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I should have been covered up shouldn't I have...

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I'm getting old

Member since 5/05

8688 total posts


I should have been covered up shouldn't I have...

Back in January Jeremy got an x-ray to make sure he didnt swallow anything when we had our little trip to the hospital. Anywho when he was getting the x-ray I was standing next to him trying to comfort him. Getting AF this morning for the first time since Jeremy was born Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon made me realize that I was never covered up when he got his x-rays. That could be bad couldnt it...

Posted 3/5/06 10:58 AM
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Re: I should have been covered up shouldn't I have...

Not a doctor or radiation tech, but if you got AF and aren't pregnant, I'd say not to worry about it. In the future, talk to tech about it.

Posted 3/5/06 11:13 AM

My Boys

Member since 6/05

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Re: I should have been covered up shouldn't I have...

Being you weren't pregnant, the little exposure to the radiation isn't going to do much harm. Don't stress over it. Chat Icon

Posted 3/5/06 11:45 AM

I'm getting old

Member since 5/05

8688 total posts


Re: I should have been covered up shouldn't I have...

Phew - good. I didn't want to mess up future kiddies KWIM

Posted 3/5/06 11:48 AM

My Everything

Member since 5/05

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Re: I should have been covered up shouldn't I have...

Probably should have but honestly I don't think one exposure is all that bad, especially since it turns out you aren't pregnant.

Posted 3/5/06 6:21 PM


Member since 5/05

3416 total posts


Re: I should have been covered up shouldn't I have...

As an xray tech i am going to say that the fact that you werent covered up was HORRIBLE on the part of the technologist. I dont know if you mind me asking but where did your son have the xray taken? The most important thing we were taught in xray school is radiation protection. Not only for the patient but for parents (esp mothers) who have to hold a child. Dont freak out and think that you can never have children b/c you weren't shielded, but that is a serious F up on the part of that tech. Where i work we have to shield anyone who holds a child or elderly person and then log that persons name in a log book saying we shielded them to prevent any lawsuits down the road such as not being able to conceive a child and them blaming us for not shielding them. We would also be fired for making that kind of mistake.

Again, I dont want to scare you into thinking you will never have children would have to be exposed a lot more and for a long period of time for that to happen, but we take precaution. actually flying in an airplane is equivalent to a chest xray!!

I just hope your son was shielded properly!! Next time you have to go for an xray for your son or yourself, if they dont come at you with a lead shield, demand it!!

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Posted 3/5/06 9:10 PM

Growing up soo fast..

Member since 1/06

14917 total posts


Re: I should have been covered up shouldn't I have...

sorry to intrude on your board - just wanted to reassure you that one time wont do you any harm. I am a dental assistant and once in a blue moon have to stand in the room with a patient who cant hold the xray in place himself. Since you got AF - you have nothing to worry about.
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Posted 3/5/06 11:52 PM

I'm getting old

Member since 5/05

8688 total posts


Re: I should have been covered up shouldn't I have...

It was done at Central Suffolk Hospital in Riverhead. The tech did ask if I was pregnant, which Im not Chat Icon but then never mentioned another thing about it. They took 2 pictures of him. Was it bad that his little body got that radiation?? BTW - we have been on 2 planes and we are going again on Saturday... now you have me thinking about that and their little bodies. Poor kiddies!Chat Icon

Message edited 3/6/2006 12:02:17 AM.

Posted 3/6/06 12:01 AM


Member since 5/05

3416 total posts


Re: I should have been covered up shouldn't I have...

Posted by KPtoys

It was done at Central Suffolk Hospital in Riverhead. The tech did ask if I was pregnant, which Im not Chat Icon but then never mentioned another thing about it. They took 2 pictures of him. Was it bad that his little body got that radiation?? BTW - we have been on 2 planes and we are going again on Saturday... now you have me thinking about that and their little bodies. Poor kiddies!Chat Icon

Well at least they asked if you were pregnant. No as long as your son's jewels were covered up theres nothing to worry about. Again, being exposed like you were is not a life threatening thing, its just poor judgement on the part of that tech. And flying in a plane does expose you to radiation but so does walking down the street in sunlight. Its no big deal. Its called background radiation and just being alive everday exposes you to radiation. Dont worry, it just upset me to hear what that tech did. Its called unethical behavior in the xray field. You're totally fine!!! Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon

ETA: Being pregnant or getting AF should not be only reasons you are shielded. Its what the radiation does to the cells in the body. Especially sex cells such as the egg and sperm. They are the most sensitive to radiation and so children and adults in child bearing age should always be shielded 100% of the time. This was a one time thing for you so nothing bad will happen, but just so you know for the next time.

Message edited 3/6/2006 12:53:43 PM.

Posted 3/6/06 12:46 PM

I'm getting old

Member since 5/05

8688 total posts


Re: I should have been covered up shouldn't I have...

Thanks, I am 99% sure Jeremy was covered. I know they had a lead cover on the base of the thing that "held him in". I was more worried about morphing my eggs. I know it wasn't a lot of radiation but just that chance... makes me wanna call the hospital and b*tch. KWIM

Posted 3/6/06 1:28 PM

Happy Birthday baby girl!!

Member since 5/05

1663 total posts


Re: I should have been covered up shouldn't I have...

I just took Gianna for xrays last week and they asked me if I was pregnant and I told them no and still had me cover up

Posted 3/6/06 3:45 PM

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