months of being uninsured if we had to wait the 3 months with another job.

As for buying our own insurance, I don't think it's a bill we can fit if it were to happen.....things are so tight as it is now!

If you elect COBRA insurance it stays in effect for 18 months as long asyou pay the premium. The premium will be whatever rate your employer was charged for you per month.

Posted 8/18/05 9:27 PM


Member since 5/05

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Re: for some advice regarding DH work situation

I think its extremely foolish to change jobs and have a period of no health insurance in the middle of a pregnancy.

Posted 8/18/05 10:28 PM


Member since 5/05

13736 total posts


Re: for some advice regarding DH work situation

Posted by nov04libride

Hmmm I wouldn't risk not having insurance for the rest of your PG. You don't want to have to make decisions based on how much everything will cost. What if you need a C-section or something? That would be thousands and thousands of dollars out of pocket with no insurance. Good luck!

Totally agree

Posted 8/18/05 10:47 PM

Dad of Twins

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Re: for some advice regarding DH work situation

I wouldn't change jobs (nor even think about it) until after the pregnancy - god forbid there's a complication or something.

Posted 8/19/05 10:55 AM

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