I have to vent or I am going to STRANGLE my MIL!!!! REALLY long!!!
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Stop 2 smell the roses

Member since 5/05 2048 total posts
Name: Maxine
I have to vent or I am going to STRANGLE my MIL!!!! REALLY long!!!
My IL's live REALLY close by and are used to seeing my son every other day.
Since DH started his new job and works nights and sleeps days we haven't been able to go over nearly as often as usual. So today after DH went to work I called my FIL and asked if he wanted to see Anthony.
Of course he did so I brought him over and my MIL wanted to take him to the park. She was also taking the dogs for a walk and there is no way she can control two dogs AND a two year old so I went with her. ( BTW she tried taking him and the 2 dogs to the park once before and my son wound up with RUG BURN on his neck from where the leash got wrapped around his neck and it was sooo bad it looked like someone tried to strangle him to death! and she tried to blame it on me when I was at work!!!!!!!) Every five seconds shes yelling at me " Dont let him go over there" "Dont let him do that" "Becareful he dosent get too close to the pond" I wanted to rip my hair out!!!!!!! I have been taking care of him for almost 2 1/2 years.. I think I know what I am doing by now
Then she wanted to take him by the slide. It was already late.. I was getting eaten alive by bugs and I said no not tonight its already late he will never want to come inside. So of COURSE she takes him to the slide and when shes ready to leave after less then 5 min of him playing he throws a hissy fit and starts screaming and crying. Then I have to be the bad guy and drag him away from the slide b/c now she is busy with the stupid dogs.
Then 2 min. after she just yelled at me that he was too close to the pond ( he was AT LEAST 10 feet away from it) she is brining him over to the LEDGE of the pond so he can look in the water. I had JUST SAID dont let him walk over there, its dark and there is geese poop all over and he can't see where he is stepping.
Then she gets annoyed that he is running around - I guess b/c he got a little ahead of us, but she's SCREAMING to him... I mean give me a break he is 2 years old and at the park what do you expect him to do??? twiddle his thumbs and watch you walk the dog?!?!?!?!
In her defense she is usually really good with him but she gets in these moods - conveniently its usually when DH is not around where she questions every little thing I do, tries to tell me how to raise my child, corrects everything I am doing, Pushes me to do things that he is not ready for ( for example potty training) and just generally tries to completly take over!!!!! She never really does it when DH is around b/c he puts her in her place RIGHT AWAY. He will yell and scream at her and then take Anthony home.... I just can't be that mean to my mil... I usually have no problem with confrontation but Its my MIL and she does ALOT for us. I dont know why she acts this way sometimes. Other times she can be soooooooo nice and sweet and easy to get along with!!
Message edited 6/10/2005 2:34:20 AM.
Posted 6/10/05 2:29 AM |
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Stop 2 smell the roses

Member since 5/05 2048 total posts
Name: Maxine
Re: I have to vent or I am going to STRANGLE my MIL!!!! REALLY long!!!
Oh and also my son has sensetive skin so whenever its really hot out he gets a little sweat rash/irritation on his chest and upper back. As soon as she sees it shes it she GASPS like she just discovered he has 3 arms or is missing a body part and starts telling me what I should be putting on it ( which I am already I am not stupid ) and then after looking at it some more she tells me its not irritation it is the chicken Pox. I told her NO its sweat irritation every single of the 3 summers he has been alive he has gotten it and EVERY single time she has told me it was chicken pox Your not a Dr.!!!!!! I know you raised 3 kids but you know what ?? that was 30 years ago!!!
Message edited 6/10/2005 2:50:09 AM.
Posted 6/10/05 2:41 AM |
Member since 5/05 6297 total posts
Name: Tracey - brideinapril
Re: I have to vent or I am going to STRANGLE my MIL!!!! REALLY long!!!
AWWWWW, I feel for you! You've described my father to a tee!! So, I know how you are feeling, and it is so irritating, annoying, frustrating, exhausting! Believe me, I wish I had an answer, I've gotten into many arguements with my Dad over this but it doesn't make any difference, he listens, then the next time he's right back to where he was!
Posted 6/10/05 8:31 AM |

Member since 5/05 23599 total posts
Name: Stefanie
Re: I have to vent or I am going to STRANGLE my MIL!!!! REALLY long!!!
Wow...I would have pushed her in the pond by now. I don't know how you are calm with her. I would want to pull my hair out! I'm sorry that you have a crazy MIL. I'm not looking forward to this part of having a baby with a psycho MIL as well.
It's hard not to be rude but be direct at the same time. I feel for you!!!!
Posted 6/10/05 1:39 PM |
5 weeks till I'm a big sister

Member since 5/05 2642 total posts
Name: Jennifer
Re: I have to vent or I am going to STRANGLE my MIL!!!! REALLY long!!!
I feel for you and I know what your going through cuz my mother in law is the same exact way. I thoguht I was the only one who had a pain in the booty MIL glad to see I aint the only one but sorry for you that you have one like I do
Posted 6/13/05 12:44 PM |
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