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I dont know what to do...

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Family of 5!

Member since 5/05

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<3 Mommy <3

I dont know what to do...

Last month I decided to "try" cereal... I tried it for 2 nights...both which were horrible.....

Shortly after Ryan started sleeping through the night!

At Ryans 3 month visit the DR talked about starting cereal... I told him what had happened the 1st time...and that I didnt wanna mess things up considering he was now sleeping through the night...My ped said if I wanted to wait til 4 months that was fine..

Well today Ryan was just eating soooo much... so I started to feel bad since I wasnt starting the cereal and started to give it another try...

Well needless to say I have been up since 130...and it dosent look like Im going to bed anytime soon...

What do I do? Stop cereal...give to the end of the week??? (The ped did say I could wait til next month) Is this how its going to be the 1st week regardless (I dont ever wanna start cereal than..Chat Icon )

Right now he's in his carrier on top of the dryer...hopefully it will be a quick fix to get him back to I can rest before getting up in a couple hours for work....

How is it possible that cereal is whats keeping him up???I just dont know what to do...Chat Icon

Posted 1/9/06 2:32 AM
Long Island Weddings
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LIF Adult

Member since 5/05

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Re: I dont know what to do...

I started Sidney yesterday with cereal again also....well its 6:30am and I've been up with her since 4:30. I fed her....she fell asleep and 10 minutes later she was up. She played with her aquarium, cried, I tried rocking her, nursing her again, letting her cry....she's still fussing around right now. So here I am waiting for her to hopefully fall asleep on her own. She's rubbing her eyes and yawning...not sure what else to do to help her. So I have no answers just saying I'm probably in the same boat as you. Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon

Posted 1/9/06 6:29 AM

Family of 5!

Member since 5/05

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<3 Mommy <3

Re: I dont know what to do...

Posted by dree

I started Sidney yesterday with cereal again also....well its 6:30am and I've been up with her since 4:30. I fed her....she fell asleep and 10 minutes later she was up. She played with her aquarium, cried, I tried rocking her, nursing her again, letting her cry....she's still fussing around right now. So here I am waiting for her to hopefully fall asleep on her own. She's rubbing her eyes and yawning...not sure what else to do to help her. So I have no answers just saying I'm probably in the same boat as you. Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon

How old is Sidney?

Posted 1/9/06 6:37 AM

LIF Adult

Member since 5/05

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Re: I dont know what to do...

Well...good morning! She is 6 months old today. She just cried herself to sleep Chat Icon Chat Icon She breaks my heart. We waited to give her cereal cause she has food allergy issues. We started last week with oatmeal and she got extra fussy and wasn't pooping. So I gave her a 4 day break and we gave her Rice cereal yesterday. I know that is binding also but didn't know what else to do. I'm not sure if most babies just have a hard time starting solids or if she is having a bad reaction Chat Icon Chat Icon

Posted 1/9/06 6:45 AM

My girls

Member since 7/05

4303 total posts


Re: I dont know what to do...

Why did the doctor want you to start at four months? That is early by most recommendations.

Especially since he's taking formula (which has iron), there shouldn't be a rush. Six months is the most frequent start time -- even for BF babies who need the iron.

Seems to me like four months is appropriate if the baby is demanding the food and enjoying it, not something that should be forced if it seems he isn't ready to digest it....

Posted 1/9/06 7:14 AM

Best Friends

Member since 6/05

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Re: I dont know what to do...

actually, I have always heard cereal starts at 4 months, I think 3 months is too early. I hope this is a fluke, cereal usually knocks them out. Good luck!

Posted 1/9/06 7:26 AM

Happy New Year

Member since 5/05

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Re: I dont know what to do...

Three months sounds early to me for cereal also. I'm surprised the ped recommended it so soon. It's probably taking a toll on his digestive system and that's what's keeping him up. I would wait - he'll let you know when he's ready.

My Ped recommended I start cereal at 4 months but Jake wasn't ready until about 2 weeks later.

Posted 1/9/06 9:04 AM

so outrageous

Member since 7/05

3853 total posts


Re: I dont know what to do...

Could it be the type of cereal??? My daughter had stomach issues from day 1 and she could not tollerate Rice cereal at all, it bound her up and gave her horribel gas!!!!

Posted 1/9/06 9:30 AM

my princess

Member since 10/05

2936 total posts


Re: I dont know what to do...

how much cereal did he eat? How was it diluted? I know I make 2 tbsp cereal with 5 tbspns formula. I don't know how much he actually gets down most of it is on his face. Could it be something else like a growth spurt? I also strted with oatmeal.

Posted 1/9/06 9:52 AM

My Everything

Member since 5/05

20541 total posts


Re: I dont know what to do...

Why do you feel bad about not starting him on cereal? If he was sleeping thrpugh the night he's not hungry.
We don't plan on solids until 6 months.

Posted 1/9/06 10:45 AM


Member since 5/05

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Re: I dont know what to do...

I'm sorry it's not going well, Marissa. Did you try oatmeal or barley? I stayed away from rice.

Posted 1/9/06 12:44 PM

Live in the Present

Member since 5/05

3572 total posts


Re: I dont know what to do...

