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BTDT moms - please talk to me about teething.

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My love.

Member since 5/05

6247 total posts


BTDT moms - please talk to me about teething.

I feel like we blame so many things on teething - so can you tell me looking back what your childs behavior was like, or what changed right before they broke their first tooth?

(yes, some weird things are going on with Talia - esp. at night - so I am wondering - is a tooth on its way??!)

Posted 6/8/06 8:01 PM
Long Island Weddings
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Re: BTDT moms - please talk to me about teething.

Teething takes a long time. Babies become grumpy, cranky, clingy little human beings. They bite their hands, your shoulder & anything else they get their hands on. They get fevers, ear infections & colds. They drool worse than a mastiff. Strangely enough they cough. I think it's not just the teeth but a whole mouth/sinus adjustment that they go through during this time.

Just when you can't take it anymore, you see a white dot deep under the gums. You rub the tooth to see if it broke through yet. You check it all of the time. Then you realize, you're sticking your fingers in their mouth because suddenly they start to try to stick their fingers in your mouth.

Joseph's teeth came in all at once. He was completely miserable and ripe for adoption. Then he got 2 on the bottom & then a few weeks later 2 on the top. The pediatrician said it's better this way because they get all of it out at once even though it's more painful.

Maddie had one tooth on the bottom forever. She looked like a little Jack O Lantern - but a mean cranky, drooly Jack O' Lantern. Finally MONTHs later the second one appeared, followed by the rest. It was a slow cranky process. Pediatrician was right. Easiers to get if over & done with.

Posted 6/8/06 9:08 PM

My love.

Member since 5/05

6247 total posts


Re: BTDT moms - please talk to me about teething.

well, although your post made me laugh - it also makes me want to cry.
I had better go to bed - I could use the sleep since it seems I will be getting less and less of it as those little buggers come in.
night Night...Chat Icon

Posted 6/8/06 9:16 PM

me and baby #3!

Member since 5/05

12013 total posts


Re: BTDT moms - please talk to me about teething.

Alyson has been acting up as well.....she's been drooling for well over a month as well as biting EVERYTHING.

Now...instead of just fussing for her paci at night, she starts to CRY, full out wailing and we're on night #2 of fighting bedtime....I let her cry a bit tonight, and she stopped when I picked her up the 2nd time around (the 1st time she got nosy and woke up, so I put her down and she did NOT like that).

She's also been very clingy and all about Mommy.

Posted 6/8/06 9:45 PM


Member since 5/05

3416 total posts


Re: BTDT moms - please talk to me about teething.

Well now i'm confused. Jacob has been drooling worse than a mastiff since 2 months old, he is always with his hands in his mouth or anything he can get his mouth on as well.. i go thru like 8 bibs a day... he's been night waking more and more lately, yet I see no signs of any teeth. Chat Icon

Posted 6/8/06 10:14 PM

It goes fast. Pay attention.

Member since 7/05

57538 total posts


Re: BTDT moms - please talk to me about teething.

Posted by CheeChee

Well now i'm confused. Jacob has been drooling worse than a mastiff since 2 months old, he is always with his hands in his mouth or anything he can get his mouth on as well.. i go thru like 8 bibs a day... he's been night waking more and more lately, yet I see no signs of any teeth. Chat Icon

As I said - it could take months.Chat Icon unless it's cox sackie.

Message edited 6/8/2006 10:31:44 PM.

Posted 6/8/06 10:31 PM


Member since 5/05

3416 total posts


Re: BTDT moms - please talk to me about teething.

Posted by nrthshgrl

Posted by CheeChee

Well now i'm confused. Jacob has been drooling worse than a mastiff since 2 months old, he is always with his hands in his mouth or anything he can get his mouth on as well.. i go thru like 8 bibs a day... he's been night waking more and more lately, yet I see no signs of any teeth. Chat Icon

As I said - it could take months.Chat Icon unless it's cox sackie.

I hope its not cox sackie... damn teeth!!! Chat Icon

Posted 6/8/06 10:43 PM

My Everything

Member since 5/05

20541 total posts


Re: BTDT moms - please talk to me about teething.

Well we seem to be in the midst of teething hell right now as well. I love her gummy smile but right now I just want those SOB's to come through and end the misery and give me my daughter back.

Posted 6/8/06 11:30 PM


Member since 5/05

16438 total posts


Re: BTDT moms - please talk to me about teething.

I feel like a BTDT teething mom simply because Alex already has 6... yes, SIX... teeth! And to boot, another one is coming in as we speak! Symptoms include crankiness, difficulty sleeping, serious drooling, loss of appetite and biting (she tends to favor my arm or my finger, and man oh man, it hurts!). The week before the tooth breaks the symptoms get much worse, she cries a lot, is really cranky, really can't sleep at all and is very clingy. The first time she cut a tooth I remember getting a frantic call from daycare telling me Alex just wasn't herself - very cranky, sleepy, wouldn't eat from the bottle and clingy. I went to pick her up, spent the day with her and lo and behold the next morning she had a bright, shiny tooth poking through her gums!

I've noticed that the symptoms wax and wane. Some days they are terrible, other days it's ok. It's usually much worse at night. On the nights it's really bad, try using Motrin - the tylenol NEVER worked on Alex - only the Motrin. Hang in there!! Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon

Posted 6/9/06 8:27 AM

me and baby #3!

Member since 5/05

12013 total posts


Re: BTDT moms - please talk to me about teething.

OY! Beth...sounds like you are describing Aly! The past few nights she fights sleep, but the last 2 she actually did sleep.

During the day she hasn't wanted her bottles, only her food....she'll take some of her bottles and she's been VERY clingy and VERY Bitey.......and now it's starting to hurt!

Posted 6/9/06 8:38 AM


Member since 5/05

11726 total posts


Re: BTDT moms - please talk to me about teething.

Nate started drooling and chewing on his hands around 3 months. Around 4.5 months there was a stretch to 3-4 nights where he just would not sleep well, had a low grade fever (used motrin) and was cranky. At 12 months, Nate has 14 teeth. Then a few days later I saw a tooth. After those few sleepless nights teething has been ok even with 2-3 teeth coming in at the same time. We also used Highlands teething tablets. At 12 months, he has 14 teeth.

Posted 6/9/06 8:40 AM

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