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Member since 8/05 25463 total posts
Family Vent...UPDATE
Well my brother and SILmoved to NC in feb, so since I dont see my niece and nephew as much I try and send them things monthly, sometimes is money and sometimes its gifts, so I checked the place I sent the gifts and they were delivered. I have since talked to my brother and SIL and niether said thanks. Now not to be petty but is it that hard to say thanks. Im not asking for a parade but man just a "thanks aunt Jenn" would be cool. I guess I should not be suprised, when they moved mom and I went down and bought things for the new house for them and not once did SIL say thanks. Sorry to vent but I am aggrivated
Update: Brother just called and said thanks, Evne the kids 5 & 2 said thanks so I feel a bilt better. Thanks again for the vent.
Message edited 8/27/2006 11:06:13 AM.
Posted 8/27/06 10:20 AM |
Long Island Weddings
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Totally in love

Member since 8/06 12785 total posts
Name: Bonnie-Jean
Re: Family Vent
My brother and his wife have never had any of their children say thanks for anything. Therefore, my gifts stopped. I figured I'd wait until they were older and more appreciative themselves until I started gifting again.
Posted 8/27/06 10:24 AM |
The Perfect Pair

Member since 5/06 19861 total posts
Name: Best Wife & Mommy
Re: Family Vent
See, some parents do not take the time to teach their children to send thank you cards and if the children are not of age I can't see why on earth they cannot do it. I have this problem with DH nieces and they never say thanks when they call or even send a thank you card. What DH and I now do is whenever they call asking for something we tell them straight up no because their manners are atrocious. Not until they get their manners together so now they are learning to say thanks.
Posted 8/27/06 10:29 AM |

Member since 5/05 12823 total posts
Name: janet
Re: Family Vent...UPDATE
i am glad you got what you where looking for , but you are right it does not take that much to say ty but yet the most important words in life are rarly said.... i love you or thank you
Posted 8/27/06 12:02 PM |
Sweet Jessie Quinn

Member since 5/05 27567 total posts
Name: Janice
Re: Family Vent...UPDATE
I could have written this post myself. DH has 2 nieces in MI(age 4 and 2) and a nephew in FL(19 mos).
We rarely see them, so we get together packages all year long. V-day, Easter, 4th of July, Halloween. Usually t-shirts, pjs..
Then for b-days and Christmas, we send savings bonds. I send the bonds so that there is some record for when they get older that we cared. We never get phone calls to say packages were received.
This summer, it was the girls b-day, in addition to savings bonds, we sent this tire swing things..100.00 a piece! I thought it was excessive, but DH thought he wanted to do it before we have mortgage and baby. Never got a call to say they were received.
I don't understand it at all. I would be so happy that my kids had this great long distance aunt that wants to be part of their life. I hope things change for you.
Posted 8/27/06 12:53 PM |
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