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I hate renting

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My Everything!

Member since 11/05

35670 total posts


I hate renting

We live in a house in Huntington that we rent - we cannot afford to buy a house at all. DH is divorced with 2 kids that he pays child support for, mom lives in the house, and now he is currently out of work - he works part time and does some things here and there to make ends meet, and I have a very good job, but we are not doing too great financially (the PG, although a wonderful event - was an unplanned surprise)

We rent a 2 bedroom house in Huntington and we love the area, but our landlord just told us - after we got home from our 1st dr. appt - that he is looking to move back in around April - long story, but this is what it is. He is sympatheic and said we may have til the end of the summer, but the baby is due in April!

we may have to start looking after xmas - I dont know what will be harder - moving when PG, pr moving with a young infant - also, I am so worried about being able to find a place in an ideal location (meaning - not all the way out East) - but closer to the Huntington area. We will need 3 bedrooms now, plus we have a cat.

DH had a tough time finding a 1 bdrm apt to rent when he went looking with his daughters - who will rent to a whole family?

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I know I shouldnt worry, but I am - its a terrible feeling to not know where we are going to be living with our new baby... We have lived in the house we are at for about 2 or 3 years at this point....

Any advice?

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Posted 8/18/06 1:28 PM
Long Island Weddings
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My Everything!

Member since 11/05

35670 total posts


Re: I hate renting

Tough one, huh? Chat Icon

Posted 8/18/06 1:36 PM

Life is good...

Member since 9/05

18504 total posts


Re: I hate renting

IMO, I would look before the baby comes. This way you can be somewhat settled when the baby arrives.

Posted 8/18/06 1:39 PM

My Everything!

Member since 11/05

35670 total posts


Re: I hate renting

Posted by pmpkn087

IMO, I would look before the baby comes. This way you can be somewhat settled when the baby arrives.

Thats what I was thinking.... This really blows...

Posted 8/18/06 1:40 PM

LIF Adult

Member since 9/05

1390 total posts


Re: I hate renting

I agree, look before the baby comes. It will be so hard to tote around a newborn. I would move asap even though you love ur place.

Posted 8/18/06 1:43 PM


Member since 5/05

11726 total posts


Re: I hate renting

It's not impossible, I would just say start looking early and then pace yourself with the packing.

Our pg was unplanned also and decided to buy a house when our lease was up. I was 5 months pg when we moved. I started doing some light packing 3-4 weeks before the actual move. I packed the stuff DH moved the boxes. We hired mover who did the big stuff.

Posted 8/18/06 1:43 PM

Turning a new page

Member since 5/05

9731 total posts


Re: I hate renting

I would start looking now!

Look on craigslist and in the paper for the non-fee apartments- I've had a lot of success and haven't had to pay a fee in years.

(we rent too)

Posted 8/18/06 1:53 PM

Almost there!

Member since 7/06

7376 total posts


Re: I hate renting

I would start looking now. It's time-consuming and you'll have more time to do it now than later on.

Try Craigslist if you haven't already. We found our apartment on CL last year and are quite pleased with it although some days I wish we had a yard. We are going to stay put though since they let our dog live there.

Best of luck! Chat Icon

Posted 8/18/06 1:55 PM


Member since 7/06

2467 total posts


Re: I hate renting

i agree - start looking asap!!!

Posted 8/18/06 2:15 PM

Big sister!!!!!!!!!!

Member since 12/05

17450 total posts


Re: I hate renting

why dont you look at complexes vs peoples houses. I found that many of my phone calls were "No kids allowed" type situations. I just moved to sayville. Look in the paper. There are still many places out there. Also maybe put a post on NFR looking for 2 bdrm. there are so many people over there. Someone is bound to know somebody. Good Luck!

Posted 8/18/06 2:25 PM

LIF Adult

Member since 11/05

6870 total posts


Re: I hate renting

I can relate to what you are going through! We just moved 2 months ago ( i am due in 2 weeks) and it was hard not knowing where we'd end up, what we could afford...we certainly couldn't afford to buy right now...and we were in a small 1 bedroom ..

Craigslist was the savior. I started posting actually on the boards a few months prior to us needing to move...people replied with places and we visited what we could, when we could. Finally we found a great 3 bedroom for LESS than we were spending on the 1 bedroom (we live in virginia though, right near DC). I would start there...and post as many specifics as you can as to what you want-good luck to you, something WILL come along, it just may take seeing a few places first!

Posted 8/18/06 2:25 PM

My Everything!

Member since 11/05

35670 total posts


Re: I hate renting

Thanks for all your responses ladies - I know this is not an easy one!!!

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Posted 8/18/06 2:27 PM


Member since 5/05

15952 total posts


Re: I hate renting

I would look now too.

Most apt. renters do not want kids in them. I know, it stinks in your situation but if someone is renting our part of their house all they are thinking about is the soon-to-be three kids and the two of you.

With the housing market softening there are a lot of houses that are not selling and are now going up for rentals instead. Not sure if this would be a great solution because they could also still want to sell.

It seems like a house rental would be the best solution for you.

Are you limited to certain areas due to kids his?

Posted 8/18/06 3:30 PM

My Everything!

Member since 11/05

35670 total posts


Re: I hate renting

Posted by Tah-wee-ZAH

I would look now too.

Most apt. renters do not want kids in them. I know, it stinks in your situation but if someone is renting our part of their house all they are thinking about is the soon-to-be three kids and the two of you.

With the housing market softening there are a lot of houses that are not selling and are now going up for rentals instead. Not sure if this would be a great solution because they could also still want to sell.

It seems like a house rental would be the best solution for you.

Are you limited to certain areas due to kids his?

we definitely need a house - his kids are 15 and 9 - both bdays in January - so they will be 16 and 10 - they visit, not live - and we need to be near them for pick up for visits - so the only really small child would be ours, and then theres the cat....

Posted 8/18/06 3:44 PM

LIF Adolescent

Member since 8/06

614 total posts


Re: I hate renting

HD and I found a great rental on Craig's List and moved when I was 35 weeks pregnant. Now that I have a 9 week old I think it was better to move while pregnant rather than with an infant. Good luck.

Posted 8/18/06 8:49 PM

I am a lucky Momma!

Member since 7/05

15652 total posts


Re: I hate renting

I was about 25 weeks pregnant when I moved, and then moved again when the baby was 3 months old. It is really difficult but I was lucky to have a lot of help from friends and family.

I say start looking now -- and if you can move in before the baby is born even better, since that move was easier for me (but mostly because every one else did the heavy lifting!)

Good luck!

Posted 8/18/06 9:12 PM

My Big Boy!

Member since 10/05

2383 total posts


Re: I hate renting

I think you start looking now. As you get further along it will be harder to pack and move.

I can understand an apartment landlord saying no kids, but when renting a whole house I would think many landlords would allow kids.

Good Luck!

Posted 8/18/06 9:19 PM

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