If Ryan is really hungry and you straight cereal isn't working....maybe you can try adding some cereal to the bottle...he might tolerate it better...thats is what I had to do for James

Posted 1/9/06 1:07 PM

Where does time go?

Member since 12/05

9747 total posts


Re: I dont know what to do...

Message edited 12/16/2011 4:59:31 PM.

Posted 1/9/06 1:20 PM

LIF Adult

Member since 5/05

3372 total posts


Re: I dont know what to do...

If you would like some research on why starting foods before 6 months old is NOT a good idea you can read

There are many reasons that you should put this off. JMO.

Posted 1/9/06 2:45 PM

Family of 5!

Member since 5/05

15364 total posts

<3 Mommy <3

Re: I dont know what to do...

I dunno....Alot of pepole I know Dr.'s started there child at 3 months..??

My DR is all for waiting til 4 months..... and I feel bad because Ryan is just always hungry....He's taking 5+oz every 2.5 3 hrs.... and if you do the math...some days it adds up to way over 32 I was concerned....

He already sleeps through the its not like Im thinking this will hold him over....I just not sure if I should give it one whole week (because I know sometimes this takes time) or if I should just wait til next month...????

All I know was I feel like a mack truck hit me after being up all nightChat Icon

Should I start giving it to him at lunch time instead???? Id really rather put him off til next month...but is too much formula bad...and how much is to much...???

Posted 1/9/06 3:51 PM

Proud SAHM

Member since 5/05

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Re: I dont know what to do...

All babies are different.. its hard to make a statement like " I wont start until so and so" If your baby is starving and milk isnt cutting it.. guess what? Its cerial time!
of course I didnt WANT to start cerial so early but my mommy instincts knew when my baby was hungry.. it was also around 3 months..
There was no way I would of kept him hungry for 3 more months...

Marissa I dont know what to tell you.. maybe give it to him earlier in the day? I dont know what that would do but maybe he is just not comfy with the food in his system before he sleeps.. try it a few hours earlier?
Good luck..

Posted 1/9/06 4:12 PM

My Everything

Member since 5/05

20541 total posts


Re: I dont know what to do...

Posted by michele31

If you would like some research on why starting foods before 6 months old is NOT a good idea you can read

There are many reasons that you should put this off. JMO.

I agree.
We were told to start Miranda on cereal at 4 months and I am not doing it. Doctors don't know everything IMO.

Posted 1/9/06 4:13 PM

Family of 5!

Member since 5/05

15364 total posts

<3 Mommy <3

Re: I dont know what to do...

Posted by monkeybride

Doctors don't know everything IMO.

This is 100% correct but works both ways as well... Just because the DR says 4 months...dosent mean your son or daughter wont be ready before that month or after... Only mommy knows as Islndgrl stated!!!

For me...I dont think my boy is ready...maybe we'll give it a whirl next month...and see what happens...

BUT.... does anyone know the answer.... Is too much formula bad for them? and How much is too much....this is my only concern!

Message edited 1/9/2006 5:45:12 PM.

Posted 1/9/06 5:44 PM

LIF Adult

Member since 7/05

1063 total posts


Re: I dont know what to do...

As dumb as it sounds did you start with rice or oatmeal??

The reason I ask is cause the Rice cereal binded my son beyond belief.. although he ate it he was uncomfy and would not sleep AT ALL...

Tried teh oatmeal.. worked like a dream. Try oatmeal, if its rice you are having problems with.. hopefully your lil man doent get too uncomfy!! HTH!! Good luck!

Posted 1/9/06 6:10 PM

Family of 5!

Member since 5/05

15364 total posts

<3 Mommy <3

Re: I dont know what to do...

Posted by HereWeGoAgain

As dumb as it sounds did you start with rice or oatmeal??

The reason I ask is cause the Rice cereal binded my son beyond belief.. although he ate it he was uncomfy and would not sleep AT ALL...

Tried teh oatmeal.. worked like a dream. Try oatmeal, if its rice you are having problems with.. hopefully your lil man doent get too uncomfy!! HTH!! Good luck!

I did oatmeal 1st 2 nights... he had very lose stools, so last night I mixed rice n oatmeal together....

Posted 1/9/06 6:19 PM

My Everything

Member since 5/05

20541 total posts


Re: I dont know what to do...

Posted by Princessmaris

Posted by monkeybride

Doctors don't know everything IMO.

This is 100% correct but works both ways as well... Just because the DR says 4 months...dosent mean your son or daughter wont be ready before that month or after... Only mommy knows as Islndgrl stated!!!

For me...I dont think my boy is ready...maybe we'll give it a whirl next month...and see what happens...

BUT.... does anyone know the answer.... Is too much formula bad for them? and How much is too much....this is my only concern!

I think its good to listen to your instinct that you think he's not ready.
I don't really know the answer about formula but almost of my friends who BF wait 6 months or more before introducing solids, they just feed on demans. I would think if formula is patterened after BM it should be OK to give him what he needs until his body is ready to tolerate solids.
I know its so hard trying to figure out what is best for your baby when know one knows for sure what the right answer to so many questions is.

Posted 1/9/06 6:26 PM

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