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Insurance question--Any NYPD Sgt's wives out there?

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LIF Infant

Member since 8/06

262 total posts


Insurance question--Any NYPD Sgt's wives out there?


I've been off an on clomid for the past year. I am covered under my husband's union prescription plan (SBA), which did not cover the clomid.

It looks like I will probably need to go to injectibles if I don't get pg by next month, but I am concerned that his prescription plan won't cover the medication.

Does anyone know if the SBA covers any gonatropins? If not, how much does it run if you have to pay out of pocket?

Any help would be appreciated.


Posted 8/28/06 6:28 AM
Long Island Weddings
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LIF Infant

Member since 8/06

262 total posts


Re: Insurance question--Any NYPD Sgt's wives out there?

I just called. The SBA covers no fertility medication, injectibles, etc. at all.

Posted 8/28/06 2:11 PM

Best Friends

Member since 6/05

10228 total posts


Re: Insurance question--Any NYPD Sgt's wives out there?

MY DH works for NYC, not NYPD though. I know when we signed up for inusrance he was offered to buy a prescription rider with GHI. Can you do that?

Posted 8/28/06 3:22 PM

LIF Infant

Member since 8/06

262 total posts


Re: Insurance question--Any NYPD Sgt's wives out there?

It's worth asking.

Posted 8/28/06 10:13 PM

Best Friends

Member since 6/05

10228 total posts


Re: Insurance question--Any NYPD Sgt's wives out there?

good luck and let us know how it works out.

Posted 8/28/06 10:22 PM

Hope is Contagious....catch it

Member since 5/05

30683 total posts


Re: Insurance question--Any NYPD Sgt's wives out there?

Which Gonatropin do you need??
I have Chorionic Gonatropin still left over over from my IVF cycle that I hat eto throw away.

Posted 8/28/06 10:43 PM

LIF Infant

Member since 8/06

262 total posts


Re: Insurance question--Any NYPD Sgt's wives out there?

Thanks so much for offering.

I have no idea what I will need. I still have 2 more tries strictly on clomid. I haven't met with the RE to discuss the next steps, but my ob/gyn mentioned getting a shot.

I'm just stressing out now that I know that my insurance does not cover the meds at all.

Posted 8/29/06 6:22 AM

LIF Infant

Member since 4/06

193 total posts


Re: Insurance question--Any NYPD Sgt's wives out there?

DH and I have the GHI rider that covers some prescription medication (his diabetic supplies). Have you contacted your insurance company? I really don't know if they will cover infertility meds, but it is worth looking into. Also, the transfer period (for changing your insurance carrier) is in October.
Good luck!

Posted 8/29/06 7:20 AM

LIF Adult

Member since 1/06

1018 total posts


Re: Insurance question--Any NYPD Sgt's wives out there?

My husband is a police officer (nypd) and we are switching to GHI insurance in Oct (this is the one chance a year that we have to change insurance) My clomid was not covered either but I too am looking into a rider with GHI to get more coverage. Good luck and if you hear anything promising please forum mail me Thanks Chat Icon

Posted 8/30/06 4:19 PM

LIF Infant

Member since 8/06

262 total posts


Re: Insurance question--Any NYPD Sgt's wives out there?

We have the high option rider already with GHI, but I was under the impression that would only apply to medical coverage, not prescription coverage. With that we are stuck with what the SBA union prescription plan covers, which is nothing.

Posted 9/5/06 10:05 PM

Best Friends

Member since 6/05

10228 total posts


Re: Insurance question--Any NYPD Sgt's wives out there?

DH had a specific GHI RX rider.

Posted 9/5/06 10:18 PM

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